Have you been `busted' in a police raid on a club?

avatar for deltapete
I've often read about police `raids' on strip clubs and their frequency often seems to coincide with an upcoming local election. The information that comes out afterwards is often sketchy and seems to concentrate on girls getting busted for drugs or being caught in the act of giving `extras'. I've never heard of any customers getting busted and usually the pattern seems to be that the club is more careful for a few weeks or months but then pretty much returns to its previous patterns.

I'd be interested in learning more from the members on this site: has anyone here been present during a raid and, if so, what happened? Is it safe to assume that customers don't get charged and, if not, does anyone know of any instances where that happened?

I wonder if it would be feasible for this site to have a list of clubs that have recently been busted so that customers know which to temporarily avoid? (Or perhaps the ones to go to, based on the thinking that if a club has just been busted, it's unlikely to be hit again for a while.)
What do you think?


last comment
I was in a club in North Philly that was raided. They came in blocked all the exits and shut the place down to check everyone's ID's, dancer permits and green cards. They were looking for a dancer's BF. after they check every one the cops left and the club started back up. I left.
I was in the infamous Memphis Platinum Plus about 12 years ago during a bust. 4 of them came in dressed as bikers. They made a sweep of the main room and then went straight to the couch dance room and closed it off. The DJ made an announcement that the couch room was closed ufn and drinks were buy one, get one free.

Alot of customers left, thinking that, that was the end of the fun for the night. I stayed. The couch room reopened 90 minutes later. 50 customers and dancers got citations. No one hot arrested.

A short time later I hooked up with a little cutie and got my first ever BBBJ in a strip club.

Of course we all know that a few years later the club got closed permanently.

I think that it would be a good idea if there was a place on each clubs page where all news items could be placed. If Founder ever brings back the club discussion section, that would be a good place for them.
I've been in a few cop raids when i was working in 2 sc's in Atlanta. The only thing was there were to many people in the club. That was fire code violation. So the manager anounced we broke the fire was broken the club was closeing but re open the next nite.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
TiredtrVler, you said north philly. Enough said lol
Every goddamn time I go to a club ! I thank the D.A. is following my ass
I had the same experience as Shadowcat reports here:

""I was in the infamous Memphis Platinum Plus about 12 years ago during a bust. 4 of them came in dressed as bikers. They made a sweep of the main room and then went straight to the couch dance room and closed it off. The DJ made an announcement that the couch room was closed ufn and drinks were buy one, get one free.

Alot of customers left, thinking that, that was the end of the fun for the night. I stayed. The couch room reopened 90 minutes later. 50 customers and dancers got citations. No one hot arrested. ""

He and I might have been there on the same night, I just now realize. Synchronicity. But then I didn't go on to get a BBBJ that night ... I don't think ... IIRC ...
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
No but sounds like a good time
i've been in clubs that were raided, but i was never caught in the act and i don't do drugs so no stash in the locker, purse, etc.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
I have been lucky. Some of the clubs I frequent were raided and I was either there the day before or the day after.

2 of my favs were not so lucky. One fav wasn't doing anything wrong, but she mouthed off to the cops and said they couldn't arrest her. They did. Later they released her with no charges.

Another fav got arrested because one of the vice cops got a lapdance from her and fell in love with her tits. (they are outstanding tits). When they booked her, the cops photographed her bare tits to prove their case of "public lewdness". I bet the bastard jacks off on that picture to this day. She was later released and the charges were dropped.
I was in a club overseas that was raided by military police with machine pistols. Fortunately I was with a local politician and a US Army captain and they didn't bother us.
"the cops photographed her bare tits to prove their case of public lewdness"


Frank: She wasn't wearing a bra.

Horatio: This case clearly lacks evidentiary support

YEAAAAHHH!!!! (cue The Who)
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
I know some persons who ought to be arrested. LOL
^^^ mo-head-man^^^

You win this thread. I can see David Caruso taking off the "shades of justice" and asking the crime scene folks to dust her tits for prints. You think the can get prints from up her vagina?
But Zipman, would dick prints stand up in court?
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