www.boston.com/Boston/metrodes…The Boston Licensing Board could decide Thursday whether to sanction a downtown Boston strip club after a police officer discovered a dancer giving a patron a lap dance in violation of a city ordinance banning physical contact between dancers and the public in nightspots.
According to a Boston police report, Detective William Gallagher was making a routine inspection of the Glass Slipper nightspot on 22 LaGrange St. at around 1 a.m. on Oct 27. While being escorted by the manager, Gallagher went to the third floor.
There, detectives “observed a male patron lying back on the couch with a female dancer straddling his lap,'' the report states. “The male patron had both his hands wrapped around the dancer touching her buttocks.''
The manager told police the patron had paid the dancer $300 for the lap dance, which was brought to an end by the arrival of the detectives.
On Tuesday, the licensing board heard from both the nightspot and police. A manager for the nightspot told the board that the dancer has been fired, according to the Universal Hub website.
Board chairwoman Nicole Murati Ferrer declined to discuss what the board was told. The board will hold a public vote on the Glass Slipper's license, as well as violations involving 26 other establishments starting at 10 a.m. Thursday.
Ferrer said the potential sanctions against the club could range from a warning to suspension of the club's liquor license for a period of time.
last commentThe upstairs area in the Glass Slipper is a VIP section. The $300 would have been for a block of time. However, in case you think that any hanky panky might go on up there, fear not. They send a fucking goon to sit near you the entire time that you are up there.
If the powers that be in Boston had their way, there would not be a strip club in the city limits. At present, there are only two and, for a while, there was only one. The cops have been targeting the Slipper for years and Centerfolds only opened up because they won a court battle.
It was nice of them not to fine us. I'm sure if they'd come in undercover we'd have been shut down in about 5 seconds.