
"Thou shalt not do blind laps"

Blue Ridge Foothills
So sayeth Z Bone. I sayeth not. Sure, if I see a girl's laps in advance, I'll take note, but it can almost be like a movie trailer that gives away too much of the plot. Do you spy before you buy?


  • ShotDisc
    19 years ago
    helping to rid the world of insane postings
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    If I see one girl who puts out more than all the others, I'm more apt to develop a vibe with her.
    19 years ago
    T-bone, I agree completely. I think what a stripper does with someone else is a poor indicator of what she's likely to do with me.
  • T-Bone
    19 years ago
    I do blind laps all the time. IME, dance quality has much more to do with the vibe between you and the stripper than her performances for others.

    19 years ago
    Now that I think about it, the best laps I've ever had were ones I've done blind. Of course there have been some bad ones too. I don't think there's any way to tell in advance.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I have done some blind laps as well. Some were fantastic, some ok, and some sucked. What is even worse is when the dancer asks how her dance is compared to others during the middle of the dance. If you tell her the truth that it's just ok then it might suck after you say that. If you tell her a lie, then she'll continue on and might not bother to try changing anything. If you tell her that her dance is not that great then you risk making the dance really suck. So if I just respond "it's ok", then I think it's mediocre. I don't want to spend money on something that is just ok.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    Thank you, AN. Fortunately, I got most of my experience at negotiating while using the funds of insurance companies.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Chitown you are a born negotiator.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    I go along with the relevance objection. My luck would be that the guy who got the quasi-sexual molestation lap dance before me is a regular who drops a couple large on this girl a week, and gets treated appropriately, whereas I am just some schmuck in town on business for an evening...and get treated appropriately. My screening method relies on personal experience, and obviously depends on the menu a particular club offers...first tipping at the rail, then a couch dance, then the big kahuna of VIP. This progression involves an orderly and reciprocal increase in commitment...money from me, contact from the dancer.
  • ArtCollege
    19 years ago
    I prefer Braille laps to blind laps.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    FONDL, you needn't be concerned with privacy if you're such a fan of getting lame dances. But then, I'm an odd sort around here, because I prefer less privacy and more of a public club experience.
    19 years ago
    AN, that's an important point to me. I like a lot of privacy when I'm getting dances, and I much favor places that provide it. Which is one of the reasons I prefer clubs when they aren't busy, there's always more privacy.

    And, privacy or not, I never watch others getting dances. Not only do I think it's rude, but for me it's also irrelevant. I'd rather get a lame dance from a girl I really like than a good one from a girl I don't - the quality of the dance is fairly unimportant to me. I'd just as soon just sit and cuddle, which I've done many times in LD rooms.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    One issue on the non-blind lap is that you can be fooled. The mileage one guy gets with a dancer may not be the mileage you get. At the beginning of my clubbing I was at "All Star's" in San Antonio on a 4 day binge when I spotted the perfect girl. Cute brunette spinner in the school girl getup. I watched her give another guy a dance and thought I had to have her. Now at the time I didn't know this slightly raised open area of couches was their version of a VIP, I'm still not, but in hindsight it makes sense. Anyway, the dance looked great, so I invited her over and asked for a dance. Total air. It was devastating. The hottest girl I'd seen all week, the one I most wanted, and even after seeing what she was willing to do I got nothing but air. I was so pissed I just paid her and left. Now, not knowing the VIP was a rookie mistake, and I might have been able to upgrade and get some mileage, or it might be that the guy was a good regular and even the VIP would have been air. Seeing a dancer give a lap is no guarantee of a good lap, that's why I prefer the research and interview approach. One other issue FONDL raised is that a LOT of clubs have private LD areas so the preview isn't always possible. If I can I'll still look, but I don't count on whaqt I see being guaranteed to me.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Then yes, I do blind laps all the time, and have a decent success rate at getting a good one (probably about 80% of the time). My standards for a good lap depend on the club, so the definition of a good lap may be an issue for further discussion.
    19 years ago
    Yes I almost always do blind laps. For one thing the clubs that I prefer don't give you much choice because the laps are done privately and there's no chance to watch. But I never watch anyway, if I'm in a common LD room I don't pay any attention to what anyone else is doing. Plus I go almost exclusively during the day when the places aren't busy, so I'm almost always the only one in the LD room. If a girl really appeals to me I buy, othersiwe I don't. Makes no difference to me how hot the dance is as long as I like the girl.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    In case it's not clear to anyone, "blind lap" means not seeing the girl do a lapdance before buying one yourself. It doesn't mean not seeing her onstage or not seeing her at all(!), so it's not as blind as a blind date.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    I used to say no but I've changed my approach considerably over the years. If a girl is interesting to me I will give her a shot in the LD area after we hit it off in the conversation department. I still refuse to buy a dance from a "wanna dance" girl who just stands at my table an asks.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    I at least want to see her on stage and interact for a few minutes before the lap. I did do a few blind laps when I was starting out in the hobby. I batted about .500 on them. I do better with some research.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Strip club related, non-troll and non-troll feeding thread, so BUMP!
  • minnow
    19 years ago
    I do "blind laps" a lot, since several clubs have private or semipriv. LD areas. However, I rarely get LD WITHOUT 1st seeing her on stage, and getting some sort of nastiness/dance style kind of vibes.
  • ShotDisc
    19 years ago
    I agree with those who say you need to see them on stage first. I have done many blind laps after seeing a girl on stage. Some were great, some ok and some sucked. I guess that is the chance you take trying out something new.
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