new hope 4 lapdances

avatar for JuiceBox69
So I haven't got a lapper in a while.....from taking a sabaitcal or just buying extras only.....I thought I never would do a true lapper again....hell I even posted a discusion thread on my last one lol......well I snuck out last night and did some local big plains just hang out have a few drinks and go was a dead night.....hell one of the dancers was fuckin sleeping on the couch ! Lmfao ! Well their was a lady that came over and just snuggled on me....I enjoyed her just being sweat 2 me.....when she went up 2 dance I tiped her and she kissed me on the lips ! Wtf ? Nice ! she tried 2 get a dance out of me and I was like I don't do dances babe....I normaly just fish 4 otc pay4play since no fun is to be had itc at this club.....well after some "inner thigh" rubbing at the table and letting me know I could get a buy 1 get one and I could get hands on....I said wtf !.....she was so sensenual and suductave.....she was so kind and sweat..... without giving extras or taking me out she still took good care of me with her pussy and ass very well let's just say....and no I did not jizz in my pants lol......this little lady gave me new hope in just getting lappers........


last comment
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Oooooo ! I forgot she was my first non Cr dfk at this club....nice !
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Juice, I'm just not interested in standard Lappers any longer. I go for SEX!!! LOL

BUT I never turn down DFK.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
I agree drac.....but I thank I'm going to use her like shadow says "fluffer" then I'm leaving to go get extras !
avatar for newmark
13 years ago
Is this a new Juicy Style?
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Must be. :)
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
This is the soft side of "JuicyStyle"®
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
juice will always be the BBFSCP loving person. he always has been.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Hell ya bang ! I'm going 2 try 2 OTC BB this bitch !

Pimp yes I've gotten soft......I missed my skank ass ho bro to give me that goddamn edge man !
avatar for Ermita_Nights
13 years ago
The LD is part of the audition process for me. I don't want to spend $300 on VIP or OTC and discover she's not what I want.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Nights........I agree 198%
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