
OTC idea.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013 3:15 AM
Okay so I did this tonight & was successful, show up at a club 10 mins before closing, the girl you talk to will be the girl you're going to be leaving with, she can't sell you lap dances because the club's closing, you have money, she wants it, done deal. a girl that isn't up for it won't talk to you because she knows she can't sell you anything in the club anymore. Different clubs close at different times, schedule yourself around that.


  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    Why not show up 10 minuntes after closing?
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    Not a bad strategy. But maybe you would only get the desperate girls nobody wanted all night?
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    "Why not show up 10 minuntes after closing?" the manager might think you are part of the cleaning crew and hand you a mop
  • bang69
    11 years ago
    you can always be like juicebox & stalk them at walmart while they are doing there shoping on their way home
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    I just happened to walk into an opportunity like that with a dancer in Las Vegas a several years ago. I noticed her a short amount of time before her shift was over. Got a few dances with her. She sensed I was interested in a lot more dances or VIP time with her. She then told me that her shift was over in a few minutes and she absolutely couldn't stay any longer. (Maybe she'd have to pay an overtime fee.) So, she asked me if I'd care to continue our time together OTC. She said she could give me a better price than at the club. So we did, and she made good on her promise. Now as far as actually planning that, it sounds like a good plan if the know the dancer ahead of time, and her schedule.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    "the manager might think you are part of the cleaning crew and hand you a mop" The jestie-girl!
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Anybody know of any clubs that close around 7PM? :)
  • Tiredtraveler
    11 years ago
    I agree Shadow, I don't stay until close at 3 or 4 AM for two reasons: 1} I don't wish to become a police statistic '2AMer" 2} I have a hard time staying up that late and functon the next day. 3} The last time I was in a club even closse to closing it was filled with young drunk punks looking to pick up a dancer. Clubbing is supposed to be fun not a competition.
  • looneylarry
    11 years ago
    A lot of these girls have kids and have a set routine. If a girl is dancing the day shift, they may not be able to hit the motel with you after their shift. No matter how good your "game" is, they may not be able to work it in. Everybody has schedules and commitments.
  • samsung1
    11 years ago
    Club management sometimes closes early anyways. Listed time might be 2:30am but they end up closing at 2:20am. Hours are enforced too inconsistent around here
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "OTC idea?" Try thinking again.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    What's the maximum number of posts you can make it before you feel compelled to act like a complete faggot, alutard?
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    The problem with bagging out too early is that many girls cannot do OTC until their shifts end. With rare exceptions, my OTC adventures generally occur within the 1:00 to 4:00 am range. In some areas I am able to coax a girl out a bit early (parts of TX and CT), but for the most part I have to wait until their clubs close. The older i get, the tougher it is to hang in there. Alcohol adds to this general difficulty, lol. I've lost more than one OTC connection by falling asleep in my hotel and not waking up when my cell phone rang in the wee hours.
  • canny
    11 years ago
    @rickdugan that's a reason to stick to Coke. :-)
  • steel3643
    11 years ago
    What club did you do this at?I'm guessing one of the Akron clubs? Jen's maybe?
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    What tiredtravler said
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    It seemed like whenever a girl or dancer wanted to meet up later that night, it was usually sooner than I wanted to leave, except of course when I went on a week night. Then the dancer didn't want to leave until closing time at 2am. One dancer got pissed at her manager for not letting her leave early with me. She, the dancer, finally said at 1:30 am, let's go. The manager told her not to come back. I went to the beach with her the following weekend. She said something about she worked there two whole years and can't even leave 30 minutes early. She quit.
  • inno123
    11 years ago
    Interesting idea, but some possible flaws. First of all if all the remaining girls in the club are non-otc then you are going to wind up with zilch. Also some clubs don't have rigid shifts and even some that do will allow girls to settle accounts and leave early since as you point out not every girl is needed up to the last minute. The girls most likely to request to leave early are the ones that have an OTC appointment to make. The other problem of course is that your OTC is going to be pretty darn late. It might be a better to learn when the day shift gets out and the show up near the end of it and ask questions like 'have any fun planned for after work?'
  • inno123
    11 years ago
    Interesting idea, but some possible flaws. First of all if all the remaining girls in the club are non-otc then you are going to wind up with zilch. Also some clubs don't have rigid shifts and even some that do will allow girls to settle accounts and leave early since as you point out not every girl is needed up to the last minute. The girls most likely to request to leave early are the ones that have an OTC appointment to make. The other problem of course is that your OTC is going to be pretty darn late. It might be a better to learn when the day shift gets out and the show up near the end of it and ask questions like 'have any fun planned for after work?'
  • magicrat
    11 years ago
    I'm not so sure you can really plan anything with strippers unless it's a regular you've seen before. One of my few successes..I was waiting on a cab and a stripper in her civies plops down on the bar stool beside me and asks if I have anything to drink at my place. I did and we end up back there, I didn't go to sleep until after she had ordered room service breakfast. As we were leaving, she asked me if I could give her some $ for food on the way home, so my total cost was $10.
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