Reviews that piss me off.

avatar for shadowcat
What good is a review that says drinks were the standard price for a strip club or I paid $$$ for a lap dance.All that tells me is that he/she (lowpaw) bought a drink and got a lap dance. I will accept happy ending over BBBJ or FS but will look to see how many reviews the guy has done.


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avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
No I agree shadow prices for entry, drinks, dances r very good prices to have ! Hell its just nice 2 know before hand so you can make plains....that's why I'm trying to get more detailed...that's also y I'm taking pick of my clubs inside and out with or without permission just so when people want to see what it looks like before they go they can ! Just go to my profile picks and look at all my clubs ! I don't have all of them up yet but I'm working on it
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
Things I don't like are mixed signals. Often times the words make the club sound like it sucks but the numbers (or stars) are good.

And so many times I read "I left happy" but absolutely no indication it was a happy ending while most if the review stated how bad the club was. Left happy should mean left happy.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Motor I agree "left happy" should be code only for I jizzed in my/ on her......
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"I agree "left happy" should be code only for I jizzed in my/ on (In) her......"

I left BT's today EXTREMELY Happy!!!
avatar for Otto22
13 years ago
My pet peeve is reviews that only discuss the physical layout of the club and drink prices and state "I didn't get any dances". WTF? Since the club's physical attributes are not likely to change, previous reviews have already presented this info. My only interest in reading reviews is to ascertain info about the girls.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Dracula lol ! Sheeeeeeeuuut !!!
avatar for jabthehut
13 years ago
Juice, what are "shadow prices?"
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
13 years ago
I am often peeved about inexpert reviewers who rave positively about something that is not really worth much attention. For example, "I went to a place and SHIT this place was SO FUCKING HOT because man I could SEE THE GIRLS' PUSSIES man they DO IT ALL!" or "Damn the beer prices are SO HIGH here I had to spend ten bucks to get a round for me and my buddies!" or "You can get good extras here. For example, the girls will let you touch their tits a little during the lap dance if they like you. But you do probably have to pay extra."
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