A quick search revealed she stopped dancing. I'm also going to assume that she had her password saved on a different computer. I'm now going to assume that computer was sold for meth by her drug addict boyfriend (and all strippers have those), and now she has no way to use the old ID.
Dalex, are you a complete dumbass, probably!!! The only drug I've ever tried was weed a few times like, in 1999. My teeth are white, straight and trust me hun, my skin is very clear. To answer your question, HowdyPilgrims as diccussed on the daddysgirl thread from ClubGoer, I deleted my other acct for a break, and I signed up again under my original name, but accidently submitted part of the wrong email. I sent founder a message, and hopefully my original name is restored. If anyone has questions if this is me pm me (my original pmers and I will answer) to prove this is really me. Alucard, Clubgoer, Londonguy, looneylarry, and juice of course.
ah ok i actually read the other thread after this one and got the story...I shoulda marked I did so on this one i suppose..doh. welcome back pilgrim :)
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