
Strip club location and name?

Breathe, breathe in the air
Saturday, January 21, 2012 9:21 AM
If you could open a strip club where would it be and what would you call it? I'd open one in Vegas (no surprises there eh guys) and I'd call it Teasers Palace if I could legally do so.


  • Dolfan
    12 years ago
    There's a club in Islamorada called Woody's - a couple of friends and I have been talking about buying it an changing the name to Woodies... It's a pretty shitty club, but we always get grins out of the name. It didn't start out as a titty bar, it was a regular bar for ages and tried to use titties to get some more butts in the seats.
  • bluemonday
    12 years ago
    i'd open it in london !!! and just make it like a vegas club. or any other decent north american one ? instead of 'teasers', call it 'defo not teasers' ?
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    I would open one in asheville north carolina and I would call it "juicies".....it would look nice inside and out but it would be a dive bar with girls in the 6s to 7s range and I would offer hj $20 a dance...bj $40 a dance fs $60 a dance...table dances would be $5 a dance and normal vip dance would be $10 a dance.....if I didn't get shut down for very obvious reasons I would expand into Tn, Vr, Sc, Ga....maybee evan florida (go gators)......but onlytime will tell...been fun dreaming tho
  • gsv
    12 years ago
    Juice: Lol good luck finding hot girls to agree to prices like that in the US. In Mexico, sure thing - but that's a bit of a stretch for US.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Thanks gsv....but don't sue me when I plant my first club in mexico lol !
  • gsv
    12 years ago
    I would open a club called GSV's Cabaret here in Manhattan with a focus on having the highest quality women and lots of emphasis on private rooms which are available at affordable prices. Most private rooms are exorbitant in Manhattan, but if some place offered cheaper rooms I feel they would drawn in a lot of people. If extras are done in these rooms I would probably look the other way for the most part, but it would not be part of any official offering.
    12 years ago
    Being that I'm freezing my ass of in the Northeast in the middle of a Freakin Blizzard, as I prepare to sit outside in the Freakin cold tomorrow to watch the AFC Championship - I opt for somehwere warm....I'm thinking US West Coast, maybe La Jolla Beach, Newport Beach, Santa Monica or Malibu......and I'd have to call it something without fanfare or pretense like "Dick's Bust a Nut, LLC"..........
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Maddog you would thank the dick's bust a nut would have got me put when I saw LLC I fuckin lost it man ! Thanks for the laugh : ) Gsv you open that bitch up and go public I will by 1,000 shares at .50cents a peace ! (God I'm realy that cheap ass basterd anit I lol !)
    12 years ago
    londonguy, lol, good stuff.......and, thanks for looking the other way when we constantly murder the King's English....of course, the lack of a comment post spell check is really what it is....
    12 years ago
    juice, not intentional, but now I'm even starting to spell like Stewie....."some..hhhwhere"...lol....
  • BadBitchesOnly
    12 years ago
    There's no question what i'd call my club...
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Mr.Romeo yes we kill with a butchers kniff english ! And ya I've noticed it and find it funny......my problem is I use my phone and it feels like I'm texting so I don't even thank of speel check or prober talk......I just spell how I feel and as it flows from brain to key paid....I alos us a lot of text slang and spelling plus I thank I spell I thank they call it fonitcly or some bull spit like that but look at me I'm a nother winner of our fuckin educational systems !
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Ok guys I got one "club69" it will be a very classy place ! Airdaces start at $80 a dance ! Drinks $60 a shot ! Valet parking for $200 a pop! Entry $100....sound real fuckin fun don't it ! : )
  • londonguy
    12 years ago
    Maddog, mine is nowhere near perfect and I've done the odd typo or two as well. A lot of U.S. slang and 'bad' English comes across the Atlantic to us, some of it sticks and some doesn't. The phrase 'for free' is one of the very few I don't like. Some people I speak to born and bred on this tiny island can't string two sentences together in a coherent manner, maybe it's the alcohol as everybody is getting rat-arsed !
  • BadBitchesOnly
    12 years ago
    Juice...dont forget the mandatory $75 coat check, $50 bouncer escort to your seat, 20 drink minimum and for those low-roller assholes who run out of cash...a $100 atm fee.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    "rat-arsed" LOL That's a new one to me. That must be the equivalent to "shit faced" here in the US. I don't know if there is any truth to this, but back in the 80's it seemed shit faced was mostly a Midwestern slang term. Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Illinois. But now I think it's known everywhere.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Badbitch.....god that was a damn good add on ! What the fuck was I thanking ! Lol
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @LG: I'd open in moderately warm location with local laws which permitted full nudity and alcohol at the same time. @motorhead: We used the term "shit faced" in the 70s in Western NY.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    Next door to my home. The name, "Free VIP"!
  • londonguy
    12 years ago
    Shit faced is a very common phrase as well. Drunk as a skunk is also popular. Yes gmd, I agree with you on that one. LOL @ Clubber
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    LOL@London ! Good stuff man : )
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Location would be off a side road to a major highway and the name would be TI KCUF people would need to make alot of U turns once they read the sign in their rearview
  • TABB
    12 years ago
    Lol Gator fan. My club would be called foxes and the place will be in Tempe south of mill avenue. Side note my 2 friends and i almost bought a bar/club calked di verties on 1st and mill in front of chillies.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I'm not sure what I'd call it. Maybe I will go with Vegas for now. If I had to manage it, it would be in Greenville county if the zoning allows it since that is nearby. I'd have an upscale all nude club. Depending upon what the law allows I would have possibly have all nude two for $30 lap dances every hour with longer than normal length songs to make the customers feel like they are getting a really good deal on that two for one deal. Too many clubs short change the customers on song length especially on announced two for ones. I would have an attached restaurant where you could walk back and forth. I would audition the dancers and require a certain fitness level. No extra large 200 pound dancers. Depending upon how crowded the club was, I might move dance prices up and down. I might even have a customer complaint booth so that angry customers would know the club cares and they can see someone to complain too before they leave angry because a dancer upset them. Afterall fast food became popular because the customers got fast service and they could easily complain and get their problems resolved on the spot. There are not any upscale nude clubs in the upstate of SC either, nor Columbia SC. You have to go all the way to the beach. If lap dances were too restrictive due to laws with nude dancing, I'd have a topless lap dance area more similar to Platnum Plus separate from the nude area. The main club would still be nude. I'd let people order from the adjoining restaurant if they did not want to walk over there to eat.
  • TommyMoney
    12 years ago
    I'd open an all nude joint near Foxwoods Casino in Connecticut. Name: _Clit Eastwood_
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    I think the Chicagoland area lacks quality clubs for it's market size. Of course it would be "Da Bares"
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Motor I like d'a juice ! Much better for chicagolandville :b
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