3 people killed in Alabama strip club shooting

avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb

DOTHAN, Ala. (AP) — Authorities have a suspect in custody after three people died in a shooting at an Alabama strip club after a customer was kicked out.

Houston County Coroner Robert Byrd tells The Associated Press that two men and a woman were shot to death Thursday night at Teasers, a club outside the city of Dothan in southeast Alabama.

Witnesses told police a customer had been kicked out of the club, returned with a handgun and started shooting.

Houston County sheriff's Capt. Antonio Gonzalez tells The Dothan Eagle a suspect was in custody Friday morning. Officers found the 22-year-old man hiding in woods near the club. They have not released his name.


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avatar for EarlTee
12 yrs ago

Apparently this happened around 11:30 pm. Who the fuck does a strip club shooting at 11:30 pm?

avatar for vincemichaels
12 yrs ago

Someone pissed off at the crappy lap dances one gets in Alabama. :)

avatar for deogol
12 yrs ago

He got respected right into jail for mass murder. To many jackasses these days.

avatar for Clackport
12 yrs ago

What a fucking idiot! All this because he got kicked out of a club. Now he might the rest of his life in prison. Smart decision LMAO.

avatar for motorhead
12 yrs ago

"Witnesses told police a customer had been kicked out of the club, returned with a handgun and started shooting."

Um, I'm not a lawyer, but seems this would be "pre-meditated" and meets the standard for first degree.

Let's see this asshole try to argue insanity, self-defense, or "heat of passion".

avatar for snowtime
12 yrs ago

I work in Dothan two weeks a year. Have never been to a club there because they always get poor reviews. Now I have another reason to avoid them.

avatar for Jpac73
12 yrs ago

This is in my neck of the woods. The county commission already did not like stripclubs in the area and this will just be another reason to keep them out. Guess some of the girls will now start working in Panama city, the nearest area with a decent stripclub.

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