Very first sc visit

What was your very first sc visit like? Was it anything like you expected?
Here is how my first visit to a club went. I was 18 and i only had $20. I saw a club that said 18 and up nude dancing. I was shy and had no idea how this thing worked. I walked into the first door and this huge body builder dude is there behind a half door off to the side. I tried to open the second door that was straight ahead and walk right in. The big dude started yelling at me and told me I had to pay the cover first so i gave him $5 for the cover and my id. I told him this was my first time, how does this work? He told me it was a 2 drink min @ $5 ea. Non alcoholic of course. He asked what I wanted so he would have my drinks sent out.
I walked in and sat at a table and watched a girl I didn't find very attractive. A waitress brought me 2 cokes and collected my $10. Then I watched the next girl get on stage and she had huge bouncy tits. I thought wow this is great. I was watching her and she kept motioning me to come over to the stage. I kept shaking my head no because I had no idea what she wanted. I did not knows yet that dancers make money off of tips and that is what she wanted. I was just trying to watch and figure this whole thing out.
Next another cute petite dancer in a sexy dress came over and asked if she could sit down. I told her to do whatever she wanted so she sat down and started making small talk. Then the waitress came back and asked me if I wanted to buy the lady a drink and the dancer sitting with me was saying how thirsty she was. I had two drinks in front of me so I said ok and pushed the drink I haven't drank out of yet in front of her and said here have this one. The waitress told me thst was my drink and I was not allowed to do that. She asked again if I would buy her a drink for only $10. I only had $5 left so I insisted the dancer could have my extra drink because I wasn't going to drink it. I told the waitress I didn't have enough so if she is thirsty she better drink that I had lots to learn. I was annoyed because the girl sitting with me kept trying to talk to me and all I wanted to do is watch Miss tits on stage.
Miss tits got off stage and came over and asked me why i wouldnt go to her stage. She asked if I didn't like her. At the same time the dancer sitting with me left and the waitress came back to ask if I wanted to buy tits a drink. Tits was also asking me to go to the back with her. I asked for what? She is saying oh you know. I didn't know so I told her no a couple times before she left. Then another dancer started to head over. I was scared shitless so I jumped up and ran out the door. I still had enough money to go to McD so I went there and pigged out then went home.
I never went back to that club again. Shortly after that it was closed.
How did your first time go?
last commentI remember when I still lived in the Chicago area, me and a high school buddy I still keep up with went to Chicago to the Admiral Theater. We went there because that was the only place I saw that advertised in the Sun-Times. I remember being transfixed by the nude dancers on stage, of which there was a wide variety, and got some air dances that I thought were totally impressive. I remember the last girl I got an air dance from, a girl named Rain, and then I remember the long drive home in a raging downpour. In retrospect, it was totally lame, but at the time, I was totally impressed.
I was 18 had a fake ID. alked into a sc. Grabed a table & was joined by a 40 year old milf whith a great body. We did a few VIP's. Which ended up in BBFSCP
I can't remember
Went to a club 40- years ago and they had a feature dancer (touring magazine model)that did a fire dance smearing flames all over her body. She got down to a very small G string (topless only state) but would quick flash a little kitty. No lap dance booths (I do not think I would have had the guts to get a lapper as a teenager anyway) in those days but she came around to the tables for extra tips for a hug and kiss.
I was 16 with a full grown beard and fake ass ID .... Walked in the door and ordered to shots of their fineast burbon and wiskies....then i proseded to face fuck one of them big tired prositoots....
It was spearmint rhino in Vegas. I was totally clueless. I got one lap dance, couldn't believe that she let me play with her tits, and I came half way thru the first song. I had on light colored pants so I left after ten minutes with this huge stain covering the front of my pants. Only spent about $25 though.
My very first happened in the 70's. It was really a theater that happened to have a topless performer on stage. I was college age, dancer was a 30 something- show nowhere near as interactive as they are now. I thought, ok, I saw a topless woman old enough to be my aunt, can I have 1 hour of my life back. It would be several years and club visits later before I would tally a club visit on the positive side of the ledger.
My very first visit happened in 2009. I was in town for the weekend for a Vikings game. My friend and I went to a club called Deja Vu in Minnesota and I got one lap dance from a girl who I think was mixed-race. From what I remember, it wasn't an air dance, but it was also very minimal contact. I remember the lap dance being out on the open floor and you weren't really allowed to touch. We didn't stay that long- only about an hour. At the time, not knowing any better, I was happy with the dance. Later down the road I found out it gets much better. :)
Did I tell you about my tommy guns ablazing. ? Cause I did
My first was a truck stop shithole if a place called cafe risqué between Atlanta and Greenville SC back in 2002. I was nervous and didn't know what was going on but still had a good time. I still remember the slender blonde wearing the motorcycle chaps. Damn she was sexy, and smelled delicious. Spent maybe $20 on stage tips, drinks, and entry.
It was the summer of 1961. 4 of us right out of high school piled into my '49 Chevy and drove down to TJ. No interstates back then. It was a 3 hour drive down US101 through a dozen little beach towns. We crossed the border and drove right into TJ. We gave no thought to the dangers of driving in Mexico. We didn't know any better. We arrived about 9PM and parked on a side street just off of Revolución.
As we walked along the streets we were pestered by little kids selling gum. We saw the beggars sitting on the side walks with their hands out. We saw the taco carts selling their tacos for 10 cents each. We saw tourists getting their photos taken on the donkey carts wearing big sombreros. The taxi drivers offering girls and Tijuana bibles(porno books). No one offered any donkey shows.
Then there were the hawkers. Standing out in front of every strip club. Must have been 20 or so of them with names like Pigalle, Green Door and Blue Fox. I even had a bumper sticker that read "Eat at the Blue Fox". Anyhow these hawkers would promise you that their were plenty of hot women inside just waiting for you. If you bit he would show you in. He would walk a little ahead of you and using a flashlight let everyone know customers were coming into. The band would crank up and a dancer would rush to get on stage. Then you saw the truth. Another shit hole with no customers and a couple of fat old broads.
We finally found the Blue Fox. Now this is what we had heard about and the reason we were there. The place was jumping. A brass band played bump and grind all night long. Must have been 100 customers. A lot of them sailors from San Diego. Probably 50 dancers. By my standards today, I would probably have passed on all of them. But when your a horny 18 yo and in your first strip club/whore house, they looked pretty sexy. Mostly 30-40ish and on the plump side.
If I remember correctly beer and shots of tequila were 25 cents and nobody checking ID's LOL. Lots of male waiters around to take your order. The dancers would go on stage and do a true burlesque strip till totally nude and then put on a sex show. I remember looking around for my buddy and finally noticed him on stage. A dancer was laying on her back on the low rail that ran around the stage. She had a guy sucking each tip and one brave sole had his head between her legs. My buddy was getting a mouth full of tit.
While the show was going on, on stage, the other whores would roam around the room trying to dig up business. They didn't speak much English. It was pretty much "Fucky Fucky $10". They would grab your dick and yell "look at the banana". If you turned them down they would accuse you of being queer.
Finally Chuck decided to take one of them to the back room. He gave me all of his money to hold except for the $10 he needed to pay her. 15 minutes later he comes out and asks me for another $10. She slipped his watch off while he wasn't paying attention and demanded $10 more to give it back. Chuck got his watch back. He described the room as a small cubby hole with a cot, a roll of toilet paper and a card board box for the used tissue. No condoms. Back then we only used them to keep from knocking up our girl friends. If we got lucky. LOL.
While we were walking from one club to the next Kenny needed to piss. So he stepped into an ally, pulled it out and let it go. Somebody blew a whistle and next thing we know there is a cop there shaking us down. $20 or your friend goes to jail. We paid it.
Around 6AM we had had enough and stumbled out into the bright sunshine. It was an even longer drive home.
Was 18 and friends took me to Oz in Clearwater, FL. Friends made sure to tell every dancer it was my first time and most proceeding to pull my head into their crotches while on stage. Got a few dances from a sexy lil blonde who let me finger her and started stroking me a bit. That was the start of my journey.
While in college in 1969 I went to see the featured dancer at a strip club in the Printer's Alley section of Nashville, Tn. Her name was Morganna. For those of you old enough to remember, she was famous for running out on major league sports fields and kissing a particular player during the game. She made all the papers and was probably arrested more than once. Good publicity for her strip club act. She went totally nude, which was a pleasant surprise for us. This was before the era of lap dances.
early 80s.. some dive bar in Kansas... back then the dollar in the garter got an open mouth kiss... I thought I died and went to heaven... LOL...
in the late 80s, a friend and I visited a sleazy club in Kings Cross, Sydney. I was nervous as all hell and needed a few drinks before entering. Looking back, it was obvious that he had visited before because he seemed to take the whole experience in his stride (well, until the end of the night, anyway). So, he negotiates and pays the entry fee and we enter down a long, red corridor. Man, was this place ever a dive. I was transfixed as we watched the strippers do their stuff. As much of a dive as this was, I was in heaven! After all, I had never seen this shit before. Not long after entering, we realised that all of the girls roaming around (and they were mostly ugly) were hookers. Typically, they would fondle your dick through your pants while propositioning you. I was scared shitless when I saw what was happening. Only one hooker tried it on me. I was too scared to move or say anything as her fingers fondled my dick. She soon left, disgusted at my non response to her advances (well, except for a raging boner). Soon after that, a stripper with a snake came out and my mate high-tailed it out of there. I found it amusing that he was as scared of the snake as I was at the whole experience.
I was 20 years old, and on the bus to school everyday we would always pass this sign that said "exotic dancers". It was a juice bar, I finally went in. I maybe got a couple of dances and got some nibbling on my ear and neck. I was feeling pretty good leaving that club. Looking back it wasn't anything special, but it wasn't so bad where I never wanted to go to a strip club again.