
The Houston boys are NOT gonna like this!

Atlanta suburb
HOUSTON – The Harris County Attorney and the City of Houston filed a lawsuit Wednesday to have a local strip club shut down.

The lawsuit alleges that the owners, management and employees of Treasures – located in the 5600 block of Westheimer – knowingly tolerate drug activity, organized crime and the human trafficking of young women for the purpose of prostitution.

The lawsuit further alleges that the club benefits financially from its participation in illicit activities.

"The Houston Police Department has made numerous arrests for prostitution and drugs," said Houston City Attorney David Feldman. "However, the evidence of human trafficking makes this place especially abhorrent. Law enforcement efforts alone have not stopped the habitual criminal activity occurring there."

"Law enforcement officers tell us that just arresting the criminals doesn't solve the problem. When a place allows criminal acts to continue, criminals keep coming back. You must take away the habitat to fix the problem," County Attorney Vince Ryan said.

Prosecutors said there have been more than five gang-related incidents – some involving prostitution and drugs – at Treasures in the past year.

More than 30 crimes have occurred there over the past four years – evidence, the lawsuit alleges, that club owners and employees knowingly permit those acts.

City and county officials want the club to be declared a public nuisance, forcing it to close its doors.


  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Fucking around with illicit Drugs is NOT a good thing. It will get you EVERY time!
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    Damn, I am really glad I got there before these events !! I had a great time both times I was there !!
  • ScottyW
    12 years ago
    Dang! My ole home away from home up until a few Years ago. I've left thousands of expense dollars with with some pretty hot babes at Treasures. Fogo de Chao then a brandy a cigar and some VIP laps from Brandii, SOP for customer entertainment.
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    Before I left the Houston area last summer, there were stories that the owners of Treasures were trying to open a new club in a locsation the city did not want. This could be a way of retaliation. 30 crimes in 4 years is probably not that excsessive when compared to other high voulume drinking establishments.
  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago
    Well, I have been to Treasures. It was a mad house. A hundred or more of the most beautiful dancers to be found anywhere. White, Black, Asian, Latina, you could find the best this side of Vegas.

    But the dancers were about the money, didn't take time to converse, "do you wanna dance", "would you like to go to the VIP?" That was about the extent of my conversations.

    If you saw a girl you liked, you better grab her and say yes. But don't expect her to hang around if you stopped the money leaving your wallet. Several of my associates and friends would drop over $1000 each trip. That was too much for me. I swear, when I would go, I never saw the same girl twice in 6 hours.

    As far as prostitution, I never got any, but my wallet was too cheap to give up that kind of money, not when Houston has many 2nd tier clubs where you can find a 7 or 8 for less than half the price of a Treasures "10", and they had a lot of 10's there. At least the 7's and 8's will talk to you for a while before trying to get your money.

    If the club closes, the "high-rollers" will drive up the price for the rest of us. Well let's hope not. Looks like some Houston clubs will see an influx of "10's" in the near future. Times may get exciting here in Space City.

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