breasts in the face caused a first!

Girl was rubbing her naked boobies in my face, and she brushed her tits into my eye and knocked out a contact lens! Thankfully I felt it happening, and noticed immediately that it was blurry. The lens landed right on my cheek. I found it and put it back in, and continued the dance. The girl felt so bad she gave me that dance for free. Wild indeed...
It was a good thing I found it, I was about an hour from my home and that would have been a rough drive home with only one lens. Now in addition to having a spare set of clothes, I'm going to have add a spare set of disposable contact lens in my car. (Probably not a bad idea in general, I just never thought about it doing it before).
Starting to really knock off the bucket list of wierd things happening to me at a strip cub...
last commentI've had the same thing happen to me before. Fortunately, I also recovered the lens. It was a contributing reason for my reverting back to glasses. Besides when you're that close to a voluptous girl's boobage, its really only a sensory experience, not a visual one. So, why not make it easier on yourself to enjoy the time in Cleavage Canyon?
This is why I always wear safety goggles when I go to the SC!!!
Sensory Indeed!! LOL
I always wear safety glasses, steel-toed boots, gloves, and elbow and knee pads at the club.
Well actually, I sometimes trade the safety goggles for beer goggles. Makes the girls look so much prettier.
Seriously though, we recently discussed strip club injuries here, and it's more hazardous than I realized:
Finally, I do appreciate a club that has a coat hook and a small table in the LD area, for stowing my drink and glasses during the dance.
I just close my eyes if boobs are going to be in my face. I do remember a boob touching my eye once but the contact lens stayed in.
Talking about safety glasses, steel toes, etc. - reminds me of a club I had heard about where people were issued flash lights (or brought their own) and the gal danced to that lighting...
The only protection I take are condoms. You just never know for sure when you might need one.
Wore glasses during my recent visit and they seemed to get in the way, while she is grinding on me and putting her face against mine my glasses would hit her on the side of the face. Also I could not get boobs in my face due to her not wanting to break my glasses. Will not be wearing glasses on my next visit.
Rule of thumb in strip clubs: If you wear glasses, take them off while getting a lap dance.
Deo: Mitchell Bros in San Francisco used to have a flashlight room. I never understood the appeal.
I picture Farmer Art going to VIP in steel-toe boots and a hard hat, with a giant pipe wrench over his shoulder.
Several years ago I was visiting an all nude club in Charleston. The lap dances were lame, but tipping at the stage got some contact. I was tipping a dancer who proceeded to remove my glasses and rub them down her panties. When she returned them to me they did not fit well. Bottom line, she broke the metal frame. New frames set me back $300. I will not let a dancer remove my glasses again.
"I picture Farmer Art going to VIP in steel-toe boots and a hard hat, with a giant pipe wrench over his shoulder."
Ermit, you never know when you're going to have to lay some pipe....
Personally, I think I could live 24x7 with breasts in my face....
I had this happen to me, also. I tossed it out because it hit the stage. . I actually started wearing them to the strip clubs because dancers kept trying to use my glasses as props in their dances. I've had broken and bent frames, much to my dismay.
At $400+, I'd much rather toss an $8 contact lenses out.
Tits in the face can result in a fat lip if you aren't careful