
Rating the girls

Sunday, November 18, 2012 8:57 PM
When rating the girls on a scale of 1 to 10 I go by this. 9-10 Drop dead knock outs. guys stop what they are doing or saying upon sight. These are rare. 7-8 Pretty, atractive, You see more of these. 5-6 Plain Enough said 3-4 Homely 1-2 Ugly


  • Chemicaltoilet
    12 years ago
    So higher rating means the girl is hotter? This is truly revolutionary. Thank you for posting
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    ^^^ lol @ toilet
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    Lol @ toilet
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Good idea. But too simplistic. Does a 10 body + a 2 face make a 6? Is a 10 with a bull ring in her nose and an inked body still a 10? The Potter Stewart quote about pornography cones to mind. I can't define a 10, but I know it when I see it.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    I hope LE doesn't read the OP's only review. Newbies!
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    9-10 BJ and FS 7-8 BJ only 5-6 HJ 3-4 Full contact LD 1-2 Air dance
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    A Blind B Deaf C Mute D Epileptic
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    I would bet no two "1-10 rating" systems here would be exactly the same.
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    yeah that's a real eye opening system there.
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    see the hottie vs. hittie and the rate the hotie (RTH) series by Jackson Essaky [view link]
  • mrrock
    12 years ago
    I use a 1-10 system also that I developed for rating looks but as far as strippers go sometimes extras trump looks. Or personality trumps no personality.
  • Jamesday
    12 years ago
    You guys don't understand why I wrote this. To offen guys say that someone is a 10 when they are really a 8. I know because I've seen Hot or not site and I see what the guys rate the women at.
  • crazyjoe
    12 years ago
    Every guy sees things differently. Different strokes
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