Are robot stripper next?

avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
The future of sex tourism lies in robot prostitutes, two Victoria University researchers have theorised.

Management professor Ian Yeoman, a futurist with an interest in tourism, and sexologist Michelle Mars have looked to how red light districts might operate in the year 2050.

The futuristic scenario of sex tourism suggests android prostitutes will reign supreme, eliminating the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections in an industry free from sex slavery.

Their paper: Robots, Men And Sex Tourism, published in the journal Futures, imagines a sex club in Amsterdam named Yub-Yum.

Sexual tourists will pay about 10,000 Euro for an all-inclusive service from massages and lap dances to intercourse from the scantily-clad sexbots parading around.

In an increasingly youth and beauty-fixated society, Yub-yum would provide a range ''of sexual gods and goddesses of different ethnicities, body shapes, ages, languages and sexual features.''

Yub-yum would be staffed by androids and licensed by the council meaning it could be regulated and used to market the city as a sex tourism destination.

''Amsterdam's tourist industry is built on an image of sex and drugs. The council was worried that if the red light district were to close, it would have a detrimental effect on the city's brand and tourism industry.''

The androids would be made of bacteria resistant fibre and would be flushed for human fluids, therefore guaranteeing no STIs are transferred between consumers.

Clients could feel guilt free as they actually have not had sex with a real person and would not have to lie to their partner.

''Robot sex is safer sex, free from the constraints, precautions and uncertainties of the real deal.''


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avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
I'm sure this will happen given sex toys an dolls already....hell some people already pay $5,000 and up for life like sex dolls....but for me if she is not a real breathing women with all the ss and std I don't want that ro'bot....I want a real life ho'
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
"Sexual tourists will pay about 10,000 Euro for an all-inclusive service from massages and lap dances to intercourse from the scantily-clad sexbots parading around."

WTF? 10,000 euros is about $13,000. I could screw 40 Detroit strippers for that amount.

The point of automation and robotics is to bring down costs by substituting machines and computers for expensive human labor. Android hoes need to cost less than human hoes to be successful. Even then, I don't know that I would want a blow job from C3PO.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Shiiiiiit jack ! I thought 10,000 euros was like $100 dolers not $13,000....fuck that shit !
avatar for TonyMontana
13 years ago
If they come out with these robots, you can bet they'll test em in Japan first. Lonely dudes there buy sex dolls instead of go strip clubbin..not much of a leap to go from doll to robot BANZAI!!!

Anybody watch Archer on FX? They covered this topic a bit a few weeks back, good episode lmao
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
I think that they are factoring in inflation. That may not seems that high in 38 years. I will be 108 then and will need a robotic dick to go along with the prostitute.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Shadow lol....dude I will be damn near 70 by then !
avatar for steve229
13 years ago

I've met a few robotic strippers...
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Steve tell me about it ! And I didn't pay either
avatar for carl95
13 years ago
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"but for me if she is not a real breathing women..."

Juice hit the nail on the head!

There is NO substitute for a real breathing woman with a unique mind & personality inside a miracle of Nature! I'll leave Robots to Sci-Fi. LOL
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
carl95, great Futurama clip!
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
The Bob & Tom radio show was discussing this.

They raised an interesting question. Would having sex with an android be considered "cheating"?
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

I would equate a robot woman to virtual reality. Until technology can create/elevate a robot or virtual reality to the level that one (me) would not know, have no idea, couldn't tell you if real or not, wouldn't care if the experience was real, robotic, or virtual, it is just a pipe dream.
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