For the Masters
All you experienced & "older" members, how much are you being PMed for advice & recommendations from newbies & really inexperienced members?
And do you provide complete, truthful & accurate info or do you brush off the inquiries?
And do you provide complete, truthful & accurate info or do you brush off the inquiries?
The first ones ask about clubs and dancers. A true newbie with one or no reviews gets basic information. I have no reason to trust them. The intermediate level members get more specific information. Can a guy get laid, etc? But still no names. I explain that my policy is to not give names. It protects me and the dancer and may of no value to you anyway as they may not be your type or they may not even been there. My most trusted TUSCL buddies will get a blow by blow description of my experiences with names.
The second type are those seeking information about personal relations with strippers. They sometimes say that they are too embarassed to post it on the discussion board. I dunno if I am an expert in this area but I try to give them good advice based upon my own personal experiences. Sometimes I even tell them that they would get more varied answeres by posting it on the discussion board.
Ass holes don't even get an answer.
I'm curious how many of these you get SC.
How come you never answer me, my friend? :)
I get a few, but mostly about S. Florida. I, like sc, respond according to the questioners "resume".
The same as you Vince. :)
1 anecdote at a time
Despite what some of the high commen/low review count dipshits around here seem to believe, OTC is often done selectively and cautiously by the dancers who will do it at all. The last thing I want is either (1) some poor girl having her name smeared ITC; or (2) some fucktard screwing up my game by telling a dancer that "rickdugan says that you'll fuck for $300 at my hotel."
I have spent ridiculous amounts of time and money in learning which clubs are good and how to maximize my enjoyment of those clubs. I don't mind helping out those who contribute to the knowledge base and/or help me out in turn, but I have zero interest in having some casual SC visitor getting on my tit or fucking up a good thing.
I'm curious, what is your definition of a "Dipshit"? Is this definition necessarily related to a persons review count? If so, what is the number of reviews needed to graduate from being a "Dipshit"? Does having a High review count necessarily make a person an "Expert" at Clubs, Dancers, OTC, ITC, etc? I can think of a person with a very low review count who seems to truly believe he is an Expert. Is he a "Dipshit"?
"some fucktard screwing up my game by telling a dancer that "rickdugan says that you'll fuck for $300 at my hotel." "
Certainly discretion of is a much needed virtue if a person receives info & advice. Acting like your hypothetical "Fucktard" will NOT get a person any help in the future.
I've asked a lot of you pros and have gotten a lot of amazing help ! Thanks y'all
I've also gotten and still get a lot of questions frome newbies and I want answe shit until they have proven them selves on tuscle and yes I will tell them this 2 : )
One exception was about a year ago. I won't mention any names, but he obviously was a very young and naive kid. He doesn't post anymore. But he started with a real general question. I took my time and graciously wrote out a lengthy reply. But the kid kept replying back with more questions. I resorted to one word answers and he quit.
To the new guys: just try not to be that annoying.
I don't divulge details on which dancer does exactly what if that is asked. Although I think strippers aren't even human f'ing beings that is one right I will grant them nevertheless. Just because I'm such a nice guy unlike all the other DBs here.
Now truly & honestly is there any person on this forum who agrees with this evaluation by Mr Dougster???!!!
Mr Dougster is EXCLUDED from agreeing with himself!