So im pretty new here, so I havent read all the dicussions.. ive been in the scene for a while ,running a couple places aswell. And since alot of my friends are playing catch up to me(i hung out with the big boys ) I find myself back on the scene, so a friend and I were bored sitting working and decided to visit a club where we lucked out, crappy dancers, crappy non alcoholic beer (busch 5$ a can wtf) so its 2 am I said lets go to this bar I know, aftr hours place lock door type, so as I drove by I see tgis mystique sign and knowing its opened(from other sites I frequent) I said" youve ever been" knwing he.was aching for some attention, so every other spa I know off has oldr asian ladies (nice racks though) at this time but this place had some hot 1o's and its about 3am so theres no bs its all upfront .. 16o, and then with my magic skills its 12o, full service.. . So why not skip the sc and opt out for a message and fk...? Most of us already spend 2oo+ at the sc, why not go for the shure thing, and have the messues dance for us?
sorry, Ive been up a good 3o hrs also I dont vote dem, well for my city yes not state .... Just wondering bcuz im im the business and looking for customer opinions
I've recently discovered the joys of a "spa" type environment, though that's not really a fair characterization, since she's an independent.
In general, I would choose a strip club over a spa for the following reasons:
1. If it's all ugly chicks, I'm out cover and one drink, max, in a club. In a spa, I could potentially be out the door fee.
2. In a club, I get to view and grope all the girls I'm interested in before deciding which one I take to the back room for a "massage". In a spa, if I even get a choice on that visit, I won't know squat about what to expect until the "flip". At which time it's too late.
3. The percentage of young, hot, mostly athletic girls (my preference) is higher in clubs than it is in spas. At least around here.
4. I have *never* had a problem with LE in a strip club. There's a news report of a bust in a spa about every month or so.
Massage Parlors are a good way to get "taken" care of if you don't want to be eyeing "Eye Candy" in a Strip Club. I spent many years going to them before starting to go to Clubs.
Years ago in Nashville and other cities you could find lots of spas/ modeling studios, etc. where, for no fee, you could enter, see a line up of mostly cute American girls and pick your choice for 30 minutes of fun. Most of those places have all been shut down in my area, so the clubs now offer the best way to see the selection of dancers first for only a cover charge. Have never been to one of the Asian spas as I think you basically have to accept the massuse who greats you. And from the reports that I read, many of the women are older and heavier. Not my cup of tea.
I've been wondering about this topic lately as well. I used to never even dream of going to an AMP, but have lately been learning more about them through other sites like this one. Seems interesting, but I agree with george, the thing that keeps me away is the possibility that I finally get up the nerve to go and I get stuck with an unattractive, older asian lady...not worth it.
last commentReading is fundamental
In general, I would choose a strip club over a spa for the following reasons:
1. If it's all ugly chicks, I'm out cover and one drink, max, in a club. In a spa, I could potentially be out the door fee.
2. In a club, I get to view and grope all the girls I'm interested in before deciding which one I take to the back room for a "massage". In a spa, if I even get a choice on that visit, I won't know squat about what to expect until the "flip". At which time it's too late.
3. The percentage of young, hot, mostly athletic girls (my preference) is higher in clubs than it is in spas. At least around here.
4. I have *never* had a problem with LE in a strip club. There's a news report of a bust in a spa about every month or so.
Perhaps at 1st. I patronized an AMP for many years, & after I became a known customer I had my choice.