Have a bit of a dilema and am soliciting advice. One of my favs provides me almost everything I want ITC and another does OTC only. Both are about equal in looks and talents but the work at the same club. The problem is they hate each other, enlivening my visits with unlimited sniping and SS. Other than finding a new club or trying to find out when just 1 is working, how would you handle this situation?
So, with that said, in my humble opinion your choices are:
1. Live with the drama if you are not going to change up your visit schedule;
2. Fire one of them if you are not willing to adjust your schedule AND do not want any drama; or
3. Find out when they each work without the other and plan your visits accordingly.
I know that you did not want to hear option 3, but in my humble opinion you are not being realistic if you think that you are going to be able to maintain two p4p favs in the same club, and visit when they are both working, without some type of drama between the two of them. Now I suppose that you could try to manage this by talking to them upfront, letting each know who you are visiting on a certain day and make it very clear that you will pull your money if drama erupts, but I don't really give you good odds on that.
To be serious though, have you asked why they hate each other, do you have the time and/or inclination to be a mediator? Maybe if they resolved their differences 9if it can be done) you could start to enjoy some threesomes?
Nothing sexier than a chick fight, especially when they start ripping each other's clothes off, pulling hair and bitch slapping each other silly... and of course, all leading up to you comforting the loser afterwards, lol