It seems like 25-30% of the clubs that I frequent have them. But why? They can't be making a lot of money off of them. It seems like they only attract gangsta wannabe types that don't spend a lot of money. Guys that just hang out to been seen. There are certainly cheaper places to shoot pool.
Maybe some clubs are hurting so bad for customers that every little bit helps but at other clubs, like my favorite. they are just taking up space that could be better utilized for other purposes.
Maybe shooting pool with a stripper can be fun but I can think of things to do with a stripper are more fun.
Last year I took a bus trip out west. We stopped to change buses in Billings, MT. The first sight that debarking passengers see in the terminal is a large room containing a pool table and a big sign saying: Passengers! No sleeping on pool table! All I wanted to know about the place in one sentence.
There is a dive club that I like going to that has a pool table. SC is right, many of the guys playing are gangsta wannabes. However, there is one dancer in the club that has epic skills and she actually substantially supplements her income with pool. She has a nice operation going. She offers dudes free couch dances if they win, but they pay 20 bucks if she wins. She'll beat them, go double or nothing, win again and keep going until the dude is beat down or broke. The regulars that go to the club learned long ago she's a pool shark, but there are a couple civvie dance clubs nearby, and 20 something hipsters wander in alot. They are the target. I totally admire this girl. She's not my type or ida fallen in love by now lol.
the pool tables create a more laid back atmosphere in my opinion but agree they sometimes can take up too much space during busy times when seating is limited.
I went to all six clubs in AMA this week. Every one of them has at least one pool table. In all cases they were being used by the local black thugs who didn't spend any money on the girls. Unless the club is really large, pool tables get in the way.
Agree totally with Shadow on this one. The pool table in question sits in what could be some prime lapdance or VIP territory. Not only does it attract mostly thug types who seem not to spend much on dances, it blocks easy passage from one side of the club to the other. On more than a few occasions, I've had to dodge wayward cue sticks and stuck-out boxer-shorted butts of the aforementioned pants-on-the-floor types while on my way to spend some lapdance money.
shadowcat, that club sucks dick! The poster on her called amarillobabes is clearly the manager, and he has no clue how to run a club. He come on here persecuting people looking for a little extra play, meanwhile, his "clean" operation will be out of business soon!
I actually like clubs that have pool tables. It gives me something else to do while watching the strippers stage dance.
Even if you don't like pool tables in strip clubs, I don't see the harm in having them in a club. Pool tables don't take up much space, let's be real here guys.
I can totally see your point......... for the most part. In this area virtually all clubs have tables but only a couple have the wanna be problem. Most times it's regulars relaxing.
I'm not a fan of pool tables either, but I agree with GoVikings, as long as they don't take up too much room, no harm, no foul.
I just think they convey (at least to me) that the dancers are low quality. Sub-par. And we (the club) has to provide other forms of entertainment to keep the customers happy.
I'm surprised, though, at the number of comments of about wannabe gangstas and black guys shooting pool. Perhaps I'm at the wrong clubs, but the few clubs I've been to that have pool tables, the players are white redneck dudes that look like Larry the Cable Guy.
Actually, pool tables make the house good money. Four guys playing a couple of games of doubles could easily drink 8+ beers. All of that money goes directly to the club. They don't have to split that with the girls, esp. on slow nights. In most of those clubs, the couch rooms are almost never 100% full anyway so you're not really losing anything as the owner.
I don't know about pool tables, but at least one east coast city I lived in had video poker games that the bar owner didn't want. They were "offered" to him by some big guys who in return promised his place wouldn't meet any unfortunate disasters like being robbed or shot up. I knew the owner and have no reason to doubt his explanation.
The club I frequent has one billiards table in the most remote, out of the way place possible. It is on the third floor of this upscale club and is only accessible to club members. It is in the corner of the room near to several large windows that offer a great view of the city skyline. No harm, no foul - as the 2nd & 3rd "members only" floors of this club are very spacious....
Now, I happen to love to shoot stick. I've had a pool table myself for years and love to play with GF's, buddies, socilaizing and at party's. Even at the club, I love to play with my, IMO - it can work, and has a place if done the right way....
I totally agree though if the club doesn't have the space - forget about it. If it attracts a gekefest, forget about it.
I don't have a problem with pool tables in a club. Most of the clubs I've gone to that have them in an out-of-the-way location where it doesn't interfere with seeing the stage. Often when a dive bar has one, it's next to the bar with the stage in the other half of the room. I've even played with a couple dancers in the past. My old ATF promised me that if I beat her, she'd give me a free lap dance and I won that one (she wasn't much of a pool player, but then again, I'm not either). I know at some of the dive bars I've been to, they often make more money on pool than they ever do on lapdances. One club I've been to even has tournaments and leagues. As for the people who typically play them, I've seen gangstas play Larry the Cable Guy impersonators, so I have to say Shadowcat and Motorhead are both right on that one. The only other type of battle I ever see is dancer vs. customer, and usually, the dancer is flashing something.
No idea. I've not been in that area in over 10 years.
The club I mentioned was on the Trail, but I can't remember the name. I know a co-worker and I stopped in one evening and it was terrible! We nearly ran out. The next evening I was out alone and there were a zillion cars in the parking lot. I thought, "What gives with this?" So, I ventured in, it was great and that was the evening of the pool game. My friend and I went back the third evening, again a great time.
Are you guys going to clubs where the pool tables are actually in the way? I can't say as I've ever noticed that such a situation pertained. Like others, watching naked, or nearly so, women play pool can be as entertaining as the stage show. If that ain't your thing, it doesn't sound like it would be too great a task to direct one's attention elsewhere.
"Are you guys going to clubs where the pool tables are actually in the way?"
No, but I have been to a club where there is a limited dance area so often on a weekend night there is a waiting line for your turn. And this club has a couple of pool tables. Is this a damn strip club or not? Seems like they should trash the tables.
Well, if the pool tables are taking up the space that could be used for dances, and delaying or preventing said dances, then I'd argue that they *are* in the way, pending some information on how much, if any, income the tables bring in versus dancers.
last commentThe regulars that go to the club learned long ago she's a pool shark, but there are a couple civvie dance clubs nearby, and 20 something hipsters wander in alot. They are the target.
I totally admire this girl. She's not my type or ida fallen in love by now lol.
Even if you don't like pool tables in strip clubs, I don't see the harm in having them in a club. Pool tables don't take up much space, let's be real here guys.
I just think they convey (at least to me) that the dancers are low quality. Sub-par. And we (the club) has to provide other forms of entertainment to keep the customers happy.
I'm surprised, though, at the number of comments of about wannabe gangstas and black guys shooting pool. Perhaps I'm at the wrong clubs, but the few clubs I've been to that have pool tables, the players are white redneck dudes that look like Larry the Cable Guy.
I know what you mean motorhead. The only Club I've been to with tables has players like that.
I shot a couple of games some years ago, in West Palm Beach, with a dancer. She was very distracting!
Now, I happen to love to shoot stick. I've had a pool table myself for years and love to play with GF's, buddies, socilaizing and at party's. Even at the club, I love to play with my, IMO - it can work, and has a place if done the right way....
I totally agree though if the club doesn't have the space - forget about it. If it attracts a gekefest, forget about it.
No idea. I've not been in that area in over 10 years.
The club I mentioned was on the Trail, but I can't remember the name. I know a co-worker and I stopped in one evening and it was terrible! We nearly ran out. The next evening I was out alone and there were a zillion cars in the parking lot. I thought, "What gives with this?" So, I ventured in, it was great and that was the evening of the pool game. My friend and I went back the third evening, again a great time.
No, but I have been to a club where there is a limited dance area so often on a weekend night there is a waiting line for your turn. And this club has a couple of pool tables. Is this a damn strip club or not? Seems like they should trash the tables.