The surviving virgin queen will fly out on a sunny, warm day to a "drone congregation area" where she will mate with 12-15 drones. If the weather holds, she may return to the drone congregation area for several days until she is fully mated. Mating occurs in flight. The young queen stores up to 6 million sperm from multiple drones in her spermatheca. She will selectively release sperm for the remaining 2–7 years of her life.[3]
There is one type of chimpanzee or ape or something that will mate with every single male in the tribe and then just let the sperm inside her battle it out to see which one impregnates her. Must be pretty confusing on father's day.
Bah, that's just the beginning of the animal world.
-Snakes & Lizards… Summary: Have two penises & some use a copulation plug (fluid solidifies in the female’s cloaca (which is essentially a vagina and a pee hole in one), preventing any other male from depositing his sperm).
-Gray Whales:… Large groups of breeding gray whales have also been observed. Because the males have large testes and produce a lot of sperm, biologists refer to "sperm competition" taking place. In other words, males compete by trying to wash away the other fellow's sperm rather than trying to achieve exclusive access.
-Cabbage White Buttterfly:… When the female is ready to mate, she exhibits a characteristic colulatory position by lowering her antenna (see graphic, Figure 2). This serves as a signal to males that she is ready to mate. If two males are present and competing for the same receptive female, it is not uncommon for "male one" to trick the other by assuming the same pre-colulatory pose. "Male two," confused and randy, may attempt to copulate with guised male one.
-Hissing cockroaches:… males have been known to push female cockroaches (who resist by kicking with their hind legs) into corners and take them by force. These bug-eyed bad boys like to play the odds, pursuing everything that moves — including other males — to up their chances, the theory goes, of successfully copulating with a lady. A different theory is that the he-cockroach sometimes poses as a frisky female to avoid aggression from bigger, brawnier guys, diverting their competitors.
FYI: Am a biology grad. Anatomy, physiology, evolution, taxonomy, microbiology, biochemistry, oncology, neurology, blah blah blah, etc. Are all some useless random facts stored deep in my memory.
last commentMust be pretty confusing on father's day.
-Snakes & Lizards…
Summary: Have two penises & some use a copulation plug (fluid solidifies in the female’s cloaca (which is essentially a vagina and a pee hole in one), preventing any other male from depositing his sperm).
-Gray Whales:…
Large groups of breeding gray whales have also been observed. Because the males have large testes and produce a lot of sperm, biologists refer to "sperm competition" taking place. In other words, males compete by trying to wash away the other fellow's sperm rather than trying to achieve exclusive access.
-Cabbage White Buttterfly:…
When the female is ready to mate, she exhibits a characteristic colulatory position by lowering her antenna (see graphic, Figure 2). This serves as a signal to males that she is ready to mate. If two males are present and competing for the same receptive female, it is not uncommon for "male one" to trick the other by assuming the same pre-colulatory pose. "Male two," confused and randy, may attempt to copulate with guised male one.
-Hissing cockroaches:…
males have been known to push female cockroaches (who resist by kicking with their hind legs) into corners and take them by force. These bug-eyed bad boys like to play the odds, pursuing everything that moves — including other males — to up their chances, the theory goes, of successfully copulating with a lady. A different theory is that the he-cockroach sometimes poses as a frisky female to avoid aggression from bigger, brawnier guys, diverting their competitors.
-And 30 other strange animal mating habits.…
FYI: Am a biology grad. Anatomy, physiology, evolution, taxonomy, microbiology, biochemistry, oncology, neurology, blah blah blah, etc. Are all some useless random facts stored deep in my memory.
While teaching monkeys the concept of currency, scientists accidentally discover monkey prostitution.…