For those who are going to strip clubs to look for a girlfriend - Do you read stripper message boards to find out how to find a girlfrend in a strip club without spending money?
There is no shortage of advice on the internet to help you find your soulmate in a strip club, but not much considering what you actually do when you get there. The truth is that the criteria for finding a compatible partner in a strip club start and end with finding someone who will talk to you. That means if the woman is too drunk, too shy, or uninterested, she isn’t going to be able to help you out on your quest for love.
Many things to consider in looking at a girl is what's on the inside that matters.
Only the opinion of others will matter if you're focusing on appearance.
If you're considering a girl for more than just a number, what's on the inside will matter to you.
Be wise and consider these things.
No one is perfect, however some things are worth working towards. If you’re looking for true love, look deep inside of a person's heart before you make a decision based on what they look like.
Find your features attractive too! We all have something which makes us who we are and it’s important not to focus on one or two physical features but to be features about yourself too! After all, the outside of someone isn't everything that matters in order to get closer with them.
try to check out the link below it will help you finding out a girls in strip clubs
No, those boards don't help. This is what you do. You go to the club, watch the stage show, and tip each dancer at least $2. You wait for the dancer who asks the DJ to play this song when she's on stage:… .
I’m pretty sure this involves finding a dancer who needs $$$ at the same time that you are horny and have $$$.
In Econ we used to refer to it as a mutual coincidence of wants. She has what you want - and you have what she wants - it’s simple old fashioned economics.
RomanticLover is hopefully intended to be a sarcastic user name.
Since NiceSpice mentioned it - I think RomanticLover is more along the lines of SJG. He had lots of comments and discussions - but no club reviews. Maybe he was intending to use his charms to turn FRMOS into a true GFE?
Along the lines of NiceSpice’s and Cashman’s comments: I have sometimes wondered if something happened to RomanticLover, causing him to go offline for 3 years, and then rejoining TUSCL as SJG.
Of course I do. I'm looking for very specific advice, from a guy who is legit pimp who controls and manages girls, who the strippers just hit on all the time because really, with a sneaker collection this saucy, who could resist lulz. In other words, for someone just like me.
It depends. I don't think tuscl reviews are useful. The general theme is cheap clubs with hookers get the best ratings. If you want to pick up strippers that's just telling you where not to go. So I guess they're helpful lulz
"Man if only Subraman and myself had a sneaker and hoodie collection as dope as Icees we sure would be pulling some major tail in the strip club."
I don't know who you are talking about, but I just picked me up some SWEET Nike Dunks in Midas Gold lowtop fam. Amma have so many strippers to hook on drugs, physically discipline, and mentally abuse, I'll have to fight them off with a stick! Which, of course, is just more physical discipline, so all good lulz
Wow Subra, I just bought an awesome Ed Harty hoodie with gold wings on the back. I’ll let you borrow it, it will go good with those Adidas. Just please try to not get too much stripper glitter on it.
It's a fun troll. I mean, there ARE dingbats here on tuscl who keep giving unwanted advice about how to date strippers, as if that's something any of us want to do. None of us are looking to date strippers, and if I were, I wouldn't be coming here for advice lulz. Now, a conversation between adult men about what kind of sneakers they wear? This is the place!
regularly has discussions on how to look for girlfriends in strip clubs.
Only the opinion of others will matter if you're focusing on appearance.
If you're considering a girl for more than just a number, what's on the inside will matter to you.
Be wise and consider these things.
No one is perfect, however some things are worth working towards. If you’re looking for true love, look deep inside of a person's heart before you make a decision based on what they look like.
Find your features attractive too! We all have something which makes us who we are and it’s important not to focus on one or two physical features but to be features about yourself too! After all, the outside of someone isn't everything that matters in order to get closer with them.
try to check out the link below it will help you finding out a girls in strip clubs…
In Econ we used to refer to it as a mutual coincidence of wants. She has what you want - and you have what she wants - it’s simple old fashioned economics.
Since NiceSpice mentioned it - I think RomanticLover is more along the lines of SJG. He had lots of comments and discussions - but no club reviews. Maybe he was intending to use his charms to turn FRMOS into a true GFE?
But club reviews can tell you how to expect things to go.
In case Founder is reading - I appreciate his work on this site. I enjoy reading the reviews.
I don't know who you are talking about, but I just picked me up some SWEET Nike Dunks in Midas Gold lowtop fam. Amma have so many strippers to hook on drugs, physically discipline, and mentally abuse, I'll have to fight them off with a stick! Which, of course, is just more physical discipline, so all good lulz
I realize that might sound a little odd coming from *me*, but that seems like the wrong place to be looking.
RandomLover, DavidS, BobbyL, ClifBar (all one in the same it seems) was the original TUSCL troll
Founder band ClifBar right in the middle of a discussion - you don’t see that to often.
She's obsessed about the topic and cannot keep from posting about it.