
Valentine's day clubbing

Any strip club experiences around Valentine's day?


  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    13 years ago
    If your fave needs to get a babysitter for her to go to work, don't expect her to work on Valentine's Day. A dancer I knew very well, who is a mother of two, once explained to me that the two most difficult nights of the year to get a baby sitter are New Year's Eve and Valentine's day. All the cute, young girls who work as your fave's baby sitters want to be out having a romantic evening with their boyfriends those two nights.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Man I've been clubbing for 3 straight days now ! And I want stop until valentines day is over !
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    Juice even a std wouldn't stop you from clubn. Son we r gona have fun in april
  • joesparty
    13 years ago
    I stopped by one club last year on February 14. Aside from the fact that every girl had some sort of "special" outfit (red or pink thong instead of something else, I guess), it was pretty much the same as any other day of the year. As Club_Goer notes, some regular girls were missing, but it was still pretty much a full crew.
    13 years ago
    For me, idkw but somehow this day is about the ROMEO side of the equation taking over....so here's the 7 point plan, shhhhh/shhhhuttt it - nobody knows....

    1.) Two weeks ago I arranged for the flowers package to be delivered to my fav at my fav club. Said flowers will be delivered tomorrow (yes, 2/13 when she'll be in), you know with the obligatory vase, chocolates, f#ckn teddy bear and other miscellaneous and sundry sh#t...
    2.) Yesterday I picked up not one - but two freakin V Day cards for my fav...
    3.) Yes, I'll be going to the club to see my fav tomorrow night....
    4.) Yes, I've already found 4 awesome V Day songs that I'll be commandering (aka paying) the DJ to play for when my fav hits the stage....including (wait for it)...."Valentine" (Nils Lofgren).....Obviosuly I'm f#cked, I'm likely making Jiuce's day at this point....
    5.) Oh, and when she does hit the stage - I hope to make it rain a few times for her at least a few times at just the right moment(s)....
    6.) I've bought her this cool ankle bracelet cuz she doesn't have, or least doesn't wear one. My plan is to lay it on her at some unsuspecting moment over the course of the evening....
    7.) My plan is to make sure above all else that I grab a CR for an hour which spans the stroke of midnight......so that technically I'll be starting off Valentine's Day proper with a bang....

    Alright guys - let me have it....PLEASE talk some sense into me, so that my maddog side comes back to it's senses....
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    If you have some favs at the club, Valentine's Day gives you an opportunity to impress them. A card, candy or flowers will be welcome. Remember, some of these dancers will not get anything from their loser boyfriends or husbands.
  • crazyjoe
    13 years ago
    I went 3 years ago on valentines day and met my then atf and she was pissed at her ex and took out her sexual frustrations out on me! It was great! It was a no extras club but I left with a wet spot on my pants from her
  • crazyjoe
    13 years ago
    Oh and Maddog, the following year I did something similar to what your planning on her birthday and valentines day and blew her away both times with all the other girls in the club jelous. Then she turned extremely rude and bitchy. Be careful
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Bang lol I agree ! And april is going to be a blast !

    Romeo club on mate !
    13 years ago
    crazyjoe, at what point does the "rude and bitchy" kick in?? Should I abort mission....R U suggesting I default to a Plan B (aka Opereration Deflower Teddy Bear).....

    Juice, wisdom me up on this....
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Romeo well since you asked I will try :p

    Ok so I'm a gifter and a romantic clubber !

    I thank what your doing is perfect and should set you up for some great clubbing !

    Madd I've sent flowers even on days I don't show up ! I like my girls to be pampered and loved ! And its nice to get them thanking about me !

    Hell man I even right my own poems to read to them as I look deep into their eyes !

    Also if you want to be very sweat to her you could let her when a few ! I have recently started giving girls deals that have given me deals (they give me let's say 8dances for $100 so in return I let her have a $100 for 1 dance) over time this will shock her and get her into the mood of pleasing you more. It gets fun taking turns on letting each other win and this another way I've gotin laid from non extras clubs !

    Romeo if girting is your thang man be your self it will make you happy !

    Now if for some reason she gets up set ! Then she is not a good fit for you ! Your better of finding a dancer that fits you better !

    But that's me ! I'm getting very picky now ! Hell if I'm looking for a new girl the first step for me is her conversation skills ! If she can't give me this simple servece than no thanks I'm on to the next lady that can !

    But I like to build relationships with my ladies and treat them like queens ! To me they truly r not "skank hoes" theey r wonderful women in my life that give me pleasure and companionship that just can't be beat !

    Yes I have a hard side lol ! And I've noticed if I treat a lady right she will more than go out of her way to make me happy !

    Good luck romeo and club on ! Much love from juice
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Almost all women expect a lot of attention on V-Day, even when they don't deserve it. Some dancers have actually tried to bitch at me for not remembering V-Day as if we were in some relationship or she was an AFT--NOT. If you don't give something you will get a verbal blast. If you do, don't be surprised if you are left feeling used when the glow wears off for her--which it will.
    13 years ago
    Juice, thanks brother....lol, the f#ckn Bear is still cocked and ready to go (for lack of a better adjective)....
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Romeo no prob man !
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