Strippers who are DESPERATE for MONEY and customers DESPERATE for AFFECTION

avatar for RomanticLover
What about this combination - strippers who are DESPERATE FOR MONEY and customers who are DESPERATE FOR AFFECTION. Do you think that it leads to interesting situations?


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avatar for FunSeeker
19 years ago
Anyone else out there DESPERATE for AFFECTION, and buying dancers' drinks for CONVERSATION and LAP DANCES??!!!!!
avatar for FunSeeker
19 years ago
$30 t0 $50/hr for DRINKS with the dancers for CONVERSATION.
avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
How much MONEY do you PAY for this?
avatar for FunSeeker
19 years ago
I'm DESPERATE FOR AFFECTION. That's why I buy drinks for the dancers for CONVERSATION, and lap dances for MORE FUN!
avatar for davids
19 years ago
I think this is the strip club norm (at least as far as regular customers go).
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
I guess that's one good thing about south carolinas blue laws, I go when they don't serve bottled beer or liquor and don't get asked to buy drinks unless I go too early. I just get asked if I want a dance every 5 to 10 minutes though in certain clubs unless a dancer is already sitting on my lap.

I did encounter a dancer desperate for $5. She offered a table dance for five dollars. I said ok.
avatar for FunSeeker
18 years ago
I'm just like you and anyone else, DESPERATE for AFFECTION! That's why we all pay for drinks for conversations with the dancers, LAP DANCES, etc....
avatar for RomanticLover
18 years ago
What about this subject?
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