Don't do stuff just because it's convinient.

avatar for dalex
Few weeks ago, I was approached by some old ass stripper, at a club where there was no hot girls so I figured I'd entertain it. It was Wednesday afternoon, hour away from a decent club, I was feeling lazy/bored, and I had some money on me. This is perfect recipe for a disaster & my mind was doing entertaining whatever is most convenient at that point.

So I end up getting a dance, pretty bored with this she tells me to go in the VIP in the back, it's like $15 a song, so I was thinking like alright what the hell, why not.

I go back in there, she gets on & offers me a HJ, me being bored, however not sexually aroused at all by her or anything in the world at that point, I'm like yeah sure. My dick thought otherwise & decide not to partake in these festivities. "Oh this must be too public for you", "oh yeah I guess it is". No, truth is, it wasn't too public for me, I was just not turned on, not in a million years, my dick wouldn't get hard if she sucked it for days, let alone some lousy hand stimulation.

So I end up finger blasting her, paid for like 4 songs, ran home & felt dirtier than I ever had in my whole life, I was literally sitting in the shower in fetal position as if I just had been raped, I might have been even crying.

She was ugly, man... She was old, clearly too old for me to go near, and even though she didn't seem like an addict to the point where she's truly fucked up, her body was fucked up, and I regret that whole day.

But it was convenient, I was bored, and it was offered to me on a silver platter, it was a lesson, very valuable one, and thank god I didn't partake in anything that could've given me an STD, because BOY that girl had a lot of mileage on her.


last comment
avatar for rh48hr
12 years ago
If you just add in some club details you would have a very entertaining review. Lol.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
bro I take your advice like the holy grail. Just two days ago I went to the club, for no particular reason. Girls were bleh and I took an offered massage because "I was bored" and it wasn't erotically enticing or anything. I didn't want to spend the money even though I had way more than enough to blow so I just said fuck it and did it. Got a black stripper just cause, even though her boobs were fake and her ass wasn't certifaible big (for a black woman) though I let her dance on me. I told her I'll get another dance in 10 minutes but I quickly left. Blew 60 dollars for a non erotic, wasteful adventure....and I didn't really enjoy nor hated that situation. now I can't do what I really wanted to do since I decided wasting money was a good idea.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
You need to learn about self control and delayed gratification. But some of that comes with maturity or VERY tough learned lessons.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
Often when I go to an SC, no dancer that I find attractive will ask me for a dance.

I suggest you expand your search for fun to escorts. Join or or both. Occasionally, you will get an escort who looks so different from her pictures that you don't want to get near her. My suggestion in that case is to plunk down the money, say you just go a migraine, and bounce. Yes it's a cowardly response to a rip-off. But you don't want to get a rep as a problem client. And the only thing worse than a lying fugly bitch is a lying fugly bitch going psycho on you. Girls with no reviews on and independent girls are the most likely to not look like their pictures. Learn a few halfway decent jokes to tell the escorts (and strippers), buy a book of jokes if need be.
avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
That story reminds me of the oldest stripper I ever met, one I ended up banging ITC. Maybe it would have helped not to show up at the club pissed off. This was the night I drove down to the town with my favorite club, but when I got to town, I needed gas, which I probably should have dealt with before leaving home, or at least the truck stop at the interstate exit before the town the club is in. I go to the Casey's, the convenience store, and the lady working the pizza counter at Casey's was one of my favorite dancers, who had apparently quit the business. (Not for good, as it turned out, but how was I to know that then?). I'm pissed off and I go into the club, get basically ignored until the old lady I historically ignored came up to me and asked what's wrong. I go get a dance and the rest is history. She wasn't a bad person, but the whole experience just felt disgusting afterward.
avatar for dalex
12 years ago
@ilbbaicnl thanks for that. Thing about escorts that I highly dislike is that it carries the risk of law enforcement. & honestly I do like going to strip clubs for more than just chance of banging strippers, it helps a lot with social anxiety & just being more out there as a person. I can spend a whole night club hopping & feel good about myself since I'm being social & doing something, or I could bang an escort in an hour then go home into loneliness.

@DandyDan awesome story, I hope it didn't have any long term damage, I think what goes wrong is the nice guy syndrome most guys have, trying not to hurt anybody's feelings, and avoid confrontation at all costs.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
Little blue pills don't do everything
avatar for dalex
12 years ago
I don't do little blue pills bro, but I won't just go for anything either.
avatar for clevelandbrowns69
12 years ago
You should write some reviews to alert us other members of these clubs and dancers
avatar for Experimental
12 years ago
What an amazingly descriptive and detailed story from someone apparently too shy to write reviews? hint hint
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Many of us have had those experiences; in, and out, of SCs
avatar for umissedaspot
12 years ago
If I didn't believe in doing stuff because it's convenient, I'd never go to a strip club in the first place. But turning down the offer from some ugly nasty old skank who's not making me feel aroused is not a lesson I've needed to learn by trial and error.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Looks like a new Fag on tuscl dugsta boy
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
@dalex if you are socializing with strippers as a way of escaping from social isolation, you are exchanging one problem for another. If you can find one, I think a support group of some kind for social anxiety would be a much better option.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
@ilbbaicnl: "I think a support group of some kind for social anxiety would be a much better option."

Possibly true, but it's unlikely that any of the members of the support group will fuck him, so it's probably a wash.
avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
@dalex- only real long term damage is she suddenly thought it was OK to always ask me for a lap dance every time she was there. But once I turned her down enough, she eventually went away. She eventually quit and is now apparently bartender at one of the regular bars down the street from the club.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
@george I'm not saying don't do P4P. I'm saying, unless someone is a natural-born thug, a strip club is far from the best place to socialize. An SC is for getting some sexual gratification relatively easy.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
When I was in my twenties, a seriously homely streetwalker came up to me on a dark street. She threw one leg around my back, standing on the toes of her other foot. In spite of myself, I got one of those twentysomething hard as rock hard-ons. Even though she was much shorter, she got herself into a position where we would have been fucking there on the street if not for our clothing. Fortunately I had somewhere to be, so I begged off. The ick factor of the memory of her even being able to get me hard is bad enough.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
@ilbbaicnl: "An SC is for getting some sexual gratification relatively easy."

Is that not what I said? :)
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