What would you do if you walked into a sc and there were only 2 dancers there. Judge Judy is on one stage swinging on a pole with a come hither look and she has lots of cupcakes. She is saying to you," come here and eat my cupcake".
The next stage has Martha Stuart in a dominatrix outfit cracking a whip and saying," come over here and get on your knees bitch"!
Then you turn around to run and the door is locked with 2 huge floor guys standing there with their arms crossed giving you the evil eye. You tell them you want to leave but they say not until you take one of them to the vip.
What would you do? Would you do a vip or fight your way out knowing you were going to recieve an ass kicking?
On South Park Martha Stuart put a turkey up her ass.
I know what you are thinking. "Couldn't happen in real life." Au contraire, mon frere. I totally heard that she did it in real life. With enough KY you can put anything up your ass.
One good thing about having our favorite turd in the punchbowl, Mr. Ad, on ignore is that I don't have to hear 'bout all the stuff he puts up his anus. Where do you think I heard that "with sufficient KY you can put anything up your ass"?
^^^ Papi-dude, agreed. Judge Judy make my balls climb back into my body cavity. But how 'bout if we added the woman who played Kitty Forman on 'That 70s Show' as a third possibility?
And how would "ability to shove a roast turkey up her ass" play into the choice. If JJ was able to accomplish that feat would make you more willing to watch her strip?
There are some great posts from everyone here... I remember Martha stewart on south park shoving that turkey up her ass. That is awesome. She was hot when she was younger too. I was trying to think of a third dancer here but I like that idea of Kitty from that 70' s show being in the equasion...
How about Jiggs Judy on the man show. That was awesome. She bent over so you could see her massive cleavage every time she banged her gavel...
last commentWhich two? The two floor guys or Judge Judy and Martha.
I know what you are thinking. "Couldn't happen in real life." Au contraire, mon frere. I totally heard that she did it in real life. With enough KY you can put anything up your ass.
But I CANNOT STAND that bitch judge Judy – I’d take Martha – I’d think Martha was probably a nice looking woman in her day.
Dat shizzle be seriously fucked up!
Papi-dude, agreed. Judge Judy make my balls climb back into my body cavity. But how 'bout if we added the woman who played Kitty Forman on 'That 70s Show' as a third possibility?
And how would "ability to shove a roast turkey up her ass" play into the choice. If JJ was able to accomplish that feat would make you more willing to watch her strip?
I see that as an endearing quality :). Tells me the woman is up for almost anything!!!
How about Jiggs Judy on the man show. That was awesome. She bent over so you could see her massive cleavage every time she banged her gavel...
Kerp it going guys...lol