
S.E. Asia Travelogue

I found this on another site that is &quot;archiving&quot; (the story could be one to five years old).<br />
Still, there's some interesting helpful hints for those willing to travel to find this kind of thing.<br />
<br />
A true account of my trip to Southeast Asia. Note: $1 = <br />
26.2 pesos = 25.2 baht. <br />
<br />
Out the door at 9:50pm. At midnight I'm on a 12 hour <br />
flight to Manila aboard Philippine Airlines, but because <br />
it's a red eye, time seems to pass much more quickly, <br />
and I'm much more comfortable in my seat than last time. <br />
<br />
Upon arrival, passed through immigration and customs <br />
quickly but then found it was 4am and the airport was <br />
partially closed. I'd have to wait around until 6am for <br />
the currency exchange booths to open and to convert a <br />
$100 traveler's cheque to pesos. <br />
<br />
~ ~ ~ <br />
<br />
I convert the cheque and get a Nissan shuttle 2000 <br />
coupon for 255 pesos for a taxi to the Swagman Hotel in <br />
Ermita, a district of Manila. <br />
<br />
By now it's about 7am, and after a light breakfast, <br />
consider waiting for the 200 peso Swagman bus to <br />
Angeles. I decide its 11:30am departure time is too long <br />
to wait for and opt instead for a taxi which I'm able to <br />
bargain down to an 800 peso fare. <br />
<br />
The trip to Angeles is fairly fast, only about an hour <br />
and a half. I tell the driver to stop at the Angeles <br />
Swagman before taking me to the Clarkton. <br />
<br />
At the Swagman I find out that the return trip to Ermita <br />
is also 200 pesos but it's 300 to go all the way back to <br />
the airport, and that buses depart at 8am, noon, and <br />
3pm, seven days a week. This I decide is how I'll get <br />
back. <br />
<br />
I check in at the Clarkton on Fields. A single room is <br />
500 pesos, first night in advance, and includes a free <br />
safe deposit box which I take advantage of. The room <br />
itself has a large double bed, color cable TV (CNN <br />
International) and a hot-cold shower. <br />
<br />
After unpacking, I venture out for bottled water and to <br />
exchange another traveler's cheque. I hit about three <br />
money exchanges and maybe half a dozen banks, none will <br />
exchange a TC. When I get back to the Clarkton, the <br />
clerk suggests Swagman Travel about a half mile back up <br />
fields. I take a 2 peso jeepney there and take care of <br />
business. <br />
<br />
After spending a good portion of the day traveling and <br />
wandering around, it's still only 3pm and I'm left <br />
without much to do on a July afternoon. Angeles is a <br />
somewhat small, dusty town with mostly one lane streets, <br />
and not a lot more beyond endless blocks of small, <br />
dilapidated third world shops and bars. <br />
<br />
I don't feel like waiting further, and after a beer at <br />
Margaritaville, go into Archie's, a go-go bar, and check <br />
out the scene. Unlike Bangkok, most of the bars in <br />
Angeles open about noon rather than early evening. <br />
<br />
I end up going back to my hotel with a girl named <br />
Imelda. She threw herself at me in the bar wouldn't let <br />
go. It's a flat 600 pesos to the bar to have her all <br />
night. <br />
<br />
We go back and I have her a number of times over the <br />
next 6 hours, both in bed and in the shower. Unlike I <br />
was expecting all filipinas to be, Imelda had very <br />
little pubic hair. As has been my habit, I grabbed my <br />
tweezers and started plucking, removing all the hair <br />
from her mound and then trimming her lip hair short. <br />
<br />
She's 28 with two kids but still has a fairly tight body <br />
on here 5'2&quot; frame. Her stomach is still in good enough <br />
shape to wear a bikini, though her breasts sag a little <br />
from nursing. And as an added plus, she's also started <br />
her period. The flow's pretty light, but I'm still a bit <br />
disconcerted withdrawing my condom covered penis coated <br />
in blood. <br />
<br />
At one point we're watching CNN and she mentions how she <br />
doesn't like Japanese men, describing them as &quot;sadisto.&quot; <br />
<br />
Finally, about nine or ten we head back to <br />
Margaritaville for a late dinner and then I go off for <br />
another girl, telling Imelda she can drop back in at my <br />
hotel later for a threesome, which she's happy to do. <br />
<br />
Imelda returns sooner than I expected, before I had the <br />
chance to go out again. But so far she has seemed honest <br />
enough, so I'm not overly concerned about her swiping <br />
stuff, and I also haven't left anything really valuable <br />
in my room. <br />
<br />
~ ~ ~ <br />
<br />
We go out together about 11:30pm and start hitting the <br />
bars looking for the third of three. We end up at Zanadu <br />
on Fields after a jeepney ride and pick out a friend of <br />
Imelda's for a 600 peso all night. <br />
<br />
I had hoped not to get anyone she knew just to try to <br />
limit the conspiratorial possibilities. However, the <br />
others I tried either also had kids or wanted me all to <br />
themselves. <br />
<br />
Her name was Emma and she looked quite different from <br />
Imelda. Emma was 25 but looked 14. She was simply and <br />
totally adorably cute. She was thin and only 4' 6 3/4&quot; <br />
in height (I had brought along a tape measure this time <br />
to more accurately establish tiny girl status). You'd <br />
swear I was breaking the law until you saw her breasts, <br />
which were at least those of a 25 year old.<br />
<br />
Though she thoroughly insisted she'd never had kids, the <br />
slight sag of her breasts and fine stretch marks <br />
suggested otherwise. She was adamant that this was <br />
simply due to her menstruation. And who knows, maybe <br />
when you get down to that scale, things do work a little <br />
differently. <br />
<br />
The three of us took a jeepney back to my hotel and I <br />
alternately ravaged the two of them, when they were not <br />
working together to pleasure me. Any lezzy action was <br />
out, though, as far as they were concerned. <br />
<br />
By choice, Imelda preferred to the take the comforter <br />
and sleep on the floor, while Emma and me, entwined, <br />
finally settled off to sleep. Emma was quite a giggly <br />
girl, always with a big grin on her small doll-like <br />
face. <br />
<br />
They both seemed particularly hung up on my looks, <br />
repeatedly pinching my nose, cheeks, and eyebrows. <br />
Imelda said the last guy she was with was 55 years old <br />
and bald (I'm more than 20 years younger and still with <br />
all my hair). <br />
<br />
Both Imelda and Emma insist they have to see the doctor <br />
at 9am the next morning for their weekly bargirl <br />
checkup. I take it for what it's worth and after <br />
breakfast together at the hotel restaurant, send them <br />
off with 100 pesos for the trike (motorized tricycle, <br />
actually a motorcycle with a sidecar). They take it but <br />
get on a jeepney instead, though they might still use <br />
one after a transfer. <br />
<br />
They also insist they want to come back at noon to go <br />
swimming in the hotel pool. I don't have immediate plans <br />
beyond a couple of small errands, so go along with it. <br />
<br />
In general, I haven't found much I particularly care for <br />
about Angeles. Beyond the many small rundown shops and <br />
go-go bars, I haven't found a whole lot more to this <br />
hot, dusty, flat town. For me at least, I don't see a <br />
reason ever to visit this place except as a sex tourist, <br />
the bargirl prices being significantly cheaper than <br />
Bangkok. That doesn't leave much for daytime, though, <br />
and I don't think I could stand to stay here too much <br />
longer. Whereas Bangkok is a town I could *live* in. <br />
<br />
One more note. I've only spoken with a few bargirls now, <br />
but contrary to what I've heard, I've found their <br />
English speaking ability hardly impressive. The <br />
sophistication of my conversation has had to drop to <br />
nearly the level of when I was last in Bangkok, in order <br />
to communicate. Though to be fair, the airport, hotel, <br />
and clerical staff I've dealt with, spoke a greatly more <br />
serviceable English. <br />
<br />
~ ~ ~ <br />
<br />
Again, sooner than I expect, there's a knock on my door, <br />
and Emma and Imelda burst out at me from around the <br />
corner. <br />
<br />
We end up lying on the bed talking for a while. The <br />
major issue is my paying their 600 peso bar fine again <br />
to get them both for the entire rest of the day and <br />
night. I end up going along with it because I hadn't <br />
been too excited by the rest of the bar scene I've seen <br />
and I'm pretty well settled at this point to check out <br />
of the P.I. the next day. Jet lag, of course, is also <br />
contributing to my less than party animal attitude. <br />
<br />
The three of us head back up Fields so I can exchange <br />
another TC and visit their bars, Archie's and Zanadu, <br />
for their fines. On the way back they each get a fried <br />
banana on a stick for 5 pesos. <br />
<br />
Emma brought her swimsuit back with her and went for a <br />
swim at the Clarkton pool. Imelda wanted to go in her <br />
bra and panties, but first went back to her place for a <br />
second change and to check on her kids. <br />
<br />
I kick back in the room still feeling a bit out of it. <br />
Eventually Emma comes back and we make love. Imelda <br />
returns a little while later and we begin a deforesting <br />
session on Emma's pussy. Emma has much more pubic hair <br />
than Imelda *had* but it is still contained in a nicely <br />
compact area rather than uncontrolled growth up the <br />
abdomen and down the thighs. In fact, her lower lips are <br />
smooth and hairless. <br />
<br />
Rather than working with tweezers, I simply grab a few <br />
hairs at a time and yank. Emma hardly reacts until I <br />
begin to descend her mound. After a while I've thinned <br />
the area a good deal and proceed with Swiss Army Knife <br />
clippers to cut the hair short. Then I bring her into <br />
the bathroom and stand all 4' 6&quot; of her on top of the <br />
sink before shaving her smooth. <br />
<br />
Without hair, she has an almost perfect crease between <br />
her legs which I admire before tasting. Emma's quite <br />
sensitive to oral pleasure and won't keep still enough <br />
for me to really go down on her. <br />
<br />
I had also brought along some hair removal wax and <br />
experiment with it on the short hairs remaining on <br />
Imelda's lips. This was a mistake for a first attempt as <br />
I'd chosen the most sensitive area for application. It <br />
worked with some success, though Imelda insisted on <br />
removing it herself very slowly as not per instructions. <br />
<br />
After some more fun together, as measured by the used <br />
condoms, the three of us have a late evening dinner <br />
downstairs, before retiring for the night with the TV <br />
playing a Tagalog sitcom. Yeah, I know, but Angeles <br />
ain't Bangkok, nor is Fields Patpong. <br />
<br />
We stay fairly entwined that night during which I have <br />
an extended session with tiny Emma. She may've dozed off <br />
during part of it even. So much for my passion. <br />
<br />
We sleep in a bit later the next morning whereupon they <br />
amuse themselves ganging up on me, wrestling. Both have <br />
strength beyond their size and with Imelda particularly, <br />
I'm having to get on her back and pin her legs with mine <br />
while holding her, just to subdue her. <br />
<br />
Both take pleasure in face pinching and throwing <br />
themselves at me. Fortunately with the aircon up full we <br />
manage to keep fairly cool during some otherwise sweaty <br />
action. <br />
<br />
We shower and dress, and I pack and check out. I give <br />
them a 250 peso tip each along with two unopened <br />
leftover bottles of water I had bought. I hear the <br />
marriage line and give my home address to them, for <br />
whatever amusement it might later provide.<br />
<br />
They have proven themselves honest and sincere, though, <br />
in our time together. Nothing they've said that I could <br />
check has not turned out to be true, nor have they <br />
failed to return or follow through on their announced <br />
intentions. <br />
<br />
I settle at the front desk. The three of us take a <br />
jeepney to check point terminal on Fields. We separate <br />
with a number of warm but sad waves before I transfer to <br />
a second jeepney to take me to the Angeles Swagman Hotel <br />
for the bus ride back to Manila. <br />
<br />
Once back at the Ermita Swagman, the airport bus takes <br />
off after an hour and a half wait. On the way to the <br />
airport I have an interesting conversation with a long <br />
time British traveler who has been going to Bangkok for <br />
25 years and has made hundreds of trips, business <br />
related, to Hong Kong. Got a couple of tips from him to <br />
try in Bangkok: The Siam Hotel, and Renoirs on Soi 33 <br />
for particularly beautiful girls. He said that back in <br />
the early seventies a girl could be had in Bangkok for <br />
as little as 40 baht. <br />
<br />
At the airport, I go to the Philippine Airlines office <br />
to get on the next flight to Bangkok. I find out the <br />
9:40 flight has been rescheduled for 8am the next day <br />
and for that I can only get on the waiting list. I'm not <br />
about to spend the next 16 hours in Ninoy Aquino <br />
International Airport nor go through the hassle of two <br />
taxi rides and an overnight in a hotel, altogether which <br />
would run at least $50 and require me back in the <br />
airport at 6am, to maybe get on a flight. <br />
<br />
I ask the airline clerk for other flights and he says <br />
there's a Lufthansa flight leaving at 8:30, a one-way <br />
ticket to Bangkok running $240. I opt for that but on <br />
the way over remember Egypt Air having cheap flights to <br />
Bangkok. I go to their office instead and get on a <br />
flight leaving at 8:30pm for only $150. <br />
<br />
~ ~ ~ <br />
<br />
The flight took about 2 1/2 hours. The stewardesses were <br />
rather fat and matronly, but the pilot lands the plane <br />
smoothly, much more so than the Philippine Airlines <br />
landing in Manila were my seat belt was actually put to <br />
use restraining me as I was literally thrown forward. <br />
<br />
Passed through Bangkok immigration fairly fast but <br />
arrived after 11pm, too late for any of the buses to <br />
Pattaya or into the city. Instead had to contend with <br />
the taxis again. Was not able to get any of them to turn <br />
on their meters and ended up bargaining a 250 baht fare <br />
to the Sukhumvit Crown, Soi 8. 540 baht a night at the <br />
Crown, same as last year. Hotel isn't much to look at, <br />
but I value its prime location. <br />
<br />
After check in went immediately to have a look at the <br />
new Thermae, just a few doors down from the old one, <br />
towards Soi Cowboy. The setup inside is remarkably <br />
similar, but somewhat more spacious. The most obvious <br />
difference is the addition of a large horseshoe shaped <br />
bar placed in the center around which people sit. It's <br />
about 12:30am and the crowd's still pretty light. A <br />
couple of the booths are packed with girls, but they <br />
have a bit too much of a streetwise, jaded, hard edge <br />
for my taste. <br />
<br />
After talking to a girl from Chiang Mai who won't go <br />
back with me because, she says, her uncle works at the <br />
Crown (and I'm not about to go off with her to her place <br />
after just meeting her). I settle on a girl sitting by <br />
herself at a back table. <br />
<br />
She says she is Thai but has a distinctly Chinese face. <br />
She's dressed in a printed skirt and jacket outfit and <br />
is quite chubby. This I use to get her to lower her all <br />
night price from over 1000 baht to 700. <br />
<br />
Her name is Goolop. She's 33, has no baby, and is the <br />
first girl I sleep with who, near as I can tell, cannot <br />
speak one word of English. She's a happy, passionate <br />
girl, though, and we manage to communicate just the <br />
same. And to add to this unusual combination of a non <br />
English speaking, over 30, Thermae girl with no baby, <br />
Goolop turns out to be an expert masseuse. <br />
<br />
My 700 baht goes far, as once back in my room we undress <br />
and she bathes me, literally scrubbing every inch of my <br />
body, all on her own initiative. Back on the bed, she <br />
proceeds to give just as thorough a massage, pressing, <br />
pulling, and yanking my every joint and muscle. <br />
<br />
We make love three times during the night, Goolop as <br />
passionate and practiced in this art as her others. At <br />
one point the stereotype of the secret sexual passion of <br />
oriental girls comes to mind, her being the embodiment. <br />
She having done everything else for me so far, the next <br />
morning I have her shave my face, which she also does <br />
with great care and expertise. <br />
<br />
Finally around noon time we head out for a buffet lunch <br />
at the Ambassador Hotel. I'm unable to find the dining <br />
area initially, for like Thermae, they've redone the <br />
block. The large Ambassador Hotel sign on Sukhumvit is <br />
gone, replaced by a KFC logo. We have to walk down an <br />
additional couple of doors and then down a long alley <br />
way before finding the buffet, and I feel a slight pang <br />
at the loss of another small part of Bangkok's <br />
character. <br />
<br />
The buffet is the same as before, just a few baht more <br />
expensive. I pay Goolop at the table and afterward we <br />
part on Sukhumvit with a kiss on the cheek. <br />
<br />
My original plan was to go directly to Pattaya from the <br />
airport instead of spending the night in Bangkok. So now <br />
the next afternoon, I make my run. I pack up and check <br />
out and take a metered taxi to Ekamai bus station for 57 <br />
baht just in time to cat the 3pm aircon express to <br />
Pattaya for 66 baht. <br />
<br />
It's about a three hour ride to Pattaya terminal, and <br />
then a 20 baht blue taxi (actually a covered pickup <br />
truck with two rows of benches) to 2nd Road where I <br />
check into the Apex Hotel. The room is slightly smaller <br />
than at the Crown but it comes with a built in safe <br />
deposit box and refrigerator stocked with beer, soft <br />
drinks, and water (in addition to a large double bed, <br />
aircon, color TV, and hot shower) all for only 250 baht <br />
a night. To me, an excellent deal. <br />
<br />
The Apex is also centrally located near many beer bars <br />
and the rest of the action. There is in fact a beer bar <br />
literally next door. And after check in, when I head out <br />
to exchange a traveler's cheque, I walk past and speak <br />
to a girl whom only moments before I saw waiting at the <br />
hotel desk. She says remember me and we start talking. <br />
Her name is Oy and we agree on a 500 baht all night <br />
(it's only about 6:30pm), plus a 150 baht bar fine, less <br />
than half what I'd pay for a Bangkok bargirl. <br />
<br />
We locate a money exchange together and then go back to <br />
my room for a mid evening session, after which Oy says <br />
she's hungry (and I'm quite thirsty). <br />
<br />
We go back downstairs to her bar, she gets a small <br />
bottle of a Japanese vitamin D drink (it tastes citrusy) <br />
and I have a couple of quick bottles of Klosters. Too <br />
quick perhaps, for they give me a significant buzz on my <br />
empty stomach. We then go out hand in hand and she gives <br />
me the grand walking tour of Pattaya Beach and 2nd <br />
Roads, checking out all the beer bars, go-go bars, and <br />
Marine Disco. <br />
<br />
We stop for a light fried rice meal at a small place for <br />
about 40 baht and I have another Klosters. She tells me <br />
that when she first saw me at the hotel front desk, she <br />
was just saying goodbye to a German man whom she'd been <br />
with for the last two weeks at 500 baht a day. Before <br />
that she'd been with a Swiss guy who paid her 20,000 <br />
baht for a month's of her company. I can see why men <br />
would want to go long time with her. She's about 5'1&quot; <br />
with a lot of curves, and a natural beauty, most of the <br />
time wearing no makeup at all. She's still young at 22 <br />
and also doesn't have a baby, another plus. <br />
<br />
I am a little uncomfortable around her. She spent the <br />
last two weeks in a room just down the hall, and is <br />
calling my every move. Even more so, after being with <br />
the last two guys, her German is apparently better than <br />
her English, and I'm a little disconcerted she can tell <br />
me my age in German. <br />
<br />
In general, the mark, so to speak, of der Fatherland is <br />
found throughout Pattaya, with many shops advertising <br />
that they &quot;sprechen Deutsch.&quot; The farang population <br />
itself also seems to average at least 20 years older <br />
than me. This impression at one point framed by the <br />
sight of a fat bald gray haired man, well past 60, with <br />
a teenaged Thai girl on this lap. <br />
<br />
Oy and I circle back to my hotel and retire to intimacy. <br />
I find her to have one of the most erogenous bodies of <br />
any Thai girl I've been with. She seems able to almost <br />
get off on just nipple sucking alone. I follow this by <br />
going down on her in a determined manner. She stops me <br />
before coming saying &quot;condom, condom.&quot; I penetrate her, <br />
side by side, and ride her through, the padded head <br />
board protecting her pate, as she moans and gasps in a <br />
manner deserving of video release. <br />
<br />
We make love once more the next morning, and after a <br />
shower, say goodbye until evening. It's only about <br />
9:30am, a little early for me. I generally like to keep <br />
a girl at least until noon but since I didn't make that <br />
a prior condition I can't really make her stay. In the <br />
end though, it's a good thing. It gives me a chance to <br />
get caught up in my diary, plus a girl kept too long <br />
becomes a ball and chain, keeping me from tasting all <br />
the surrounding delights. <br />
<br />
~ ~ ~ <br />
<br />
After a $3 American food buffet breakfast at the Lek <br />
Hotel, I walk around and shop, my first full day in <br />
Pattaya, and record the recent past events. <br />
<br />
In the afternoon I head out again, bringing my umbrella, <br />
as the sky has become threatening. After exchanging a <br />
TC, I stop at a near empty beer bar to wait out a sudden <br />
cloud burst. <br />
<br />
I speak to a tiny slim Thai girl sitting in hot pants <br />
and a top. She's 25 and has a kid, but still has a nice <br />
body. I decide I'd prefer to get to know her better, <br />
seeing the rain from inside my hotel, so we go off for a <br />
300 baht short time, no bar fine. She's a passionate <br />
lover, generally the case with the older ones in my <br />
experience, and I'm able to make her come through <br />
penetration alone, my own orgasm finally coming at the <br />
end. <br />
<br />
Though I'm clearly a &quot;cheap charlie&quot; relative to the <br />
rest of the farang, I must have some added value, for <br />
even at 300 baht she's asking to see me again this <br />
evening. I don't have change for her, so with the rain <br />
stopped, we go out, buy a couple of ice cream bars and <br />
sit on the curb, while I read the Bangkok Post. <br />
<br />
She finally takes off on a motorbike taxi and I walk <br />
back along 2nd Road. I'm soon approached by a girl as <br />
she parks her motorbike. She says she's from Singapore <br />
and wants to know where Soi 5 is. Before I can answer <br />
she goes into some story about intending to set up a <br />
business in Pattaya. She then grabs my hand and starts <br />
dragging me down 2nd Road saying we're going to a hotel, <br />
that I can have her for free. <br />
<br />
I spotted a scam the moment she pulled up to me, but let <br />
her drag me along since I was heading that way anyway. <br />
As soon as we turn into a soi, though, I yank her off <br />
and wave by-by, not caring to find out what's waiting <br />
for in the hotel. <br />
<br />
I grab a cheeseburger at the Beach Road McDonalds and <br />
decide to check out of the Apex and into the White Inn <br />
near 2nd Rd and Soi 14, a much more prime location, and <br />
still very reasonable at 400 baht/night for a room with <br />
aircon, TV, hot shower, and stocked refrigerator. <br />
<br />
Today has become short time day, as after check in, I'm <br />
at another bar bringing back another girl, 150 baht bar <br />
fine. She's 20, no baby, kinda chubby, but with a very <br />
beautiful angelic face. The problem is she turns out to <br />
be painfully shy and sad, not a workable combination. <br />
<br />
After perhaps two hours with her I give up, her silent <br />
stare unbreakable. She says she's only been in Pattaya 2 <br />
months and has had very few men. As unresponsive as she <br />
behaves, her pussy becomes very wet. But as I probe it <br />
with my fingers I retrieve a somewhat milky fluid with a <br />
few small white lumps. Not being into yeast infections <br />
myself, I quickly wash my hands, tell her to see a <br />
doctor, dress, and send here on her way, she refusing <br />
any money. <br />
<br />
With the night still early, I go out and stop at a next <br />
door beer bar full of about 20 very aggressive Thai <br />
girls. I'm having to pull their hands off me as I settle <br />
down with a Klosters while they all vie for me to pay <br />
them out. I don't really care for any of them. They're <br />
all well past 25, many past 30, or 35 even, with a hard <br />
mean edge to them. Finally, after a few minutes of <br />
prodding, I take a plainly dressed 20 year old who's <br />
been quiet behind the bar. <br />
<br />
We take the short walk back to the White Inn. She's <br />
thin, under 5 feet tall, no baby, also named Oy, with <br />
classic Thai features. A beautiful young thing. We have <br />
a 500 baht short time together. She also turns out to be <br />
very shy, but in a playful manner, and we have a good <br />
time. <br />
<br />
It's now after 11 and I've been with four different <br />
girls today. I'm tired and decide it's time to find one <br />
more, a good one, to spend the night with. I've sort of <br />
gone through the spectrum of bar girls, and now simply <br />
want a &quot;good heart,&quot; one whom I can talk to and whose <br />
company I'll enjoy. <br />
<br />
Around midnight I find myself at the Bamboo Bar near the <br />
Marine Disco and start talking to a girl in a long blue <br />
print dress. Her name is Puk, she's 30, looks older, <br />
4'9&quot;, been in Pattaya 4 years, and has one kid. Her <br />
manner is uncharacteristically soft and I bring her back <br />
for a 500 baht all night. She turns out to be a good <br />
pick, very affectionate, as she manages to sleep the <br />
whole time with her body wrapped around mine. <br />
<br />
We turn out to both be tired, for we don't get up until <br />
about 2pm the next afternoon. We shower, dress, and walk <br />
over to the P72 restaurant for a late lunch. Afterwards <br />
I agree to see her again at 10pm at the Bamboo Bar. <br />
<br />
~ ~ ~ <br />
<br />
Ran a couple of errands and then briefly visited the <br />
actual beach at Pattaya, walking on the light brown sand <br />
and dipping my hand in the water, touching the Gulf of <br />
Thailand. <br />
<br />
After a barbequed chicken leg and Klosters at a beer <br />
bar, went after a massage, eventually making my way, <br />
after a couple of stops, all the way over to 2nd Rd and <br />
Soi 3 to the Sabailand Massage Parlor. It's a well <br />
outfitted place, apparently intended to cater as much to <br />
the Japanese tourist as the western farang. <br />
<br />
A massage is 350 baht, anything more you work out with <br />
the girl. This seems significantly cheaper than the 1500 <br />
baht up front another place near the Marine Disco wanted <br />
that I wandered into on a previous night. Unlike some <br />
places, the girls here are able to look back at you <br />
through the glass as they sit on stairs in gowns <br />
apparently watching TV. <br />
<br />
At least half either ignore me or stare back coldly, but <br />
a fair number also smile and invite me to choose them. <br />
Eventually I give in to one particularly cute girl whose <br />
enticements are unrelenting. <br />
<br />
Number 169 is named June and in person she is as warm <br />
and friendly as behind glass. She's 22, about 4'10&quot;, no <br />
baby, with her hair only a little below her ears and <br />
dyed brown. Sabailand seems so high rent my only <br />
complaint is they don't offer a laundry service for <br />
farang who've spent too much time walking around humid <br />
Pattaya. <br />
<br />
June leads me up to a room divided between a twin bed <br />
against the wall and a bath with a double wide tub. We <br />
undress and she thoroughly washes me in the tub and then <br />
leads me out to an air mattress where after reducing a <br />
dozen bars of soap to liquid with a big brush, pours <br />
this over me as I lay on my stomach. Her massage is both <br />
intense and sensual, culminating in her rubbing and <br />
sliding her entire tiny body up and down against mine. <br />
<br />
I turn over and she repeats this, and I respond with a <br />
full erection. This of course is the point, to arose me <br />
intensely, and then to ask how much I will pay to make <br />
love to her. This always being my intention, I don't <br />
feel like a fool, and we agree on 1000 baht. <br />
<br />
After rinsing and drying we go over to the bed where I <br />
first go down on her, bringing her to a throbbing <br />
orgasm, and then penetrate her to a second. Afterwards, <br />
I ask her for all night and promise to return at 11 the <br />
next night where she will go with me for 1200 baht plus <br />
the 350 bar fine. <br />
<br />
We part after a drink together and I briefly check out <br />
the Sabai Room Massage Parlor across the street. This <br />
place seems particularly tailored to the Japanese, half <br />
the customers at the bar appearing so, with the <br />
establishment's business card itself also containing a <br />
Japanese translation. But I don't find the girls any <br />
more numerous or attractive, so remain content with my <br />
first choice. <br />
<br />
At 10pm I find my way back to the Bamboo Bar to see Puk <br />
again. She's there to go with me again for the night, <br />
but is not open to my wanting to bring a second girl <br />
along. Instead she fixes me up with two others whom I <br />
instead take back. I find them ok but not stunners, both <br />
in their early to mid 20's. One of them lied to me about <br />
not having a baby, her stomach strongly showing the <br />
effects of pregnancy. <br />
<br />
She also proceeds both to smoke a cigarette in my room <br />
again my wishes and to help herself to a beer from my <br />
refrigerator. In addition, she's absolutely adamant <br />
against any girl-girl action, which to me was part of <br />
the point of bringing back two. This is finally too much <br />
and I ask her to leave, me keeping the other, who's <br />
obviously spent less time in bars. They refuse to split, <br />
however, so I'm left having to dump them both, but <br />
manage to get off only paying them each 300 baht. <br />
<br />
So again I find myself alone past midnight looking for <br />
female company 'til morning. After going up and down a <br />
few sois, I settle on a short haired, large breasted, <br />
slightly chubby girl named Nom. I pay the 200 baht bar <br />
fine and we agree on 700 baht all night. <br />
<br />
She's 23, no baby, and has only spent a little time in <br />
Pattaya, the bar life having ground away very little of <br />
her innocence or &quot;good heart.&quot; We enjoy the night <br />
together but she gets up a few times complaining of a <br />
sinus reaction to the wet weather. At 9:30 the next <br />
morning she says she needs to go to the doctor for some <br />
medicine but will be back at 11 and asks for me to pay <br />
her her 700 baht now. <br />
<br />
Having had little sleep, I prefer to remain in bed and <br />
also tell her I don't have the money, the previous <br />
night's entertainment having tapped me out, and would <br />
have to go out to an exchange booth which I don't want <br />
to do now. Instead I give her 200 baht and the hotel <br />
business card so she can find her way back, then return <br />
to bed to sleep and wait for her. <br />
<br />
I awake after 1pm with Nom apparently never showing, and <br />
never getting her additional 500 baht. Having given her <br />
all the time I could, I decide to let the whole thing <br />
pass, and go out for some khao phat and to wait out the <br />
returning rain. <br />
<br />
~ ~ ~ <br />
<br />
At around 6pm I'm back on Beach Rd. checking out the <br />
scene and end up at the Best Friend Bar, a group of <br />
about a dozen open air beer bars. I make my way through <br />
them. Nearly all without any customers to keep company, <br />
the half dozen girls in each plead with me to sit down <br />
with them. <br />
<br />
I end up at the rear bar mostly because one of the girls <br />
there is wearing a fishnet top and nothing underneath, <br />
completely exposing her well formed breasts. My arousal <br />
turns to disappointment though, as I soon find out she's <br />
a ladyboy. <br />
<br />
My attention then turns to the girl next to her, this <br />
one anatomically natural, who rather than preening in <br />
the exaggerated femininity of a ladyboy, instead chooses <br />
to dress in biker girl garb complete with a permanent <br />
sneer. I hook onto her, pay the 150 baht bar fine and <br />
take her back to my hotel for a 300 baht short time. <br />
<br />
Her name is Somboo. She's in her early 20's, no baby, <br />
comes from Bangkok, and is the only child of two retired <br />
teachers, a part of her bargirl income supplementing <br />
their pensions. <br />
<br />
A good deal of her tough girl attitude dissolves when I <br />
remove her clothes, replaced instead with the more <br />
typical &quot;I'm shy, I'm shy&quot; Thai modesty. Not intending <br />
to spend the whole evening with her, I don't spend much <br />
time easing into foreplay, and soon am screwing her. <br />
Because of the number of girls I'm averaging, or just <br />
being in my early 30's and past my sexual peak, I don't <br />
come as quickly or easily as I did a few years ago. <br />
<br />
This is all the better from the girl's point of view, <br />
though, as the period of conjugation has become <br />
sufficiently long for me to consistently bring them to <br />
vaginal orgasm. My own ejaculation follows only with <br />
determined will. <br />
<br />
Having pleased Somboo, and myself, we lay together a <br />
couple of minutes in post coital congress and then <br />
shower and dress. <br />
<br />
Alone with me in my hotel room favors Somboo, over the <br />
alternative of returning to the bar, as she lingers for <br />
at least an additional 15 minutes talking and showing me <br />
the perfume and makeup she keeps in her little short <br />
time bag. After a while, though, I do see her off, <br />
wanting to get on with my evening, and not promising to <br />
visit her again later on at her bar. <br />
<br />
It's past 8:30 and I wander down Soi Post Office, get a <br />
coconut from a vendor, and settle down at a go-go bar, <br />
my first since coming to Pattaya. I don't think much of <br />
the place. The girls wear conservative two piece outfits <br />
and dance rather listlessly around their stage poles. I <br />
get one of them to sit next to me and find out her all <br />
night price is 500 baht to the bar and 1000 to her, an <br />
amount I have no plans of paying. A couple of expensive <br />
lady drinks later and I've put out a total of 265 baht, <br />
enough for me. So I pay up and hop on a blue taxi cross <br />
town to the Sabailand Massage Parlor. <br />
<br />
June, the girl I was supposed to meet there and who made <br />
me promise to show (&quot;no bullshit&quot;) is instead a no show <br />
herself, several telling me she didn't come in that day. <br />
Well, whatever. I'm disappointed and pick another girl, <br />
this one the spitting image of Sung Hi Lee, without the <br />
breast implants. <br />
<br />
She gives me an extremely pleasant full body massage but <br />
I keep my hands off her, not caring to incur a possible <br />
additional fee or tip, and instead stick with the 350 <br />
baht obligatory. She's willing to spend the night with <br />
me for 1500 baht but I pass, her reaching for a <br />
cigarette having dampened my desire. <br />
<br />
I ride back to cruise the beer bars once more for my <br />
last night in Pattaya and end up at one with an <br />
absolutely stunning girl of 18. Her face is perfect and <br />
she looks right off the cover of a Thai fashion or teen <br />
magazine. I can have her the night for a 200 baht bar <br />
fine and 1000 baht to her, all negotiated through the <br />
mamasan. I give in to this one, thinking this is about <br />
the best you can possibly do, but soon regret my choice. <br />
<br />
Her maturity level is indeed that of an 18 year old, if <br />
not an 8 year old, for she's all whining and pouting, <br />
and has a shyness complex to the point where she can't <br />
stand for me to look at her, her beautiful naked body on <br />
my bed something I'm unable to keep my eyes off of. We <br />
go back and forth with this for a few minutes, my <br />
sucking on her nipples and clit not sufficiently <br />
loosening her up. Finally I've had enough, and she wants <br />
to go. So she does, fortunately not demanding any <br />
payment for what was for both of us an unenjoyable <br />
experience and a waste of time. <br />
<br />
By now I'm emotionally burned out on all this. It's <br />
after 1am and I'd just as soon go to bed, but not alone. <br />
I stop at the first beer bar in the other direction next <br />
to my hotel, and find this hole in the wall populated by <br />
a single bar maid and a single bar girl, both over 30. I <br />
never bother learning the bar girl's name. <br />
<br />
She's a darker brown, has wavy hair and is slightly <br />
thick at 5'3&quot;. She seems nice enough, though has little <br />
to say, the girl behind the bar assuring me she has a <br />
&quot;good heart.&quot; That's all I'm looking for at this point, <br />
so I pay the bar 150 and take this large eyed native <br />
girl for a 500 baht all night. <br />
<br />
I am both too tired and too depressed to attempt <br />
anything more that night so we just have a quick shower <br />
together and fall asleep in each other's arms. <br />
<br />
The next morning I feel otherwise, somewhat, and wake to <br />
have her at 8am and again at 9:30. We shower, dress, and <br />
talk some, she again being the type who finds my company <br />
preferable to being alone. I learn I'm her first farang <br />
in a long time (maybe first ever, her English is very <br />
poor), she drawing her income simply by sitting on a bar <br />
stool. Like every girl I've been with in Pattaya, she <br />
tells me she hates Arabs. <br />
<br />
From what I could gather, the basic stereotype is that <br />
they have a strong odor, have rough unshaven faces with <br />
mustaches, and enjoy being rough, sadistically so. In <br />
any case, clearly they must feel welcome. Because, <br />
although half the signs in Pattaya are in German, half <br />
the tourists are Arab. <br />
<br />
I finally send her off, she sorry to go, and pack up and <br />
check out, wanting to make the 12:00 bus back to Ekamai <br />
station. Bangkok, Thailand. <br />
<br />
On the blue taxi to the bus, I leave Pattaya with one <br />
final image: across from me sits a 70 year old man in <br />
shorts and a tank top, his huge round beer gut <br />
protruding beneath, and one hand holding that of the <br />
bored teenage Thai girl sitting next to him. <br />
<br />
~ ~ ~ <br />
<br />
The 3 hour bus ride is followed by a half hour taxi ride <br />
through typical Bangkok afternoon gridlock to go the <br />
couple dozen blocks back to my hotel, the Sukhumvit <br />
Crown off of Soi 8. <br />
<br />
Right after check in I head over to MK Ways Travel <br />
Agency on Wireless Road to arrange a trip to Laos and <br />
Cambodia. The whole thing comes to 11,440 baht including <br />
airline tickets and Laos visa. Probably not the greatest <br />
deal but they're a reputable place, having arranged a <br />
previous trip. <br />
<br />
The only snag is having to give up my passport for a few <br />
days to get the Laos visa stamped in, and thus being <br />
unable to exchange any traveler's cheques. Fortunately <br />
the numerous Bangkok ATMs allow me to still access my <br />
bank account and get a credit card cash advance. This I <br />
immediately take advantage of, grabbing a quick 5000 <br />
baht. <br />
<br />
After dinner at Robinson's Food Court, I decide to check <br />
out the scene at Nana Plaza. It's much the same as last <br />
year, a bit more crowded, the second level now fully <br />
populated with bars and now a third level beginning to <br />
fill up. <br />
<br />
I finally settle down at one of the ground level places <br />
after circling around and having a quick look inside of <br />
all the others. A singha, blaring music and scantily <br />
clad Thai girl encouraging me to buy her out or at least <br />
buy her a lady drink, bring back clear memories of the <br />
same action a year ago. I never find out the prices, and <br />
after only one beer go off instead to Patpong. <br />
<br />
Patpong also seems the same as when I last left it, the <br />
touts just as obnoxious and unrelenting as before. I <br />
also make the rounds there, eventually giving in to a <br />
full body massage at one of the local establishments. <br />
<br />
500 baht gets you the massage, anything more you work <br />
out with the girl. I choose a young thin one with small <br />
firm breasts. She leads me to a room both smaller and <br />
more cheaply appointed than anything in Sabailand in <br />
Pattaya. Having had enough past experience with Patpong <br />
rip offs, I play this one pretty cautious, going just <br />
for the massage. <br />
<br />
I get more anyway, as the girl works to jerk and blow me <br />
off, at one point in a 69, her pussy and ass right <br />
against my face. Feeling where this was leading to, my <br />
coming and a threatened demand for another 1000 or 1500 <br />
baht, I cut the action short and leave before things <br />
deteriorate further. I spend some time in one of the <br />
bars and catch a couple pussy shows, involving fire and <br />
popping balloons, before hopping on a taxi to Thermae, <br />
my last stop. <br />
<br />
I get a Singha there and check out the scene for an hour <br />
or so, meeting many girls who want to go short time, few <br />
all night. The chances of getting an all night chick for <br />
500 baht don't seem very good, as opposed to last year <br />
when picking one up took very little effort. The larger <br />
space of the new Thermae seems to contribute to this; it <br />
just feels a little less intimate, requiring more often <br />
for me to walk over to connect to a girl rather than <br />
just turn and face her. <br />
<br />
The crowd itself is also smaller and the place just <br />
isn't as packed as last year, although I may just be in <br />
on an off night. And certainly in this place I'm not <br />
having to fend off the gropers like before, unless <br />
they've gone too. I finally end up with a girl for 700 <br />
baht, 35 years old and very petite. Choosing her ends up <br />
being a major mistake. <br />
<br />
Like cut out figures before me, one bad sign pops up <br />
after another. She's 35 and has never had a baby, <br />
essentially unheard of in Thailand. She walks with me <br />
out of Thermae carrying a bottle of Singha, rare for a <br />
Thai to like her brew that much. When crossing Sukhumvit <br />
she chooses to head right across the dangerous street <br />
rather than take the foot bridge. <br />
<br />
Once in my room, she declines to take a shower saying <br />
she just took one an hour or two ago. Only a farang <br />
would ever say that. She asks for her 700 baht up front, <br />
not afterwards, as is customary. When I see her up close <br />
in the light of my room, her 35 year old face has the <br />
many fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes and cheeks <br />
of a woman at least 10 years older. Her long brown hair <br />
is unusually wavy and curlie (naturally so) for a Thai <br />
girl. When I undress her, she is rail thin with sticks <br />
for legs, but with natural breasts of a shape so <br />
youthful and firm they could belong to a teenager, an <br />
American one. <br />
<br />
She also has a bubbly giddy laughter and babbling manner <br />
that begins to make me uncomfortable. Finally, she <br />
starts telling me about herself. She's been going to <br />
Thermae and hopping all the other 24 hour bars in <br />
Bangkok, many unknown to most Thais and farangs, for <br />
years now. They are her sole source of income. A few <br />
years ago, she tells me, a man kept buying her drinks <br />
until she fell over drunk.<br />
<br />
Rather than lose face, by her rationale, she learned to <br />
drink. A lot. She clearly weighed well under a hundred <br />
pounds but said she could put away a 6 pack of beer like <br />
nothing, and that men who have tried to get her drunk <br />
for amusement, walked away in frustration after she <br />
downed a half dozen or more. She said she could drink <br />
maybe 12 beers before becoming significantly <br />
incapacitated. <br />
<br />
At this point it became obvious that her physical <br />
appearance bore the ravages of booze, and alcoholism had <br />
affected her mentally, along with living a clearly hard <br />
street life. <br />
<br />
Sharing my room for the night with a booze addled crazy <br />
chick is not my idea of fun, to say nothing of the fact <br />
that I found her more than a little scary. Rather than <br />
lose sleeping keeping an eye on her, I ask her to leave. <br />
And the trouble begins. <br />
<br />
I refused to give her her 700 baht all night fee for an <br />
hour or so of time and she becomes violent, raising her <br />
empty beer bottle ready to strike me with it. I throw <br />
360 baht at her and she starts screaming. I tell her to <br />
get dressed and get out, now. She refuses to leave with <br />
the 360. More flailing and shouting follow, and rather <br />
than let this deteriorate to something I'll seriously <br />
regret, manage to get rid of her for 500 baht, her <br />
pointing to a handle sticking from her bag, saying it's <br />
a long knife. <br />
<br />
It's after 4am, but in my mind I see no reason to let <br />
this deranged woman keep me from having company for what <br />
remains of the night. I get back on Sukhumvit heading <br />
for Thermae and stop along the way to talk to the <br />
passing girls, apparently done for the night. I meet Na. <br />
<br />
Her full name is Niayana, she's a Khmer girl from Khorat <br />
and is dressed in gray jeans and a black shirt. She's <br />
27, no baby, but had a miscarriage at 4 months. She's <br />
rather quiet but tends to be unsmiling and direct. We <br />
agree on a 500 baht all night and return to my room, <br />
where both exhausted, we don't get very far before <br />
falling asleep. <br />
<br />
~ ~ ~<br />
<br />
The next morning, though, I have her a couple of times, <br />
particularly enjoying her smooth brown skin, completely <br />
hairless except for a light patch on her pubic mound. <br />
<br />
We talk about spending some time together. I'm in <br />
Bangkok for a few more days until the next leg of my <br />
trip, and at this point, settling on just one girl to <br />
spend it with has taken on a whole new appeal. <br />
<br />
We make love again in the early afternoon, the hotel <br />
maid's knock finally prompting us to rise. We go out for <br />
coffee and part, briefly meeting again an hour later to <br />
return to my room before going to Robinson's for a late <br />
lunch. <br />
<br />
Afterwards we shop a little, she buying some postcards <br />
to mail out, and go back to my hotel for her to write <br />
them and me to make a long diary entry. She heads out at <br />
8:30 for a prior commitment, an evening with some <br />
friends, a married couple, but she wants to get back <br />
with me at 11. This kind of arrangement is a bit unusual <br />
for me, but I don't miss the familiar monotony of <br />
evening pickups, and I still have a couple of hours left <br />
to go out. <br />
<br />
~ ~ ~ <br />
<br />
I check out Soi Cowboy and not notice any difference <br />
from last year; pretty much the same street lined both <br />
sides with go-go bars. After a Singha at one of them I <br />
go over to the Renoir Club on Soi 33, a somewhat high <br />
rent bar and restaurant catering to farang and Thai <br />
businessmen. A 150 baht Kloster at the bar and a cola <br />
lady drink for one of the hostesses later, I take a taxi <br />
back to my hotel and meet Na there waiting for me. <br />
<br />
We are only up in my room briefly before going back out <br />
to Thermae for a beer. We intend to spend only about an <br />
hour there but it stretches to two and a half as I wait <br />
around while she talks to the many older farang friends <br />
she seems to have acquired there over time. <br />
<br />
My patience with her spent, I start seriously looking <br />
for alternate overnight company. I soon settle on a girl <br />
of 28 for a 500 baht all night and return to my hotel <br />
after a quick by-by to Na. <br />
<br />
Her name is Soo. She's from Buriram and had a baby when <br />
she was only 15. Her body apparently had not fully <br />
developed at the time, for the only sign of her <br />
pregnancy are a few fine stretch marks, her breasts and <br />
stomach still very firm. <br />
<br />
I only have her a couple of times before she takes off <br />
about 11:30am leaving me the rest of the day to myself. <br />
I take advantage of this to have a look around <br />
Chinatown, eventually walking the entire length of <br />
Yaowarat after a brief tour of Hua Lamphong railway <br />
station. Earlier on I had to take about a half hour <br />
break to wait out a sudden downpour. <br />
<br />
Having had enough of a hike, I opt for a taxi and swing <br />
over to Petchaburi Road. I end up at Soi 47 and go into <br />
the Paris Turkish Bath Massage Parlor. 1200 baht up <br />
front pays for a 2 hour bath, full body massage, and <br />
fuck, overall the best deal I've found for such. The <br />
girl I pick is only 18 and doesn't speak a word of <br />
English, but as I've found, you can still have a lot of <br />
fun with someone using a minimum of verbal exchanges. <br />
<br />
Afterwards I head back to Sukhumvit, withdraw some more <br />
cash, and then walk to Nana Plaza. My timing's good as I <br />
enter the Pretty Girl bar, for they've started dancing <br />
there completely naked. I pick a stool at the stage and <br />
get a nice close view of the action. In addition to <br />
dancing, the girls also get into some nice lesbian <br />
action, followed by a fire act similar to one I saw in <br />
Patpong. All this for a 65 baht Singha and within <br />
walking distance of my hotel. <br />
<br />
The quality and explicitness of the performances gains <br />
my attention for an extended period, and for once I'm <br />
not bored by the whole thing. One naked girl has my <br />
recurring attention as she every so often covers her <br />
crotch with her hand in an act of shyness while smiling <br />
at me. <br />
<br />
After her dance I'm surprised from behind as she grabs <br />
me and gives me a big full kiss on the lips. <br />
Appreciating her affection and sweetness, I decide to <br />
take her out for the night, 500 baht to the bar, 1000 to <br />
her. <br />
<br />
Her name is Kim, she's 26, no baby, and is significantly <br />
less sweet when I bring her back to my room, her <br />
attraction for me manifesting itself in a strong <br />
mothering attitude. As soon as I mention I'm going to <br />
Laos in a couple of days, she's telling me not to go, <br />
it's too dangerous. And in general tries to lead me <br />
around everywhere. <br />
<br />
Her stage shyness, I find out, is due to her thick, <br />
long, straight pubic hair, she's half Japanese and half <br />
Chinese-Thai. A couple of the other girls on stage <br />
seemed to have hairless pussies, but it was too dark for <br />
me to tell whether they were natural or shaved. As a <br />
consequence, Kim asks me to shave her, a task I <br />
enthusiastically agree to. We manage to get most of it <br />
off, but when I tongue her later I feel like I'm against <br />
sand paper. She returns the favor by bathing me and <br />
washing my hair. <br />
<br />
Overall she's a rather orgasmic chick, as I'm able to <br />
get her off both orally and vaginally. We sleep through <br />
the night and I have her once more early in the morning. <br />
We dress and go out about noon to the Indra Regent Hotel <br />
for lunch and then the surrounding Pattunam Market to <br />
shop, she the whole time asking me to buy her various <br />
things including a gold ring so she can show her friends <br />
she has a &quot;boyfriend.&quot; <br />
<br />
None of this I give into and tire quickly of being <br />
pulled along by her. She wants to go &quot;long time&quot; with <br />
me, live in an apartment, etc., for a price of course. <br />
Instead we return to my room where she'd left her stuff <br />
and I send her off, trying to explain to her why I don't <br />
care for her company. She leaves even tempered and I <br />
find myself with another open evening. <br />
<br />
~ ~ ~ <br />
<br />
I pick up my passport and Laos and Cambodia airline <br />
tickets at MK Ways, and for dinner go to the Galaxy No <br />
Hands restaurant on Rama IV. The experience is very <br />
disappointing. <br />
<br />
Contrary to what I'd heard, the eroticism was only the <br />
most subtle, was way overpriced, and in general not <br />
worth it at all except for the Japanese and Hong Kong <br />
businessmen with money to burn that the place seems <br />
designed to cater to. <br />
<br />
I was led into a private room, took off my shoes and sat <br />
on cushions before a sunken table. A very old waiter <br />
took my order, a three course Chinese meal and a couple <br />
of 20 oz bottles of Singha. I then was taken to an outer <br />
area where I chose a girl to feed me. <br />
<br />
I picked an Isaan girl of 28 with a ready smile dressed <br />
in a light orange business suit. We went back to the <br />
room and talked some until the order came. And when it <br />
did, she simply proceeded to feed me, spooning me <br />
mouthfuls of fried rice, chicken with cashews, and <br />
prawns, interrupted by the occasional sip of beer. <br />
<br />
After a while, with my encouragement, she joined me. My <br />
hands were mostly at my sides but occasionally rested on <br />
her thighs or breasts. She remained fully dressed the <br />
whole time, not &quot;scantily clad&quot; as I heard. <br />
<br />
It was a pleasant enough time but in no way worth the <br />
1200 baht for the meal plus a 500 baht tip for the <br />
mamasan and another 500 for the others. And if you <br />
wanted a *one* hour massage from the girl afterwards, <br />
the price was 2200 baht plus 400 for the room which was <br />
in a cheap hotel you had to walk outside down an <br />
alleyway to get to. <br />
<br />
All this included a 10% added charge for paying by <br />
credit card since I never carry that much cash around <br />
Bangkok. The bath, massage and fuck were passable but <br />
half as long as they should've have been. Had I known I <br />
was going to be shelling out nearly 200 US dollars for <br />
something this underwhelming, visa a vise its <br />
reputation, I never would have gone in. <br />
<br />
It was about midnight when I left, feeling cheated, and <br />
took a taxi back to Sukhumvit to find a bedmate at <br />
Thermae for my last night in Bangkok. After prowling the <br />
area for an hour or so, I spotted at a corner table a <br />
young girl sitting by herself sipping a cup of tea. <br />
After bouncing off enough of the rough chicks at the <br />
bar, sitting next to her was refreshing. <br />
<br />
Her name was Supranee or Oy for short (a nickname I've <br />
found rather common among Thai girls) and was only 21 <br />
with no baby. She wore very little makeup and said she <br />
doesn't smoke cigarettes or drink whiskey, and over all <br />
seemed a nice sweet person. Her day job was at the Thai <br />
Cement and Mitsubishi plant and she lived in an all <br />
female apartment complex. <br />
<br />
We agree on a 900 baht all night, more than I've ever <br />
paid for a Thermae girl but I genuinely like this one <br />
and I've found it much harder to get the 500 baht price <br />
that girls in Thermae seemed much more readily to agree <br />
to last year. But then everything in Bangkok seems a <br />
little more expensive this time around. <br />
<br />
It's late when we go back to my room, so we just sleep, <br />
but I have her twice in the morning. She's definitely on <br />
the shy side and not nearly as wildly orgasmic as the <br />
first girl I had in Pattaya, but is responsive enough <br />
for me to get it up over. She also likes me very much <br />
and we exchange addresses to correspond. <br />
<br />
After a shower, I pack and check out, say goodbye to <br />
Supranee, exchange a couple of traveler's cheques and <br />
hop on the 70 baht airport bus. My carrier is Lao <br />
Aviation and our in-flight meal for the hour trip from <br />
Bangkok to Vientiane consists of a cold hot dog with <br />
ketchup, donut, green cupcake, and miniature banana. I <br />
enjoy this with a small glass of Beerlao.<br />
<br />
The food, however, only partially foretells the scene I <br />
arrive to in Laos. I was expecting a spartan terminal, <br />
befitting a very poor country, but not quite as decrepit <br />
and poorly lit, with rusted signs and an obstacle course <br />
of mud puddles from the recent rain. More importantly, <br />
the single money exchange booth at the airport is <br />
closed, requiring that I deal entirely in the readily <br />
accepted Thai baht my first day in Laos. <br />
<br />
I arrive late in the afternoon and take a 200 baht taxi <br />
ride into town to the Lao Chaleune Hotel (aka the Inter-<br />
Hotel) which sits on a quiet corner only about a hundred <br />
feet from the banks of the Mekong River. I check into a <br />
350 a night room with two beds, aircon, refrigerator <br />
with bottled water, and hot shower. I spend the early <br />
evening exploring the neighborhood, my umbrella only <br />
providing partial protection from the light but steady <br />
rain. <br />
<br />
In the dark I must pay as much attention to my next step <br />
as the sights around me, for paved streets appear to be <br />
a recent innovation in the capital of Laos, the sidewalk <br />
an invention largely unheard of. After dodging mud <br />
puddles and receiving a gradual soaking for some two <br />
hours, I end up in a small tavern, order a large bottle <br />
of Beerlao, and watch the fuzzy reception of a Malaysia <br />
Indonesia soccer game on the TV. <br />
<br />
A thousand kip (a little over a dollar) tuk-tuk ride <br />
back to my hotel, a quick shower and change of clothes, <br />
and I'm ready to check out the downstairs nightclub. The <br />
band plays very loud, mostly Lao pop music as near as I <br />
can tell. I'm offered an English speaking girl for <br />
conversation and we go into a quieter outer room to <br />
talk. She's half Lao half American and doesn't look at <br />
all Lao, and I make use of her to acquaint myself a bit <br />
more with the country and try to plan out some of my <br />
short 3 night stay. <br />
<br />
After a while she leaves and I'm approached by a young <br />
man asking if I would like to have her for the night. I <br />
instead request a Lao girl but am given one of <br />
Vietnamese ancestry, both parents emigrants from Hanoi. <br />
We agree on a 1000 baht all night, an amount I should've <br />
been able to cut down, and she's sent to my room at <br />
about 11pm. Her name is Vieng, 27, one baby, ok looking, <br />
but I decide not worth expending more than one condom <br />
on. <br />
<br />
She stays with me until about 11:30 the next morning, <br />
and after the rain tapers off a bit, I head out for <br />
lunch at a small local place. The rain picks up again <br />
while I eat and when I go out again I find the streets <br />
flooded with up to a foot of water. I had planned a <br />
walking tour of the city that day but the unrelenting <br />
rain keeps me indoors. I instead go back to my room for <br />
another shower. <br />
<br />
~ ~ ~ <br />
<br />
After dinner I set up a private day tour of the <br />
surrounding area for the next day. Because of short <br />
notice, I'm unable to hook up with a group and am paying <br />
more than I'd like to. <br />
<br />
A little while later I go downstairs intending to check <br />
out the night club scene but instead end up talking to a <br />
gen-u-wine mercenary whom I later find out happens to be <br />
in the room next to mine. <br />
<br />
He says he runs an air transport company (ala Air <br />
America, Southern Air Transport, etc.) in the region and <br />
simply describes his job as moving cargo, cargo that <br />
often happens to be soldiers, weapons, and military <br />
supplies. He's been in Southeast Asia some 28 years now <br />
and tells me the hotel I happen to have chosen used to <br />
be used by Air America people. We end up talking for a <br />
few hours exchanging info on the best and cheapest pussy <br />
(during the Vietnam War you could get a girl short time <br />
for $1.50). <br />
<br />
At one point he tells me of a friend who went out into <br />
the country in Thailand and bought a girl off a family <br />
for $100, didn't like her after a few days, and took her <br />
back for a refund. He also talks a lot about his <br />
marshall arts background, black belts and various ground <br />
fighting experiences, including pulling out a small <br />
mini-mag flashlight he keeps and demonstrating various <br />
ways to kill someone with it. A generally likeable, good <br />
natured person, but a little scary after listening to <br />
for the evening. <br />
<br />
The end result is that I never get around to acquiring <br />
any female company, and for the first time this trip, go <br />
to bed alone. <br />
<br />
The entire next day is spent on my tour. Myself, a <br />
guide, and a driver go off into the country in a taxi. <br />
We get out of the city and drive along the lush green <br />
country roads, stopping along the way at a zoo, which <br />


  • troop
    14 years ago
    dude that's a mighy long story.. i read about a fourth to third of it but will be back to finish it because it is interesting.
  • yndy
    14 years ago
    <span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"><span style="font-size: larger;">Quite a read. Thanx for recording and posting your trip. I don't think I'd have had the stamina even when I was your<br />
    age 20 years ago. <br />
    <br />
    Would you consider a summary w/total funds spent and total number of xperiences?<br />
    <br />
    Plus, how you'd do it next time.</span></span><br />
    <br />
    <br type="_moz" />
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