If you could pretend to display an entire different personality with no fear of reprecusions, at least for a night at the strip club, what would you be, including your dress attire. Let me start.
I would be the stereotypical 1970-80s geek, with the high pitched voice and stuttering and all. I'd wear those classic tight highwater suspender pants with the with button up shirt, the pens in the shirt pocket. Id have those striped tube socks and the huge bifocals with the tape on the middle, displaying the nervousness and awkwardness of the stereotypical geek. Id probably bring a fake ashma pump too lol. Ok, you guys' turn.
One day I intend to out on my 1 and only nice suit, crisp dress shirt with cuff links and head to the club. This is probably the norm for some of y'all, but I'm more of the blue collar dive type of guy. I think it'd be nice to see how differently you get treated.
I already got the prototypical PL image working for me. It is great. Strippers just love their PLs like us PLs love out strippers. Can't think of a way to improve it.
Jeez are all old people just not creative or what? Jackson, that actually sounds, pretty cool. I'm really suprised nobody said anything crazy, like a rockstar or a hippie or something. Don't gotta be halloween to have fun
I'd be a vampire with mind control powers. Then I would make the bouncers stay away. Make the dancers dance for free if I wanted and shut the DJ up except to make quick announcements such as the next dancer on stage. Anything else I didn't like, I would change and make people think it was their idea to start with. On my way back and forth to the clubs, I would make cops go after other people or just go home and make all the lights turn green for me. I would also mind control all the deer and any predators to stay out of the way on my way home. Maybe if I sensed another large black cat or panther, I would have it sit beside the highway and have it wave as I drove by. I almost hit and killed a mythical animal one night according to what I read about black panthers in South Carolina. I saw why no one ever hit one. It was lightning fast.
last commentI actually thought he looked pretty good. But the two dancers with me laughed at him and thought he was weird.
So much for us having the same taste in fashion.
Yeah, I thought he looked cool, but sometimes I totally forget some of these girls weren't even BORN yet in 1990. Lol
I go in a Steampunk outfit and stay in character . . . then never go back to that club again.
Oh, wait! That's how I went the last time. And the time before. And . . . .
I've got to think of something new. I think I'll go as John Holmes.
He da man!