
What's Your Name Again?

If you are seeing a particular Dancer for a 2nd time, how interested or NOT interested are you in knowing something about the Dancer's Back Story? Do you want to keep her pretty much a No Name "Fantasy" experience on the 2nd go around? Even if you're not indulging in a "Fantasy" experience, do you wish to keep yourself unknowing of any of her Back Story?

Personally, during the last 3 → 4 years, if I'm seeing a dancer for a 2nd visit it means I'm between ATFs. With any potential ATF candidates I want to know the REAL person. I'm absolutely not interested in being presented with a Fantasy woman. For me as I get to slowly know the real woman, that's where a true & strong attraction starts to begin & that's what will keep me cumming back for more & hopefully establishing the Dancer as an ATF.


  • mustangalex84
    12 years ago
    I want to know the real deal, not the same BS lines they tell every single other customer.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    I don't care. I'm not here for a "relationship". I want sex. Sometimes a "real" (for a sufficiently stripper-like flexible definition of "real") story can make it more interesting, and sometimes it can make it more boring. So I listen to what she tells me, nod and express sympathy, or other appropriate sentiment, at the proper times, and then enjoy the sex.

    Because really, that's what I'm there for.

    Shallow? Hell, yeah. I have all the "relationship" I need (and then some) at home.
  • mikeya02
    12 years ago
    I never heard a sob story in a club. The girls I talk to are all happy, so yeah, I get them to open up and talk to me about this and that. Pleasant conversation.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    I don't want to hear personal shit, unless it's very light. Where they're from, are they moving around, don't care what their name is...

    It's not about "fantasy" or lack there of. I really just don't care, plus I don't really like providing much information about myself.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    I don't think that it is cut and dried. Sometimes you feel a chemistry and sometimes you don't.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "I don't want to hear personal shit...don't care what their name is...I really just don't care"

    So jester214, what do you care about in a Club? Only where you can make a "Deposit" & leave?

    "I don't think that it is cut and dried. Sometimes you feel a chemistry and sometimes you don't"

    You seem to have a little better understanding SC.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    That I can look at naked women, drink, get some dances, relax... Not build a intimate relationships, which is what I believe you're looking for. I have good conversations with dancers, I just don't want them to be about personal stuff. And by "name" I meant real name, which some customers seem desperate to know.

    Why would I care what her "back story" is? There is no fantasy. She's hot + she's entertaining to hang out with. Simple.

    Plus you're working on the assumption that her "back story" is true.

    I'm really not one for the "deposit", it's quite rare.

    And have the decency to put the full quote in if you're gonna attempt to take some weak jab at me.
  • K9
    12 years ago
    I can see both sides of this discussion. For me I want the real deal but there needs to be some chemistry to make it work.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "I want the real deal but there needs to be some chemistry to make it work.'

    That is VERY, VERY true. And you NEVER know where you will find it. :)
  • DandyDan
    12 years ago
    I'm always interested in knowing something about the girl, but most of the time, they really aren't going to say anything that's absolutely true.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    To become a favorite of mine, I have to know "...something about the Dancer's Back Story". And on the flip side, she will know some of mine. Only the ATF knows all.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "Only the ATF knows all."

    That's Right!
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Yes I want to know all her vital statistics including full background check and gynecological results before I choose a stripper
  • Dolfan
    12 years ago
    It depends. Some girls are visually appealing but lack the depth/desire to produce a connection. Some girls lack the strong visuals but have personality that can more than compensate. Then there's the rare alloy that blends both components to produce something better than both.

    There's a part timer locally who's an absolute 11. I've seriously never seen a better looking girl, not in person/movies/pictures - I don't think I could piece together a prettier package Mr. Potato head style. Our conversations are very impersonal, despite the fact that she'll sit and chat for an hour or so. She's one of my favorite strippers of all time but I don't know her real name, what city she's from, relationship status, family history - nothing. Nor do I desire to.

    But I guess as a general rule, yeah if I'm coming back for more its because I'm at least moderately interested in the person and if what I find doesn't suit me I'll move on quickly.

  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    If I have chemisty with her then I will learn the real her and she me !....then I will add her to the stable with a chance of being my bottom bitch (ATF) but that's a tuff one ! My bottom bitch is 8 years running
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Be careful about wanting to know the "backstory". Years ago I got to know a dancer. Her boyfriend was beating her ass every night. She asked me and several dancer friends for help. We lined up a plan for her to leave, one dancer made arrangements for her to stay a women's shelter. I gave her money. Other friends bought her shampoo and toothpaste and such. She let us all down. She went back to him in a week.

    I still like knowing the backstory. Just smarter know. Live and learn.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Mo'head....next time just call me and talk to me before trying to take one of my girls away : )
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Lol juice
  • Dolfan
    12 years ago
    That was the best Juice ism yet. I'm dying over here!
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "She went back to him in a week"

    Well you tried.

    If she is determined to destroy herself...Well stay well clear.
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