
Pick One Damnit! But Which One?

Monday, December 10, 2012 11:37 AM
I was down in S. FL for business and stopped into one of my favorite spots Scarletts (review soon to follow). So anyway I am in there and I do not see either of the two girls I am interested in from before. But I spot this other one, we'll call her G. She is kind of thick but she pulls it off. She is around a 7 head and 8 body. But immediately we hit it off. Connection is strong and gets stronger in the lap dance room. We are having fun. However this is not an extras club and she did a little but she was concerned about the cameras. When we come out of the champagne/LD room the club is very full and she is all bubbly and excited about spending some time together. And there are the other two girls I have been working on. A, and T. Both spot me and are looking at me like what are you doing with her. But I just give both of them a big smile and hang with G for the moment. When she goes to the bath room I go over to T who is on the stage and tip her. She is a stone cold 9.5, and I do not give out high numbers easily. Incredible black hair, brilliant blue eyes and tits so perfect that I honestly thought they were bolt ons. But they are not believe me I checked. Besides she is Cuban and is just off the boat. In fact her only fault is she is a little too innocent and she barely speaks any English. T comes right over to me as soon as she gets off stage and starts rubbing all over me with her ass, skin like a baby. Puts my hands on her tits. And we are not even getting any lap dances, and she does this for about 15 minutes. No hustle no attitude, just this big beautiful smile. Hmmm maybe not so innocent, but still inexperienced, but man she was trying. I got to tell you this was very erotic figuring she is not trying to hustle me. So G comes back from the back goes on stage and I do not see her for a while. But she is watching me. And I just give her a big smile. All this time A is also watching me and I do the same. She smiles back. T and I go to the champagne room for some dances and even thought this is not an extras club I am getting some extras. She is getting better at her dances but I just show her what to do and she does it. Keep in mind there are cameras in here so there is only so much I can do. But she did everything I told her to do. And she never stopped me from doing anything. Playing with her pussy outside and inside her panties, put her hand on my dick and she did some nice stick shifting. The only thing she would not do is give me her number. But she is new and still learning. I will work this. I also talked with A and she said “are you having a good time” with just a slight tinge of jealousy. But I just smiled and tipped her and told her how cute she looked. Then when T went to the back G came back flirted some more, and gave me some more dances. Even hotter than last time. She gave me her number which she says she never does. We will see if she responds when I text her. Anyway what is the thoughts of folks on here about pursuing multiple girls at the same club? And being open about it? I am always concerned about this creating excessive drama. But then there is the benefit of competition motivating them? I have a friend that says if you are interested in two non stripper women find a way to make sure they know about each other. Or should I just pick one? What do you guys think?


  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    I presume as long as each is aware you will pursue a lot of variety and change, then it is the dancers who will work it out one way another. I personally would eventually pick one. PM OhioVoyeur and ask him about your situation. He may have some insight to contribute.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    OhioVoyeur does not compute. LOL.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Doesn't compute?
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Try to send him a PM.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Seems he has left entirely, either by force or by choice. I have PMed with him in the past. Oh well...I can think of others to follow him. ;)) Do what is comfortable for you Revo.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    I picked my ass
  • bang69
    12 years ago
    send him a pm
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    On a smaller scale, this just happened to me. I have a favorite,"U" in a local club. We have spent some good times in the LD area and had just started to discuss the VIP room. My next visit, as soon as I sat down, a dancer from way back, "J", came over and sat with me. She started her back massage, but as usual, kept slipping off my back. I didn't see "U" around. A bit later I heard her announced on stage. After that when "J" went on stage, I motioned "U" over and said sorry, an old friend and gave her a nice tip. Next visit I see "U" but she doesn't come near me. So, I just count it up as her loss. Haven't been back to the club since, but I will, in time.
  • Dolfan
    12 years ago
    I'm currently "seeing" two dancers who work the same shifts at the same club. They both know and accommodate the other. They both would prefer they got more/all of my money and the other got less/none, but there is really not much drama. I've done it before at another club, for about 2 years or so until one of the two checked into rehab. They were actually pretty fond of the situation since it gave them the flexibility to finish with their current customer when I came in knowing the other could keep me entertained in the interim. It allowed them to move at their normal pace rather than accelerate things and lose a sale because they had rush over to me. I say keep multiple girls running, IMO it has a lot of benefits. It weeds out the territorial ones who'll be drama at some point, increases success rates, reduces tension/disappointment from "flake outs" (same idea as increased success rate), provides a bit of healthy competition/reduces complacency, etc.
  • Revo
    12 years ago
    Dolan, I tend to agree. The competition can help with the dancers motivation. Besides the variety is more fun. And man did I have fun that night.
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