The beginning of the end

avatar for georgmicrodong
Though, I can hope not, I guess.

One night about a month ago, after my CF/ATF were done, she shyly announced that she'd been seeing a guy for about a month. It was a guy she'd known from the neighborhood for a year or so. She'd hung with him a few times, and talked about him as someone she could be interested in, and he'd finally asked her out. They haven't actually had sex yet, but they've been making out kind of heavy. So, I kind of sighed and told her that it was bound to happen sooner or later.

"But," I warned her, "*you* are the one who's going to have call this thing off. I'm not going to be Mr. Noble and just step out of the way. I'll leave you alone if you tell me too, but only if you do." Basically what I'd been telling her all along if something like this should happen.

So, now I get to see if she answers the phone anymore. :/


last comment
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Always a possibility. Good Luck!
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
13 years ago
My ATF, but whom I am no longer in contact with, pretty much treated me like a king when I was with her ITC and OTC, but two of the three times she got a boy friend while I knew her, she then treated me like I was an absolute nuisance to her. I was a sucker for allowing that to happen a second time. I should have just abandoned her after the first time. GMD, you probably should too.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
13 years ago
As long as dancers dance they will not be loyal to their significant other. My ATF isn't even loyal to me much less her live-in bad ass boyfriend.

So don't worry too much. If she retires there are always new girls looking for long term temporary relationships.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
My ATF, a dancer that I had known for 8 years, stood me up for a lunch date last Sept and did not return any of my calls. Thinking the worst, I went on line and found out that she had applioed for a marriage license 11 months previously. I guess it is over.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago

Been there. When my long time ATF got an a new BF she told me "he" didn't want us talking/texting anymore.

That was 18 months ago. She texted me yesterday. Wants to see me again.

Fuck her. Fuck her.

GMD. it's going to be a tough either way
avatar for Blue42TX
13 years ago
I'm always afraid of getting too attached with my ATFs. Used to really like this ATF and when the club she was working went downhill, she moved away. Never heard from her again. That was a sad moment.
avatar for SuperDude
13 years ago
Do we really believe that a dancer is capable of any kind of stable relationship with a customer. It may happen on a rare occasion, but the reality is that dancers value customers for money only--and are fickle.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago

I don't need to fall at your feet
Just 'cause you cut me to the bone
And I won't miss the way that you kiss me
We were never carved in stone
If I don't listen to the talk of the town
Then maybe I can fool myself..

I'll get over you.. I know I will
I'll pretend my ship's not sinking
And I'll tell myself I'm over you
'cause I'm the king of wishful thinking
I am the king of wishful thinking
avatar for magicrat
13 years ago
At least you got a heads up. I would think most of these girls would cease any contact and either quit or move to another club, although I'm not sure which is worse. I have a feeling you will survive and prosper.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
I sort of wish that is what happened to me and my ATF. Seems like it would be easier to deal with.
avatar for how
13 years ago
Shadowcat, are you referring to the famous "B"?
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
how - I don't know any "B". I was referring to gridget.
avatar for how
13 years ago
My bad, shadowcat, I had the name "Bridget" in my mind, but I was thinking of your gal Gridget. I know she was/is dear to you.
avatar for joesparty
13 years ago
Georg, I feel bad for you. Yeah, it sucks, but I'm with magicrat--at least she had the decency to tell you. In the year that I spent with my ATF, she quietly abandoned me once for a "real" relationship, which didn't last very long. After only a month, that fizzled, and she got back in touch we me, only to lose interest again for another boyfriend. Didn't tell me a damn thing. Not that she really had any obligation to do so, I guess, but it still wasn't fun.

I'm not sure what I'll do if she comes back again. She doesn't exactly have a stellar track record in relationships. But when you get attached to someone, even if it is "just about sex," it can be hard to be pulled in all kinds of emotional directions.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago

Yeah, the nerve of this girls, trying to have real relationships...sheesh!
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
If G is B then who the hell is A
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

Obviously a Canadian.
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