
AN is Scared to Fight Me!

LOL! For anyone not following all the threads, I recently challenged AN to fight at strippers and losers 2006; in his DC gym if we put up $3k each in prize money; or Vegas if we could get witnesses. He turned down all three challenges so is clearly afraid of me!

Keep talking tough on the net old man! All you've got is hot air.


  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    Just like the cream pie that you are this post shall rise to the top.
  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    Poor davids the embarassment just won't die!
  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    The saga of the PUSSY must be preserved! BUMP
  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    AN - Thats because davids is the PUSSY! Now this is getting bumped up again. I have a feeling it's going to be a long time before this one dies. So sad, dont cry davids you pussy.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    here i'll bump this to the top myself.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    So are you still sticking to the story you showed up? I'm confused, you haven't called me a pussy or a lier yet.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    What the fuck?

    dude, are you totally retarded? I just said off topic posts are fine. I said that RL's posts are clearly on topic so the excuse for bumping them down, ie. they are off topic is bull. Get a clue, you loser.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    I don't care if this is at the top or not. I just don't like the self-righteous attitude of those here who deem a post to be off topic just b/c RL posted it. That's ridiculous. The topics are clearly on topic whether you like the guy or not.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    I find it interesting that you've become so adamant that we stay on topic now that the off topic subject of how you were going to come to DC to beat me up is so uncomfortable for you.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Trying to get a certain post off the top davids?
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    I guess I should give davids credit for one true thing in his post. Neither T-bone or I were there, it would have been a waste of time, so when he says we were nowhere to be seen that's technically true since he couldn't see us from Seattle.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    He didn't show and we all know it. He never intended to show. Tell us all about your trip davids. It is amazing that he thinks another lie will get him out of having lied before.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    It is funny however that he'd admit to being dumb enough to fly across country for a fight set up on the internet rather than admit that he was doing his usual bluff/lie routine when he challenged me to a fight. I'm pretty sure that flying across the country would make him look dumber, if he'd actually done it. Which he didn't. He's now at the point where he's lying to make himself seem dumb so he doesn't have to admit to lying.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Yeah, I showed up I was there. AN and BoneHead nowhere to be seen. Guess I wasted my money fly across the country for nothing. Figures. Duped again.
  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    Well it's very early Sunday morning, has anyone heard if davids showed up? We all know he didn't because he is a FUCKING PUSSY.
  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    Clifbar? davids? and probably RL -- Dude you are seriously fucked up! Why don't you pick a handle and stick with it?
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Let's keep this one around for a bit. I'd hate anyone to miss where davids set up his new identity (nearly a week ago) but then accidentally typed his farewell message into the wrong window, making the alias useless. I think his recovery (I was going to announce this new identity all along, just made a simple mistake, nothing to see here...move along) was a bit unconvincing, but then there wasn't much to do once it was posted.

    Guess I was just crazy to think davids ever used other names to post here once he'd exhausted the credability of one identity and was being largely ignored.
  • ShotDisc
    19 years ago
    no problem
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Well at least we see what your plan was. davids was to disappear and a new personality would take over. Shame, I was looking forward to your excuses.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    oh, my god... too many tuscl windows open. lmfao.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Gentlemen, following parody's advice I've decided to change my name, my attitude my outlook on life, strippers, the universe and everything, so I'm taking a new name to go with my new attidue/identity. wish me well! (On and sorry about that last post, just had to do it once for old times sake.)

    ClifBar (formerly, davids)
  • davids
    19 years ago
    That's good advice, parody. I think I will follow it. But, I have a question already: Would paying strippers for lap dances/conversation/sex whatever regularly make me look like a pussy and make me the butt of jokes?
  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    Nope, just your personality does that.
  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    Also if you do join a gym please tell them that you are a paying member and not the new punching bag.
  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    davids why don't you just admit that you are TOO PUSSY to follow through on ANYTHING YOU SAY! You ain't shit. You never will be. Stop wasting bandwidth challenging posters to fights. Everyone here knows that your word is a fucking joke. (just like you) If you want my advice you should take that $2,000.00 and join a good boxing gym. Maybe with a lot of time and some increadable luck they could MAN YOU UP at least a little bit so people stop laughing everytime you walk by or open your mouth. (or post here) Try this it may work for you: Before you write, speak, or act say to yourself in your own head, "I WILL NOT BE A PUSSY. I WILL NOT DO ANYTHING THAT CAUSES ME TO LOOK LIKE A PUSSY. NOR WILL I WRITE ANYTHING THAT MAKES ME LOOK LIKE A PUSSY." Maybe people will stop laughing at you. Aren't YOU tired of being the BUTT OF THE JOKE?
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    oops, missed your acceptance davids. Looks like I lost the pool and misjudged exactly how reality impaired you are and how clueless you think we are.

    See you Saturday (right...)

    I'm not holding my breath.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    For the reality impaired Shadowcat was making a joke. We all knew that. Nobody really thinks you are coming. Nobody expected you to hand over a credit card number when you're afraid to give out an anonymous e-mail. Also, I guarantee I could find a quote for just about any price you wanted. Shadow was very specific that he was quoting a walkup fare, but he could do better. I thought it was rather funny. After all if you are stupid enough to think we believe your protestations and concerns, or that you have or ever had any intention of flying across the country to kick my ass maybe you are stupid enough to give your credit card number to strangers.

    Now it seems that both T-bone and I have stepped up and met your conditions. What's your excuse now? We have a pool going via e-mail, so please let us know.

    I'm betting you'll say you aren't coming because it's obvious T-bone (who was previously the only acceptable witness) is going to lie for me since we've been e-mailing each other.
  • T-Bone
    19 years ago
    I'M IN.

    Whacha gonna do now Geek?

    I got $100 down on what your next excuse is ;)
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    You da man T-Bone. Check your e-mail, we'll set up where to meet.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Alright! T-Bone's in! I'm in. See ya guys Saturday!
  • davids
    19 years ago
    parody: The point is that he said it was $509 one way. When I checked expedia I saw return+hotel $550. One way was $350. If a guy starts out trying to make deal by lying to me, think I am giving him my name and credit card number? Ever think of that, fucknuts?
  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    Maybe he works for an airline. Ever think of that fucknuts?
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    It ain't gonna happen. Notice he hasn't agreed? He's not going to commit 'cause he knows he overplayed his hand. All I have to do to show up is take a metro ride, he has to fly cross country. He's not insane enough to blow $1000 on airfare for something he knows, like all of us know, is a big joke. I know he won't show up, he can't be sure I won't. davids has always counted on wearing the other poster down. He figures if he has the last word and just keeps lying till the other poster gives up he gets to claim victory. Not this time. Now he's hoping T-bone won't see this in time so he can say the deal fell through, but he'll find a way out no matter what. If he really were serious he'd have answered yes by now. If he were really serious he wouldn't have the whole deal depending on T-bone saying yes. But he can't admit he wasn't serious because then he'd be admitting he's full of shit.

    So davids, any other poster who you'd accept as a witness (other than RL)? I'd hate to see the whole thing fall apart (he said dripping sarcasm...).

    OK, T-bone if you're lurking waiting for him to confirm go ahead and post your decision, then we can all watch him backpeddal more.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    SC: I don't know what you are talking about. On expedia.com I see return flights from $550 including hotel. You really think if you start out a deal by BS'ing me about prices I am going to trust you with my real name and credit card number? Nice try, but please get real.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    I wanna see it in print. If T-bone says yes, do we have a deal? The deal, to clarify, we meet in DC this Saturday at the 1720 club some time between 7 and 10 PM, T-Bone will witness. We each put up $2000. Winner of a street fight takes all.

    Tell me if we have a deal, then we wait for T-bone to say if he can make it.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Dude, your logic is a little broken, your out of context quote also doesn't mention the $2k being required either does it? So by your reasoning you could have weaseled out of that one?

    As for your question: it's been answered above.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Hey, just for clarification: Do you still want to fight me in a boxing ring, or is it going to be a street fight outside the strip club? Just want to know so I can dress approriately.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Oh, you already agreed to a street fight.

    "You want me to meet you in a strip club? Dude, I thought we were going to fight in a boxing ring? But, ok, whatever. street fight is good too."

    I'm know you won't show up. I'm not going to bother with anything more than a time and place, as you requested:

    "Alright it's on! Just post the time and place and I'm there! "

    Hmmm, that doesn't seem to add the qualifiers of having T-bone there. No matter. The question stands. If T-bone says yes do we have a deal? Yes or no?

  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    OK, back to the topic. I've stepped up and assured you in non-parsed terms that there is a deal. I know you can't possibly honor it. I know you want to back out. I know you will back out. Now your excuse is that T-bone, a man who has shown his hostility to you quite explicitly, is the only "neutral" witness you'll accept. Fine, you are looking for a backdoor where you don't have to admit you backed out. I ask you now, and I ask T-bone to wait for your answer before posting, if T-bone agrees here to be the witness, will you agree we have a deal? It's a yes or no question.

    As for your card counting post, I'll recover it, we can see what you said.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Now this is a classic example of your reflexive strawman attack (no sure what root mental problem causes you to do this):

    I post saying that I used to count cards in a place where it was explicityly legal. Made no mention of how much I made doing it. Never said I still lived there or even travelled back there. Never said it was still legal there. Never said I still played blackjack at all. Never said I could win arbitrary amounts of money at willing doing it. For all YOU KNOW, I could have just done it a few years ago, averaged $10/hr and decided it was a waste of time. WHO KNOWS?
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    I am a professor in the generic sense of one who teaches college, I never claimed to be a full professor and you know it. I also never claimed to be a professor of astrophysics, I said an un-named physical science. I said I have a degree in astrophysical sciences. You also know that at 42 I'm a bit young to have made full professor without being rather famous.

    You are obviously going to claim that no assurance I can give is enough, and you'll just have to back out. Fine. But I get to play your game and claim you backed out. Every time you changed the deal I stepped up and you backed up. You aren't fooling anyone.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    I'm in. You show up at the 1720 Club you'll see me there. You gonna back out if T-bone can't make it? Is that why you insisted on this weekend? So it was too short notice? Sadly (for you) T-bone and I have been e-mailing about a few DC clubs for a while and were talking about meeting. Wouldn't it be a shame if we decide to do it this weekend?

    Now here's an interesting question. Why would I need to scam you? Any scam would have to consist of me not showing up from what you've said. But there is a problem. If your main wory is that you will spend the price of a ticket, but not collect $2000 then you assume that you can beat me. You can't know that. You don't know me, you have never met me, you don't know if my description is accurate. I could as easily be 6'9" and a judo instructor waiting for a sucker to show up with cash. Any rational person knows that. If you are claiming that my $2000 is somehow critical to your trip then obviously you discount the possibility of losing your $2000. If you have $2000 you can risk, the cost of a plane ticket shouldn't be much concern now, should it? After all, you know how to count cards, you can replace the cost of a ticket at the blackjack tables without any problem.

    Interesting... Could it be that you're full of shit?
  • davids
    19 years ago
    AN: Quite honestly, I just trusted you to honor the spirit of the agreement until you tried to pull that shit with switching the witnesses. I guess I lost alot of trust for you at that point.

    I don't know it's kind of crazy: How could I trust a guy who lies about being a professor of astrophysics? I guess it just seemed, for some reason, like you would have some honor when it came to fighting. But now I am starting to wonder if I was just being naive.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Looking to back out... Look at the last post. "I have $2000, I doubt you do." If you show up I'll have $2000. But you won't and you probably don't have $2000. There you have it. I have $2000. If you beat me up Saturday night I will give it to you. Next weasel out? Next bluff?
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    By the way, you picked an interesting time to go back and parse my statements. You let it stand for a few days, then when you needed a way out... Find any other excuses? I'll be there. I have $2000. If you beat me up I'll give it to you. How you gonna squirm out now?
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Dude, I'm not into splitting hairs. I want to fight you and to know that I can trust you enough to fly cross country for it w/o getting scammed. It's that simple. I am not interested in your semantic games and tricks or getting scammed here.

    I'll say what I've always said: You and BoneHead commit to showing up at the time and place you posted, we put up $2k in prize money each and fight for it, and I'm there. That's what I was lead to beleive was the deal all along.

    Now I'll ask again: Are you and BoneHead in or not?
  • davids
    19 years ago
    I doubt anyone on this board (except for Kyle, maybe) doesn't have $2k. It's not that much money. Now $20k would be another story.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Holy fuck, he did have weasel words in his post

    "So if I told you I had $2000"

    But he never agreeed to put it up. Jesus christ! So that's how he planned to weasel out of that one...

    The guy is a total slime ball. Now I really want to kick his ass. Hell, I'm almost pissed off enough to pay for the trip out of my own pocket. Who knows where he would hide though!

    Anyway, I guess there is a moral to this story: Never trust a guy who lies about being an astrophysics professor enough to fly across the country to fight him.... Shit, I should have known better right from the start!
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    And the excuses start... Look, you obviously want to let go of this, it's a no-win for you. Just admit is was all a farce, you weren't serious. Neither was I. The difference is that I can be there easily with a Metro ride, you can't I have $2000. I doubt you do. I know you won't be there. You can't be sure I won't. What if T-bone calls your bluff? Even if you're sure he can't make it I can make it and I'll know if you show up. You can't know unless you fly cross country, which you won't.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    You and T-BoneHead clearly lead me to believe he would be the witness.

    If you are going try and win "who is the witness" on a (possible) technicality, and by splitting hairs, then how can I trust you not to find some way to weasel out of the $2k when I show? (Did you plant any weasel words in the way you worded this?)

    What on earth is wrong with the original plan?

    We meet at the time and place you posted, BoneHead shows as a witness, we put up $2k each in prize money. We fight?

    You and BoneHead in or not?
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    And I know you'll misrepresent things afterward anyway. You couldn't get a ticket on time, you had to take care of your sick grandmother... It'll be amusing.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Lets see, first you said you wanted to fight me, assuming I'd ignore you and you could pose as a tough guy. I called your bluff. Then you said you'd fight me at a mythical meeting that we know wouldn't happen. I called your bluff. Then you said I had to fly to Vegas or put up $2000. I called your bluff. Then you said I needed to post the time and place publicly. I called your bluff. I proposed neutral witnesses, I never agreed to T-bone, I mentioned him in passing. I said a neutral witness and there should be plenty. You're just trying to add new conditions so you can claim I backed out. Won't work. I'll be there, you won't.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    "*bawk* *bawk* *bawk* *bawk* *bawk*"

    Annoying, isn't it. I know you have no intention of showing up. You know I have no intention of showing up, but now the pressure is on you to call the bluff, or I get to say you chickened out. Kind of a stupid game, isn't it.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Dude, I'm showing if you bring the witness you promised (no parody cannot substitue for BoneHead) and the $2k you promised. If you are already talking about breaking promises how can I trust you enough to fly across the country to fight you?

    Scared you won't be able to misrepresent things online afterward if there's a witness? Hmmm?

    *bawk* *bawk* *bawk* *bawk* *bawk*
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Excuse? Dude: stick to the deal and I'm there. $2k, and T-BoneHead as a witness. You are going to bring the $2k right?
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Well I can play your game now. You are the one backing out.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Shocker... davids found an excuse. Got any more bluffs to play?
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Also I would prefer parody not being there. He's just a fart-joke telling, excerment-fixated, tourette syndrome suffer idot as far as I can.

    Now I can't force him not to be there since it is a free country, after all, so I am just stating a preference here. No parodyman--> please.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Nope, uh-uh. BoneHead shows up as he promised. That's the deal we agreed to: don't try and weasel out of it now.

    Anyway, I need commitments that the two of you will be there really quick. Ticket prices are going to go way up if I wait till the last minute to purchase, plus I need to ask for a couple of days off work.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Oh, and lets agree that this subject is done to death. Anyone wants to say anything to me about this, e-mail me at [email protected] rather than cluttering up the board with this crap.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    You aren't going to show. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. The longer you cling to this pathetic attempt at a bluff the more out of touch with reality you look. Nobody is buying it. But fine, you want to play I'll play. Hell, I'll even set up a chess board, so you can find me. I'm 6' tall, 230 lbs, close cropped graying brown hair, short beard, I'll be wearing a navy blue dress shirt and dark grey slacks. Ask for Brian, they know me.

    At least it'll shut you up for the weekend while you're supposed to be flying to DC and back. T-bone, P-man, no need to come, he won't show, we all know what a complete farce this is.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    You want me to meet you in a strip club? Dude, I thought we were going to fight in a boxing ring? But, ok, whatever. street fight is good too.

    See you and BoneHead there! Oh, and don't forget to bring the $2k, either.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    OK, I'll call your bluff again. Saturday night I'll be at the 1720 club in washington DC from about 7 PM to 10 PM. The club is at 1720 H Street NW, Washington DC. Get on the Metro and follow the maps to the Farragut West stop on the Orange line. Take the 17th Street exit. Walk south in 17th Street 1 block to H Street. Go west on H street to the 1720 Club. I know you won't. You know you won't. Everybody knows you won't.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    *bawk* *bawk* *bawk* *bawk* *bawk*
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Yeah, I'll publicly post a place and time where I'll show up with $2,000 cash. Tell you what, why don't you davids? You let all us know.

    The e-mail, unedited:

    "It's on!"

    I resisted the urge to publicly post his e-mail, but it was tempting to go sign up for updates to their exciting new products or newsletter on a few sites with that e-mail.
    Didn't do that either.

    Sorry, I'm tired of this farce. If you think I'm dumb enough to believe you are going to fly across the country with $2,000 to fight me this Saturday you are sadly mistaken. If on the other hand you actually are crazy enough to fly across the country to fight someone because;

    "I just decided I wanted to fight you to see how pussy you are, and because I don't like you lying here about your academic credentials."

    Then you are a dangerous lunatic who'd likely shoot me in the back. Either way everyone knows it isn't going to happen. You just figured if you stuck to insisting that you'd fight long enough you could claim I'm backing out. OK, I'm backing out. I'm not going to publicly post a time and place where I'll show up with $2000 so a lunatic can shoot me in the back. Call me a coward. You're too brave for me.

    P-man, T-bone, thanks for the support, but as I said on the other post it is ALWAYS a mistake to engage him in any way. All he wants is someone responding to him to feed his ego. Doesn't matter how foolish he looks or how detached from reality he becomes, if he can justify it in his mind as "speaking truth to power" or facing down some PL/old man, etc. He loves it. It's the old saying about wrestling a pig. No matter what, you end up covered in shit, and the pig enjoys it.
  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    Normaly I'd say I hope AN kicks your ass but the truth is we are all afraid to fight you. First, none of us has ever been in a fist fight with a girl. Secondly what if AN were to catch some kind of disease passed to you by your alter-ego RL that was caught from a STRIPPER WITH AN ABUSIVE CRIMINAL MUSICIAN FOR A BOYFRIEND? Who needs that?
  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    Oh yeah, I forgot... PEE, POO PISS, SHIT, RECTUM!
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Alright it's on! Just post the time and place and I'm there! Don't forget to bring your $2k either!
  • T-Bone
    19 years ago
    AN - (This is histerical to witness the Troll pussy out. Now claiming you'd edit his email?! HAHAHAHAHA! How many excuses is that now??)

    Geek - Saturday night I'm in. Anytime, anywhere in DC. Email AN and set it up. Quit blowing smoke and anti-up little troll boy.

    ...thinking about your next pathetic excuse already are we?? HAHAHAHAHA!
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Get a life dude.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Not e-mailing you until you and BoneHead commit publically to this fight Saturday night in DC. I know you. I send you private e-mail and you can edit it to make it say what you want. Commit pubically or STFU.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    You gotta love the logic though. I criticize him for calling the US military pussies, noting that he does it on an anonymous board and expressing my I doubt he'd say the same to their faces. His response to prove how tough he is is to challenge me to a fight on an anonymous board. Now, consider that he is issuing a challenge to someone he regularly declares is an old fat brokendown washed up alcoholic whom he could easily dispatch within a minute, exactly how does this prove he's tough or the military are a bunch of pussies or that he'd have the guts to say so in person?
  • davids
    19 years ago
    This Saturday we fight in DC. AN you in? T-BoneHead you in?
  • davids
    19 years ago
    AN: dude, you are off attacking another one of your strawmen. Of course you are right that fighting and destroying your fat old alcoholic drunk ass would in no way prove that I was less pussy than the US military. They are seperate issues. Never said one would prove the other. Great logic you have: I just decided I wanted to fight you to see how pussy you are, and because I don't like you lying here about your academic credentials.

    Not sure how I am supposed to address you complaint, anyway. Say that I have told US military people that before? Then you'll just say I lie, which is the typical response on this board, whenever I say something that the people on this board don't want to believe. Pathetic old men.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Just waiting for that e-mail.
  • T-Bone
    19 years ago
    AN - HAHAHA of course I'd gladly witness, that would be histerical to watch you pummel a little Troll. Anytime. Unfortunately though, we all know you're wasting your time.

    You'll absolutely NEVER get that email from him.

    And even if you did he wouldn't show.

    No matter what terms you offer, he'll excuse himself via public posts.

    He's all talk and no show.

    Just wait and watch....
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    My e-mail is [email protected], but on the other thread I see you've already come up with your excuse. You won't come to DC. You asked for the fight. I'm here, not hiding. Up to you.

    P.S. We all know this is a massive joke. I'm just amusing myself watching your contortions telling me why it can't happen unless I fly to Vegas, or put up $5000, or guarantee Don King will sell the rights to On Demand.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Still waiting for that e-mail telling me when you'll be in DC. I didn't turn you down, just said it's up to you to show up. You wanted the fight.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Ok, this sounds likes going to be fun. Let's co-ordinate w/ T-BoneHead to witness and CTL to write the contract. Need a small favor from you though: Can you paste your e-mail address here? I'm no longer VIP since I haven't written reviews so can't see it.
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