
Central Florida Report from PL Silkypants

Monday, October 31, 2011 7:35 PM
3 nights 3 clubs 120 lap dances 31 girls 1 OTC offer 1 offer to fill in for the boyfriend stuck in jail Another excellent time in central Florida, though I believe Florida is less impressive after you have visited Detroit. Florida is much more conservative than I remember, but I think it just requires more skill than I currently have. Funny lines that I can remember: I have a girlfriend but it is an open relationship You like small breasts. That's gross. It's tough to get by when I only get partial disability Me: so what did you do before you were dancing here? Her: I was in prison. Me: Sorry, I like skinny white girls. Her: You're racist Don't get me wrong, I will fight to defend myself. I wish I had found you earlier and when I was less drunk. See, I am only 4'9” – Yes, her cute drunk little head was right there. Did I learn any thing on this trip? 1. I am building some negotiating skills but I still a huge PL. 2. A drunk girl can take more money from me than a sober girl. Quick recap of the clubs for people who won't do a review: Scarlett's – Very personable girls who will sit and talk with you, at least on my quiet Thursday night visit. Private dance rooms and a VIP section. Totally nude two way contact lap dances. Mons Venus – Friday Saturday night club, best to arrive after 10pm. The girls keep getting better as the night goes on but you have to balance that with all the kids that come in. Tons of hot women but no privacy for the totally nude two way contact lap dances. Inner Room – no cover before 7pm, cheap drinks, cheap lap dances can be a lot of fun. Topless two way contact lap dances with no privacy on a bench. I must be special because I did not get the flashlight once. Very smoky bar.


  • crazyjoe
    13 years ago
    Tell them if they will help you with your new hobby of bird watching. Ask for help finding a big breasted bed thrasher
    13 years ago
    40 lappers a night for three straight nights? Talk about rubbed raw--must've been one uncomfortable plane ride home! Not to mention the damage to the wallet.
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    120 LDs x $20+ each = holy crap man
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    You must have got a good case of "lap dick".
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    I think I'll start offering to "fill in for the boyfriend stuck in jail." That should get me a lot of action.
  • sinclair
    13 years ago
    How did your dick not get raw?
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    I think silkypants deserves the "Steel Dick" award. Congrats.
  • RossVa
    13 years ago
    Inner Room lap dances are ony $10 each.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Very true, RossVa.
  • rell
    13 years ago
    lol i agree with vincemichaels
  • magicrat
    13 years ago
    Shadowcat, I think he might have you beat here. Which birthday of yours was it where you got a lapdance for every year? Seems I recall your commenting about being raw after that!
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    "120 lap dances" What kinda pants did you wear?
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    magicrat - That was my 62nd at $10 apiece and I'll never do it again. I now go for quality rather than quanity. And yes, It took about 4 days to recover. LOL.
  • silkypants
    13 years ago
    No steel dick awards for me. First two clubs were totally nude lap dances with two way contact so grinding was not too intense. The last club the grinding picked up a bit and three nights in row was a bit much for me. In my experience the girls will only grind so hard with no panties on even with my micro fiber dress pants. A girl at Mons I had gotten dances with before told me that actually the thinner your pants are the more the grinding hurts her. She was o.k. but not impressed with my pants. I had to use a backup pair of pants on Saturday. I had a great set of dances with a girl at Scarlet's who ended up fouling a good pair the could not be reused.
  • Sowhatt
    13 years ago
    "I had to use a backup pair of pants on Saturday. I had a great set of dances with a girl at Scarlet's who ended up fouling a good pair the could not be reused. " A dancer at Scarlet's? Funniest fucking unintentional pun ever.
  • HonestT
    13 years ago
    Nice work, silkypants. Were you still poppin wood on the last night, or did you actually get tired of all the women!
  • wallanon
    13 years ago
    @Sowhatt: Scarlet lappers = not funny. Any guys who laugh have never had one.
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