
Pick up a hitchhiking stripper??

Monday, December 12, 2011 8:31 PM
I was leaving one club at around 11pm Sunday night. As I pass another club (which is a nice club), I saw a girl on the right lane sticking her thumb up. She was literally on the road, I and other cars had to move to the left lane to avoid her. I thought for a second about picking her up. I just had some high-mileage dances, but no extras, so I was really horny. But then my senses got the better of me, so I just passed her up. On the ride home, I was thinking what could I've done to make sure I would be safe. I probably had to a) Frisk her and b) Check her purse for weapons and/or mace. But then again, if she wanted to attack me and steal my car, she would be able to do it just as I stop and got out of my car. What would you do?


  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    You did the right thing. No telling what kind of DRAMA was involved in her hitchhiking.
  • darooaur
    13 years ago
    Could have been a street hooker - have you seen her at any club before?
  • darooaur
    13 years ago
    Could have been a street hooker - have you seen her at any club before?
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    I would have done exactly what you did - thought better of it and drove away. You could have ended up a blurp on the evening news that night.
  • motorhead
    13 years ago
    Just imagine the consequences if her boyfriend/pimp best up her for not bringing hone enough money that night and some witness had identified your license plate when you picked her up.
  • motorhead
    13 years ago
    "beat her up"
    13 years ago
    Why not have her help out by driving?
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    Someone must be thinking they could have made a deal. You might have a slight risk depending upon where you want to go and being identified with her whoever she was. If she was a hooker and an undercover cop saw her get in your car, you might be grouped with her in his mind. If she had drugs on her and the cops stopped you, they could confiscate your car even though I haven't heard about that happening lately. I guess someone must be thinking, I could have offered her a ride for a BJ. If she wasn't a hooker, she probably would have said no thanks.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    On the bright side let's say she was a hooker and just happened to be working in a club. You give her a ride. She gives you a BJ along the way and then you find out later you now have herpes, then her pimp says he's going to mess you up for messing with his girl. Nope, nothing to worry about.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    Oh, replace pimp with boyfriend, that sound more realistic if it's a dancer. You'd probably be out some money on top of it all too after she charged you.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    Of course there really might be nothing to worry about. You should try it next time and let us know.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    If she didn't look like a drug addict or hooker, I might give it a 50/50 chance of taking her somewhere if I met her in the parking lot.
  • jaclkgill
    13 years ago
    I have seen a similar situation, didn't stop. Later I found out that she was undercover police and had arrested people asking her sex for money.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    When I was in grad school, I used to pick up coeds hitchhiking around the campus. Then I read a story in the newspaper that made me stop. A man picked up a woman hitchhiker, who then pulled a gun on him and made him pull over to where her boyfriend was waiting. They robbed the guy, tied him up, and put him in the trunk. After driving around for half a day, they abandoned the car in a parking lot. The guy was lucky not to have been killed.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Not a good plan to pick up hitchikers, especially females for many reasons. Last time I was in Miami, while on my way back to the airport, I was approached by a very busty, very fine Latina. She asked me for a ride. Although the little head was screaming YES !!!, the head on my shoulder screamed NO !!. I figured she probably was setting me up for a robbery. Another story. A coworker picked up a hooker on 8 Mile in Detroit one time. When he reached between " its' " legs to play with what he thought to be her pussy, he felt a "penis" LMAO
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    (to paraphrase) "Because I was really horny I was gonna' pick up a girl who was hitchhiking near a strip club." That thought process is more fucked up in more ways than I can easily list out.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    I would pick her up. Always help a damsel in distress.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Unless I was someone with whom you were familiar, you almost certainly did the right thing. Blue balls is better than a red stain spreading from the hole in your chest.
  • 10inches
    13 years ago
    just getting you to stop so thug boyfriend can carjack you !!!!
  • 2ofus
    13 years ago
    always safer to keep driving A pretty girl who has to stand out in the street to get a ride almost certainly has something wrong with her.
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    NEVER EVER pickup hitchhikers!!! GOOD way to get Dead FAST!!
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    Wouldn't they be Hitch Hookers
  • HonestT
    13 years ago
    Cash, grass or ass! I would have done the same, and be sitting her fantasizing about what crazy shit she would have let me do to her for a ride. On the real: I have picked up women whose cars had broken down and given them rides without incident. But it was in the day light each time.
  • gsv
    13 years ago
    I'd have a hard time believing that it wasn't actually a street prostitute, which obviously isn't someone I'd suggest picking up. So good call on just driving by.
  • blktravelman
    13 years ago
    hooker tracks or strips are usually close to strip clubs, as well asking for ride is one of the oldest lines in the book for wanting a date..9 times out of 10 she was a street walker.There are also women who happen to be hookers or strippers who in all seriousness really do need a ride. In the past I have gave rides to 3 chicks late night. they were walking on a main strip in a quiet residential area leading to a neighboring city with night life and whatever else you want at 3 or 4 in the morning and I read between the lines. got bj twice that way and 3rd one i was offered something for my troubles but decides to just be nice and play safe. whatever you do best to play it safe.
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