In or out of the closet?

avatar for motorhead
Should being a frequent visitor to strip clubs be a source of embarrassment?

In the thread about scanning ID's, I wrote that I had concerns about my name being put into a database as a strip club customer.

Yet, in the thread about Joe Redner, when asked if he was going to put in a private VIP entrance as did 2001 across the street, he was quoted as saying,

"I can't play to that part of human nature," sniffs Redner. "If you gotta hide from what you're doing, you shouldn't be doing it."

I rather like his attitude. For 30 years I've hid my "hobby" from family, friends, neighbors, co-workers. Sadly, I think if "outed", would be a source of embarrassment. But why? Should it be?

Time to re-evaluate.


last comment
avatar for deogol
13 years ago
Life ain't facebook. You don't (and shouldn't) put everything out there.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago

“Everyone has three lives: a public life, a private life, and a secret life.”
— Gabriel García Márquez
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
Well rappers are pretty open about it and is definitely a source of pride in that culture. Will that spill over into white culture? Quite possibly. The saying though is "aint't tricking if you got it (where "it" is game)". If you are doing it because you ain't got game then I think there will always be shame, unless you are just a dirty old man and there is no chance you could have game anyway, in which case it would be cool. Unless, in that case you were claiming game yoh didn't have or that oaying was game. If you are young have game (like juicy?) then I can see it being a source of pride.
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
Strip-clubbing should not be a source of embarrassment, but I think it still is. As for me, I know that some would be shocked or disappointed by my clubbing. Just as strippers are considered no-good whores, strip club patrons are considered sleazy losers by a large part of the population.

Changing the perception is possible. As Dougster points out, rappers are proud of visiting strip clubs, and black singers like Nicki Minaj embrace the strip club experience. Maybe we should all be trying to make strip clubs more main stream. Could we all start taking our friends and neighbors to strip clubs to show them the positive aspects of our activity?
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Closet in a strip club?
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
The only aspect of clubbing that embarrasses me when I sit down & really think about it, is the $$$ that I spend. I could feed a third world nation for a week with the coin I drop in stripclubs. Ugh.
avatar for steve3003
13 years ago
Stupid question. Even in Descartes time (and they had a bunch of them strip clubs then), he remarked: "He who hides well lives well."
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
No, it sould be a source of of embarrassment. But you also can't control what other people think of this hobby. Several of my friends know about my clubbing and it's not a problem, but I keep things under wraps from people I don't want to have extra overhead with.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
Good point Steve, but Descartes *had* to go to strip clubs. First of all, he was one gawd-awful looking dude. And second, he is the all-time king of geeks. He spent his entire life squirreled away in a little room thinking about math, and God, and philosophy. Not exactly a ladies man. He had no other choice other than to go to whores.
avatar for steve3003
13 years ago
@mjx01: People (yep that includes them friends) talk.

@motorhead: Rene (a sissy name if there ever was one) kinda reminds me of you. Except for the looks dept I suppose.
avatar for jester214
13 years ago
Unfortunately this hobby comes with stigmas and assumptions that while not necessarily accurate, will still bring out judgement by others. That's life.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I consider going to strip clubs part of my private life not public. I prefer to keep it that way. If I change my mind and think my private life will become public because I'm going to be President of the US or ruler of the one world government some people seem to want, then I might need to end the negative perceptions some seem to hold against strip clubs. Of course be careful what you wish for. If everyone thought strip clubs were cool, how much fun would you have trying trying to tip a hot girl on stage if you had to compete with tips from a lot of other hot teenage girls or milfs visiting the club? I like not having to compete with lots of other people. Now if lots of hot girls, female customers wanted to sit and talk with me, I might forget I was even in a strip club. Strip clubs would be as mainstream as the local arcade where a bunch of kids are playing games. I kind of like things as is. We would need a whole lot more strip clubs if everyone went to visit.
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
That you might be doing something primarily for sexual pleasure carries a connotation you don't want discussed at cocktail parties after the age of 22. Some of what goes on in SC's (except for Ohio) might be against the law, and you don't want that tag.

There aren't really many socially tabu things out there besides inappropriate behavior with children or priests, paying women for sexual favors, or watching naked women perform. Maybe cockfights and U.S. Banking system controls could be added to the list.

avatar for TABB
13 years ago
I'm with shark hunter with his idea. Mainstream is sometimes a bad thing to be honest.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
These days if you want to run for elected office you need to be a Saint from birth. ANY skeletons of ANY sort in your closet will be revealed.

I don't personally believe that a person has to be a Saint from birth to run for elected office. We're all human and all of us are flawed to some degree. (Except for those self proclaimed Saints)

So have fun at Strip Clubs. Just don't try to get elected. LOL
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
I'm finally coming out of the closet. I admit, I am a lesbian. :)
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
No one should be embarrassed about going to a strip club. I do believe in privacy though. I wouldn't show my ID as a patron.

As far as Redner goes, seriously, who cares.
avatar for deogol
13 years ago
"These days if you want to run for elected office you need to be a Saint from birth. ANY skeletons of ANY sort in your closet will be revealed. "

Shit, they will just make shit up - like Mitt is a Mexican, Obama is from Kenya, not Hawaii, Mitt and his magic underwear, Mitt belongs to a cult, Obama is a Muslim, etc.
avatar for Dolfan
13 years ago
There's a stigma associated with patronizing strip clubs. I don't keep it a secret in my life & I catch a fair amount of shit for it from a wide range of people. Ironically but I suppose not surprisingly strippers tend to be the most judgmental when it comes to customers.

For example, the comment above about "having" to go to strip clubs. I really don't get why anyone would "have" to go. Go to your local Walmart, or maybe one in a less affluent area - ugly, disgusting motherfuckers are hooking up like rabbits. No one "has" to go t a strip club to see titties and/or get laid. I'm not sure how desperation is so seemingly intertwined in the situation, but I can certainly see how someone might be embarrassed to go to a strip club as that seems to be a fairly common evaluation of a strip clubber.

I take my Scarlett's towel to the beach - the reactions are fucking priceless...
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
I'm not *embarrassed* about going to clubs, but if I let on, and somebody figures out how good it is (for me anyway), they'll try to *stop* me, or try to stop what makes the clubs so good (for me anyway). And that outcome is not to be borne!
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Well we Club goers usually have put up with attempts at Club closures & restrictions during election years by our local elected leaders in their attempts to hold on to their petty little power bases.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
Dolan: "No one 'has' to go t a strip club to see titties and/or get laid."

Txtittybrain does. Unless it's by jestie-girl who will eagerly provide those services for a couple of dollars.
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
I dunno, shadowcat.....I've checked the Giant Book of Lesbians and your name ain't in it. But I suspect it is just an innocent omission on their part.....or perhaps it's part of a larger and more sinister conspiracy!
avatar for jester214
13 years ago
Aww dougsie's breaking out the gay jokes again. It takes a step forward and then takes two steps back. It must be confused.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
Nope. It was tittybrain who started with the gay jokes. Just doing what he does. I notice you never bitch and cimplain about him though. But it's okay. Because he is your lover, I understand, he gets "special" treatment. ;-)
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
Jestie and titty sitting in a tree...
avatar for jester214
13 years ago
Dance puppet, dance.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
Sorry I anally ass-raped you so hard last week there, jestie-boy. I know you weren't expecting anything like that when you decided to stir up a little shit. Question is are you sore enough yet or want me to keep going for another week?
avatar for jester214
13 years ago
Lol, it still thinks it "wins" just because it proclaims itself "the winner".

I'm glad I don't rely on the internet for my self worth.
avatar for jester214
13 years ago
Lol, it still thinks it "wins" just because it proclaims itself "the winner".

I'm glad I don't rely on the internet for my self worth.
avatar for Rod84
13 years ago
And what about girlfriends? So here I am, going merrily about my SC ways, when all of a sudden, I meet a girl and want to take her out. Dilemma time. If we start getting serious, there will come a time when the SC conversation pops up - usually due to seeing a billboard advertising a club.

She says, "I think SCs are a blight on the earth. Women who work there must be lost souls and guys that watch them are scumbags." Then she'll add, "Don't you agree?"

I of course do the only thing possible at a moment like that - obfuscate and redirect. The point is, civvy girls (at least older ones) hardly ever come out in favor of SCs and only a very small percent can tolerate them at any level. If they do, it's like they'll allow perhaps the annual night out with the boys or a bachelor party, but be prepared for the cold shoulder and sealed pussy when getting home.

Maybe younger girls are different? I do see some in the clubs with their dates, but I still gotta believe they wouldn't want their men fraternizing with the dancers without their presence.

So yes, my SC ways stay hidden.
avatar for deogol
13 years ago
She says, "I think SCs are a blight on the earth. Women who work there must be lost souls and guys that watch them are scumbags." Then she'll add, "Don't you agree?"


The correct retort to this is: "Huh? Did you say something? How about some road head?"
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