How to take care of the S/O that objects to you going to strip clubs.

avatar for shadowcat


A Columbia[SC} man allegedly assaulted his wife after spending money at a strip club last Thursday.

According to a Lexington County Sheriff's Department incident report, a 24-year-old Columbia man got into a verbal argument with his wife because he spent money at a strip club.

The report says the husband returned home from the club and his wife of two years began yelling and screaming at him for wasting money at a gentlemen's club.

During the argument, the husband slapped his wife across the face several times and pushed her down causing her to fall across a box. The woman had visible bruises on her left shoulder, left hip and lower back.

The incident occurred while the couple's two year old son was home.

The alleged assault is being investigated.


last comment
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Arrest him, try him!

Hope the wife divorces him for violating her trust & for assaulting her.

This guy is the epitome of a Fucking Asshole.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
By the way SC, I believe you should have picked a different title for this thread. It gives off the WRONG "feeling" IMHO.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

How can you be so judgmental! Perhaps they were Muslim. What he did would be perfectly fine!
avatar for newmark
13 years ago
I agree with Alucard. He gives the rest of us mongers a bad name. He should have done what I do, sneak around and lie.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
IMHO the way the title to the thread is worded seems to convey a condoning of violence against women. It could have been worded differently, in a way that IMO doesn't convey a condoning of violence against women. If that is being judgmental, then I guess in this instance I'm being judgmental - Sorry! I don't condone violence against women, no matter what their situation is.

"Perhaps they were Muslim. What he did would be perfectly fine!"

Clubber what view, or attitude are you attempting to express here? Your 2nd sentence seems to clearly approve of this sort of violence. Was this truly your intent? Or are you trying to be funny or sarcastic?
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

Seems you have never heard of Sharia law. Enlighten yourself and you will understand.
avatar for maburton
13 years ago
Violence against women is deplorable, period.

Here's a Wikipedia article on the topic of Islam and domestic violence:…

The world does some terrible shit to women. I do like that there's no real misogynistic conversions taking place here, and I sincerely hope that the title of the discussion was just an attempt at a joke.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Okay I've read about Sharia Law.

It doesn't change my views about persons who APPEAR to condone or those who, ACTUALLY condone violence against women or those who engage in violence against women. It doesn't matter to me if the woman is Islamic, or any other religion or if she is a Dancer, or an athlete, or a construction worker, or a CEO, or a housewife, etc... Violence against women wrong!
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
THX maburton.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
" screaming at him for wasting money at a gentlemen’s club"

Wasting money?

Aren't those words a sacrilege on this site? We may be taken by ROB's once in awhile. Our lust may cause us to over spend at times. But we NEVER "waste" money in strip clubs.
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
I'm with newmark.
Sneaking around and lying work great. No need to slap around the SO.

And motorhead's absolutely right....."wasting money"? That's blasphemy!
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
Chill out "Fokker". Do you really think that I would post a topic supporting violence against anyone. I didn't realize that I needed to put LMAO after every post.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

Those that know you, here, in person, or both, well, they know! Nothing more need be said.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
13 years ago
If you want to spend your money and not eat that is you business but whe you have a child at home and spend money and that child may not eat then you become an irresponsable asshole. The only time you can hit a woman is in self defense and only then until you can get out of range.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
Well, you can never hit woman, period. I agree with that, but calling spending money at a strip club "wasting" it? Can't really say anything stupider than that, can you?
avatar for Jmoney007
13 years ago
you cant ever hit a woman to defend yourself... Period, in any case you will look like a weak person in the eyes of public opinion. and even if you have no other choice but to strike a woman in "self Defense" you will have a hard time proving to the cops and the judge and the jury that you had no other choice, society sees men as wolves and women as cute little harmless kittens and not the roaring vindictive man-eating, wallet-draining, stress inducing, ball-busting women we sometimes see them as.

and as for "wasting money"

Women think that if we spend money on anything other than them its being "wasted" but then its no secret that men and women think different and have different priorities, and what was once a mans world has now turned into a woman friendly environment and it shows everywhere you look.

if i work hard to make my money, after paying bills and taking care of all my needs, i should be allowed to spend what i want where i want no questions asked and women need to understand that they don't always take center stage in our lives even if you are married or dating, sometimes we need to take a break even if for a moment and for some of us, naked women dancing on our laps is our escape, it doesn't mean we don't love our S/O's it just mean that there is a need/want that she cant or wont fill.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
Another blissful marriage.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I forgot the Lol.
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