Not so off topic...

avatar for Clubber
RE: dallas702's...

Strip Club "culture" going mainstream?

I travel locally a lot and visit many business'. I seem to find the hottest young ladies in banks. Working, not customers. In one particular bank, the other day, one could open a FINE club with the teller line ladies. Every one of the 7 no worse that a solid 7!

You know any other business with a high ratio of hotness in their employees?


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
Not that I am there a lot but attorney offices. I guess they can afford to hire the hottest. :)
avatar for newmark
13 years ago
That could a whole new meaning to making a deposit.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Attractive women are EVERYWHERE!!

BUT not all, like Dancers, are into doing a sexual "dance" with us! LMFAO
avatar for 23cambyman
13 years ago
I agree with the bank teller certain locations hooters has some knockouts. Some tanning salons also
avatar for Rod84
13 years ago
There are also a few mega-hotties working at Tilted Kilt, but like Hooter's, it can be hit or miss.

I've noticed women who work in Marketing, like Event Management companies and other sales/advertising-related occupations, are often good-looking, if not stunning on occasion. I guess being in a see and be seen environment helps with the hotness factor. I've often wished I worked in an industry where beauties tend to flock. Lord knows areas like computers and data processing haul in some dogs.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
Seems I go to the doctor a lot...I go to a large medical complete where they gave many, many doctors and specialists.

When I'm in the waiting room, I see quite a large number of pharmaceutical sales reps making calls on the doctors. They're almost exclusively young, very attractive, extremely well dressed young women.

A side note - I don't see how the doctors have time to get any work done. There are ALWAYS reps waiting to see them and they get in before the patients.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
Auto correct errors. Aarrrgh

Medical complete = medical complex
Gave = have
avatar for Ermita_Nights
13 years ago
The girls at the Toledo Hooters are all heifers. And I can't remember the last time I went inside a bank. Do they still have manual tellers?
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
Yes, Ermita_Nights, there are still human tellers here in Detroit. My local bank usually has some fine young women manning the front lines which makes the banking experience more tolerable. Clubber must get an eyeful as he makes his way through the USA doing his job in his usual superb fashion. As I continue my travels here in the USA, I see many stunning young ones doing the fast-food thing working the front counter as eye candy.
avatar for SuperDude
13 years ago
Hmm! Take a closed bank and make it into a "theme" SC. Call it The Vault. Dancers strip from business attire to g-string. (Might take four songs.) VIP booths in the old bank vault. Bouncers dressed as security guards. Brings back the art of the strip tease.
avatar for jester214
13 years ago
I know a couple of places like that... A dry cleaner by the college. A bar in a strip mall where I grocery shop. Oh and a oriental buffet I eat at occasionally has three of the best looking Asian women I've ever met.

Even if they were out of my way I'd still use all three.
avatar for looneylarry
13 years ago
I second motorhead. Big pharma has many, many stunning women. But with the money they make, I couldn't touch them. Bank tellers are more in my salary range.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
Y'all are correct about sales reps. I once knew a Miss Kentucky the was a rep. She did say her beauty got her in the door, but rarely closed the deal.
avatar for mal_hodgson
13 years ago
I have visited the corporate headquarters of both Target and Best Buy for work on numerous occasions. They both employe a high percentage of very attractive young women who dress in a very sexy yet professional way. Just imagine all the recent female college grads we talked about in a recent post, who are used to dressing very provocatively, but now have a well paying profesdional job. They wear high heals, short, tight skirts, and tight fitted blouses. I'm sure they also have very sexy lingerie underneath

Waiting in the lobby for a meeting at either location especially around lunch time is very entertaining as groups of these women come and go. I think it would very distracting to work in an environment like that full time. Can you say sexual harrasement lawsuit?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
13 years ago
My brother works in downtown Miami (Brickell area for those familiar w/ So. FL).

He says lunch time in the Miami downtown/Brickell area is pretty impressive in terms of the “talent” – they all come out of their offices at lunch time to have lunch in the local restaurants.

There are a lot of law offices in the area as well as banks and many professional businesses – so during lunch time you get to see all kinds of hot girls that work in different professions.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

Amen to that!. Lot's of banks there as well, but I don't hit that area frequently. More south for me.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Hot dog king ?? Maybee ?? Lmfao !
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