A stripper at my club told me a guy offered her $500 to get fucked by a big dog for a movie he was going to make for his web store. I asked her if she was going to do that and she said she was considering it and other girls at the club were interested when they heard about it. I certainly would not want to kiss her after she had been sucking doggie dick. She said there are women into that kind of fucking. Your thoughts?
I know strippers will do a lot of stuff to make money but this really takes the cake. Its fairly gross stuff but there are probably gals into it.
The Humane society would probably say that's cruel punishment for the dog. The dog might say , ruff ruff. Just about every human might go, eewww. Some might think, if she fucks a dog, she'll fuck anything. This is probably how aids started, fucking animals. I wouldn't watch if you paid me too.
I thought it took 500 for a stripper to fuck a human? Where is the standards man? There are a lot of shit from turning me off from sex. Beastiality is one of them. Some things are worth the money, for everything else, there's a mental ward
last commentWhen I went to "Boy's Town" in Mexico, one of the hawkers outside was peddling a donkey show.
No. And trust me, just ONE little blue pill does NOT work on a horse.