Rating the girls
When rating the girls on a scale of 1 to 10 I go by this.
9-10 Drop dead knock outs. guys stop what they are doing or saying upon sight. These are rare.
7-8 Pretty, atractive, You see more of these.
5-6 Plain Enough said
3-4 Homely
1-2 Ugly
9-10 Drop dead knock outs. guys stop what they are doing or saying upon sight. These are rare.
7-8 Pretty, atractive, You see more of these.
5-6 Plain Enough said
3-4 Homely
1-2 Ugly
Does a 10 body + a 2 face make a 6?
Is a 10 with a bull ring in her nose and an inked body still a 10?
The Potter Stewart quote about pornography cones to mind.
I can't define a 10, but I know it when I see it.
7-8 BJ only
5-6 HJ
3-4 Full contact LD
1-2 Air dance
B Deaf
C Mute
D Epileptic