
Looking for Blogs by Strip Club Patrons

Thursday, September 15, 2011 1:36 PM
Just saw a thread about blogs by strippers. I'm looking for the opposite. I'm looking for blogs from guys like us. Interesting to read about other patrons and their experiences in strip clubs. Do you guys know any?


  • EarlTee
    13 years ago
  • pocketrockets
    13 years ago
    lol, i got your point. but this is essentially a forum. Something that's more like an everyday blog. for example, stripper forums vs stipper blogs.
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    There was a Blog here, but it was discontinued.
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    ^^^^^^ There was some pretty good stuff in the blogs section, but a lot of crap, too, e.g., some guy always posting nonsense about cheerleaders.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    I got a PM from a guy 6 or 8 months ago. He had been reading reviews on TUSCL and wanted my input on my favorite club. As a reference he gave me the URL to his blog. There he had 6 or more club reviews. So I gave him a run down and I also told him that his reviews would have gotten a lot more attention if he posted them on TUSCL. Well, he went to the club and the wrote a favorable review on his blog. What a waste. I hope he reads this.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    Twitter your strip club time
  • pocketrockets
    13 years ago
    @EarlTee, whats a TUSCL? @Alucard, I liked your other pic better. It's like a mini porno @shadowcat I hate it when that happens. Some people don't know to listen. I hope he read this too. I'm just kinda bored reading stripper blogs. I read that one blog by a guy that works there and would like to see other points of views. I wouldn't want a review type blog, something anonymous and honest. No more SS to deal with.
  • emmett
    13 years ago
    Check out this one: [view link] And this one from a former manager which also has a customer's perspective: [view link]
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    It will be back eventually pocketrockets. I've changed it for a short time to accommodate the request of another member.
  • yndy
    13 years ago
    Stripclubhound just recommended this one: [view link] Is this the one you wrote about shadowcat?
  • vegas4me76
    13 years ago
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    yndy - that is the one. I couldn't remember the name.
  • malibucoconuts
    13 years ago
    There are these two: [view link] - really good blog from a long-time SC employee [view link] - blog just for the Lake City (WA) Deja Vu club
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    If you are tweeting while the stripper is sucking do you lose an erection?
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