Good catch, Shadowcat! Both posted about the same crap. But, I do believe babyjayjay got fingered, so she needs to be prosecuted as JayJayDancer stated... Who gives a flying fuck with these dump post. When a customer is turned on you will know it, so stop asking us for help for your pocket.....
idiot or genius? Ahh what makes me honry usually nudity, sometimes violence. ohhhh shopping for womens underwear always gets me in the mood. getting drunk orrrrr does that just make it easier to turn me on. today I saw a girl jogging by the university today DAAAAAAMN that made me horny. ohh ohh doing 120 on the freeway although i dont know if that was horny or simply aroused. If i get seriously stoned i like my butt and nipples to get played with, was that TMI i can never tell. latex and leather that is a sure fire way and fish nets too. I probably could go all night
last commentYour even mentioning it starts a woody! :)
I don't think you have me in the "vet" category, but I know these seals and they are far from being innocent! The little buggers!!!