3 people killed in Alabama strip club shooting

Atlanta suburb
DOTHAN, Ala. (AP) — Authorities have a suspect in custody after three people died in a shooting at an Alabama strip club after a customer was kicked out.
Houston County Coroner Robert Byrd tells The Associated Press that two men and a woman were shot to death Thursday night at Teasers, a club outside the city of Dothan in southeast Alabama.
Witnesses told police a customer had been kicked out of the club, returned with a handgun and started shooting.
Houston County sheriff's Capt. Antonio Gonzalez tells The Dothan Eagle a suspect was in custody Friday morning. Officers found the 22-year-old man hiding in woods near the club. They have not released his name.
Um, I'm not a lawyer, but seems this would be "pre-meditated" and meets the standard for first degree.
Let's see this asshole try to argue insanity, self-defense, or "heat of passion".