
SC visits/how often

Dumped by ATF?
I've been going to SCs about 2-3 times per month for the last few months. I'm single in my late 20s. Just curious what is the most often you went in a week/month. It's pretty easy to get addicted.


  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    I go at least once a week. Average about 6/mo. More when I do a road trip.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    The most I've dun for a day was 16 hours
    The most I've dun for a week was 7 days
    The most I've dun for a month wad 28 days
    The most ive dun for a year was 340 days

    My avg for a day is 8 hours
    My avg for a week is 3 days
    My avg for a month is 12 days
    My avg for a year is 144 days

    My least for a day was 0 hours
    My least for a week was 0 days
    My least for a month was 0 days
    My least for a year was 0 days
  • Rod8432
    12 years ago
    'Bout the same as Shadow. Occasionally twice per week, but almost always once. I seem to get the itch after only a few days away.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    wow, how don't you guys get bored if you go THAT much? In all seriousness though, what kind of jobs that you guys have that let you go twice a week, pay mortgage, pay food pay phone bills, pay many different insurances and STILL blow nearly a grand a week in clubs? Tell me what I got to do to do what your doing.

    I started in mid summer so I approximate myself to twice a month since I didn't get that hammering feeling for grindage all the time. But since school started I haven't been able to go, but if I have time, I would say probably once a month now.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    It's hard to get bored of hot pussy, the desire for it is wired so deep into men.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    I agree with dougster and I've got one point to add to it its called a debt free life style
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    I go typically 3-4 times a month. And yes....visits can get quite addicting. As long as you don't break the bank, it shouldn't be a problem.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Wish my job allowed me more hours to go to strip clubs! There are some lucky dogs here!
  • snowtime
    12 years ago
    About twice a month, on average. Would go more if funds allowed it.
  • Lone_Wolf
    12 years ago
    I don't have the stones to admit how often I've been going lately. Definitely need to cut back or I might end up working as bathroom troll in my old age.
  • mrrock
    12 years ago
    Usually 2-3 times a month for me.
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    Once a week. I seriously need to cut down on that shit though.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    Pre-recession about 1x/wk – post-recession about 2x/month.

    Ability to visit and spend at SCs is as varied as the jobs people work and their situation in life.

    Me for example, I have no wife or kids, live very modestly (by choice; not b/c I want to save the $$$ for SCing), and thus have a decent amount of disposable income for my most preferred hobby (SCing).

    Glad you recognize that it “can” get/be addictive, especially with the “wow” factor one experiences when they first start going. With time, one learns (hopefully) to see it for what it is and adjusts accordingly – TUSCL is a great resource with respect to educating oneself in the potentially hazardous SC game.
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    When I began comparing purchases of everyday things to how many lapdances it was the equivalent of, I knew it was time to cut back.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    When I can afford to.

    Is your job posting here Dougster?
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Vhs don't hate cause you can't ball like the juice cuntbag
  • gsv
    12 years ago
    I like to go about once a week, sometimes less frequent though. I have previously gone more regularly than that though.

    It does get addicting, and frankly it's a pretty good form of relaxation after working really hard.

    I'm not one of them, but over here in Manhattan it's people in wall street/financial firms who seem to spend huge amounts of $ in the clubs. To some of them, blowing $2000 on even just one visit is perfectly okay .
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    Before I got into my current rut, out of which I have no burning desire to climb, once or twice per week. Now, two or three times per month, depending on how much my rutting leaves me.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Vhs its true I do love to jerkoff lol
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    I go once or twice per week. More when I am on the road, which is a lot, and less when I am at home base.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    And yes, it can be a very expensive habit. If a guy visits clubs 72 times per year (6 times per month) and averages only $250 per visit, we are talking about $18k per year. However, any guy who goes that much probably has p4p as part of his gig and probably exceeds a $250 per visit average, so the annual tab just goes up from there.
  • Corvus
    12 years ago
    I never go to the SC unless I have the chance to go! Sometimes its 3 weeks between visits other times I go 3 nights in a row, and to multiple clubs on the same night. But budgets dictate number of visits, length of visits and number of LDs, if any.

    And I'm a traveler with no clubs within 100 miles of home so I take advantage of my travel schedule or make sure I schedule accordingly.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    My job is indeed to shit down your throat whenever I can, Alucard.
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    I usually go 3-4 times a month.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    I go once in a blue ball
  • staxwell
    12 years ago
    I was going once a month, but my money has been tied up lately so now I go only when the urge is TOO strong to fight. It was hard to keep from going at first, but it got easier after a while. And civilian girls seem less boring now; like it was before I started clubbing.
  • canny
    12 years ago
    It depends on the month. I didn't go once in July and I went once or twice in August. I made up for it in September though!
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    At the peak of my ATF enjoyment, once a week. Now since that ended... it's totally hit or miss. I hit 2 clubs one weekend in Aug. and haven't been since due to work and other commitments.
  • Otto22
    12 years ago
    I try to limit my hobby expenses to about $500 per month. That may be spread over a half dozen outings or a couple of p4p experiences. On occasion I give myself a present of an extra grand to so to spend on a trip either ITC or OTC.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    Depends on how much traveling I'm doing. Use to be I was doing a few of business trips a month, so I could be going 4 or 5 times a month.

    Now I might only do one a month if that, and since I don't club much at home. I sometimes go weeks without a visit.
  • Tiredtraveler
    12 years ago
    I severely limit my clubbing locally as the local clubs are so shitty (low mileage (topless with pastie), few lookers and expensive). I get out and about once a month and sometimes hit more than one club per outing. Average 1 1/2 per month.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    My balls are blue now
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Fuck me
  • igloo9999
    12 years ago
    wow, apparently I am in a severe minority........ I go 4-6 times per week. but, you gotta love this area........ even with an LD or 2 on most of the visits, I can still come in at about $100 spent per week. I haven't had to pay for ITC in ages & never had to pay for OTC. gotta love horny women with jackass boyfriends &/or husbands.
  • GoVikings
    12 years ago
    Lately I haven't been able to club at all :(, but usually I go twice a month.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    see igloo THAT's what I'm talking about. Brag that shit up buddy. When you don't got to pay for sex, wear that shit proudly like a mother fucking BOSS
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    @Estafador-Remember that everything posted on this site is fiction, so don't believe everything u read.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    darn you lopaw. you ruined my high lol
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
  • igloo9999
    12 years ago
    to a degree lopaw is right....... but what I said was right too...... with a clarification..... I do pay the house fee for VIP but I haven't paid extra for 'extras' in a few years. what I didn't tell you was all the time, effort & dollars spent on the girls in the club (or on personal time outside the club) to get me to this point........ my experience earlier tonight may change that. there's a distinct possibility I'm going to pay for extras in VIP and make arrangements for paid OTC before the end of the weekend.
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