By an addiction I mean spending at a level beyond a certain percentage of income which hampers savings or bill paying? How would you feel one day if you came to the realization your spending on the hobby had been out of control over a long period of time?
A friend recently confessed this to me over drinks saying his career had played out (facing a firing form a prick manager) and he wished he had only spent 25-50% of what he spent on girls over the last several years. He said it is eating away at him. I advised him to keep the faith and get back in the game but watch his spending.
What would you tell this guy? Do you think strip clubbing can be an addiction once spending reaches a certain level. I once had a stripper tell me she had seen guys come in and hand their social security check over to their atf.
A close friend of mine who is 74 exists solely on social security in his house which he reversed mortgaged. He left his wife of over 40 years to date strippers going into a divorce with 12 rent houses jointly owned. Now he has nothing. He says he has no regrets and the last 9 years the happiest of his life.
Of course it can, duh! Just starting to catch onto the basics, finally, huh, payer? Hint: you better include more criteria than just percentage of income spent, e.g. cost of time spent, opportunity costs...there's more but that list ought to at least get you started. Put it in your .xlsx and see what else you can generate.
It's an "addition" when you cannot stop/control yourself anymore regarding these activities (regardless of whether or not it's making you poor).
Clearly, when your can't pay your mortgage, or car, or basic utilities because you've already given all your money to a suckubus you are addicted. But, you can also be addicted to it even when you staying within you disposable income.
strip clubs are a vice but I don't feel ripped off losing my money to a hot young stripper instead of going to a casino and losing my money at a poker table with old ugly men LOL
I'm spending every cent I have on booze and strippers until I go broke. But I've got a plan for my old age. I'll live in the storm sewer across Michigan Avenue from the strip club.
I usually see a provider or go to a strip club every Saturday. I try to keep it to one day a week to keep from getting addicted and spending too much. I guess you would know you are addicted when you are always broke and stop caring about anything else.
I don't think that the guys who overspend on strippers would otherwise be sitting at home if the SCs did not exist. Thrill seekers and addictive personalities typically have broader issues, at least in my experience.
rickdugan: "Thrill seekers and addictive personalities typically have broader issues, at least in my experience"
Hey, an accurate observation. Guess this is the 5% of the time you actually say something that is correct.
Now you do realize that addiction definitely applies to you, (and from your BBFS escapes and other anti-social traits I would assume "thrill seeker" does as well). So I assume when you say "my experience" you are talking about yourself?
p.s. Btw, I could have sworn "rickdugan" used to have some capital letters in it. Did it? Or did you stature just lessen so much in my mind after you admitted to saying away from the club like a complete pussy for months because you were scared of some dancers, that I just imagining that your entitle to have even a single capital letter in your handle has vanished?
When I'm thinking about how much extra money I could save instead of getting another lap dance, sometimes I opt for another lap dance. If I'm still visiting strip clubs in another 30 to 40 years like Shadowcat and some other posters on here, It's possible I will no longer be interested in visiting strip clubs or enjoy them as much. I've already cut back my spending a few months ago. I didn't see that many dancers I was interested in. I am slowly saving up money for a car and or home repairs whenever it becomes necessary. My house will be completely paid off in a few years if I don't move. I might want to though if I can get a better paying job. Another reason to start saving more. The state I live in underpays people in my profession about 20 percent below the national average and I am becoming not happy with the hours and puny pay increases where I work now. Oh plus the empty promises. I guess it's not totally empty, if I could speed up the computer network and do everything at superhuman speed, a promotion could be coming my way, yeah, I believe there are some bridges for sale too.
Are you stalking me again Dougie? No, my name was never capitalized. As far as what was "in [your] mind", I'll leave that to you and your overworked therapist.
And as far as all the rest of that, I was rather referring to other parties with my comment, but no worries. Far be it from me to get between you and the therapeutic value that you obviously derive from posting comments intermingled with tall tales, hyperbolic statements and flaming. :)
As I have said in other threads, I just hope that you get all of that bad stuff out. Work out all that hurt, rage and resentment tiger. ;)
Think you're the master of talk tales, RickyBoy. Let's see too scared to go to the clubs for months on nights when both your favorites were working because if you talk to one it might offend the other. So you just stayed home instead. Oh, but you're not a complete pussy. Got it, tall take-boy!
Scared of how they would feel? Not at all. Afraid of losing out on existing (Dancer 1) and future (Dancer 2) pussy by needlessly stirring the pot? Guilty as charged. ;)
You just don't get it RickyBoy. You aren't married to them. If a stripper sees you talking to another one or even buying dances it IS OKAY.
They may huff and puff and otherwise act like the big bad wolf for a couple of minutes. But you know what, little RickyBoy, you don't have to be scared. It's all just an act. They aren't going to stop doing business with you. Unlike you, they get it.
Just completely amazing you could have visited clubs for as long as you have and still do not understand even the basics. You totally little them play you like a fiddle, to the point that they even make you stay home when you want to go out, because of what a complete pussy you are.
You were completely jumping at shadows and it is totally your ego and pussiness that gets in the way of you have any real understanding of how strip club works.
When will you clue into this? Probably never, but I got to admit when you posted that thread that you thought showed the depth of your understand, when in reality, it just showed how clueless and what a complete pussy you are, I have more than enough material to laugh at you with now until, forever. That thread was right with your stupid "system" in terms of hilarity, and I'll probably be laughing at it for three years like I did "the system" too. Let's see you how long it takes to outdo yourself after that one. Gonna be hard!
Maybe they did have my number kiddo. Who knows? When OTC is in the mix, judgment comes into play as some dancers tend to get even more territorial than normal and some are hypersensitive about discretion, which was the case with Dancer 1. But that could all be my imagination. It all worked out for the best anyway as I ended up getting both of them, but I suppose if one subscribed to the interesting theory that they are all whorebots then one might claim that I over-complicated it. C'est la vie I suppose. :)
An you just keep getting all of that out. It must be frustrating to read what others are able to do... ;)
Maybe its because I'm lucky, or just young but due to me getting easily bored with it, I'm less inclined to go to the strip and more inclined to get a new girlfriend. Or maybe I haven't been on this site enough recently.
Estafador, in my humble opinion you are looking at this from the right perspective.
Until my early 30s, the vast bulk of my SC visits happened when I traveled for work and I rarely hit local clubs. Until my mid 30s, I spent far more time dating than I ever did in strip clubs.
Now that I am settled down and a decade older, things are different. I would have a harder time scoring younger pussy to begin with and, even if I could, my marital status prevents me from taking on a GF/mistress as those arrangements almost always end badly for married guys. So instead I use SCs for my extracurricular variety.
Enjoy life young man! The strip clubs will always be there for when you have more money and less options. ;)
last commentClearly, when your can't pay your mortgage, or car, or basic utilities because you've already given all your money to a suckubus you are addicted. But, you can also be addicted to it even when you staying within you disposable income.
Is there room for two in there or should I try to find my own nearby storm sewer?
With the Juice man?
Hey, an accurate observation. Guess this is the 5% of the time you actually say something that is correct.
Now you do realize that addiction definitely applies to you, (and from your BBFS escapes and other anti-social traits I would assume "thrill seeker" does as well). So I assume when you say "my experience" you are talking about yourself?
p.s. Btw, I could have sworn "rickdugan" used to have some capital letters in it. Did it? Or did you stature just lessen so much in my mind after you admitted to saying away from the club like a complete pussy for months because you were scared of some dancers, that I just imagining that your entitle to have even a single capital letter in your handle has vanished?
And as far as all the rest of that, I was rather referring to other parties with my comment, but no worries. Far be it from me to get between you and the therapeutic value that you obviously derive from posting comments intermingled with tall tales, hyperbolic statements and flaming. :)
As I have said in other threads, I just hope that you get all of that bad stuff out. Work out all that hurt, rage and resentment tiger. ;)
They may huff and puff and otherwise act like the big bad wolf for a couple of minutes. But you know what, little RickyBoy, you don't have to be scared. It's all just an act. They aren't going to stop doing business with you. Unlike you, they get it.
Just completely amazing you could have visited clubs for as long as you have and still do not understand even the basics. You totally little them play you like a fiddle, to the point that they even make you stay home when you want to go out, because of what a complete pussy you are.
You were completely jumping at shadows and it is totally your ego and pussiness that gets in the way of you have any real understanding of how strip club works.
When will you clue into this? Probably never, but I got to admit when you posted that thread that you thought showed the depth of your understand, when in reality, it just showed how clueless and what a complete pussy you are, I have more than enough material to laugh at you with now until, forever. That thread was right with your stupid "system" in terms of hilarity, and I'll probably be laughing at it for three years like I did "the system" too. Let's see you how long it takes to outdo yourself after that one. Gonna be hard!
Maybe they did have my number kiddo. Who knows? When OTC is in the mix, judgment comes into play as some dancers tend to get even more territorial than normal and some are hypersensitive about discretion, which was the case with Dancer 1. But that could all be my imagination. It all worked out for the best anyway as I ended up getting both of them, but I suppose if one subscribed to the interesting theory that they are all whorebots then one might claim that I over-complicated it. C'est la vie I suppose. :)
An you just keep getting all of that out. It must be frustrating to read what others are able to do... ;)
Until my early 30s, the vast bulk of my SC visits happened when I traveled for work and I rarely hit local clubs. Until my mid 30s, I spent far more time dating than I ever did in strip clubs.
Now that I am settled down and a decade older, things are different. I would have a harder time scoring younger pussy to begin with and, even if I could, my marital status prevents me from taking on a GF/mistress as those arrangements almost always end badly for married guys. So instead I use SCs for my extracurricular variety.
Enjoy life young man! The strip clubs will always be there for when you have more money and less options. ;)