This is mostly aimed at our dancer friends here: how did you learn how to do you job? And I don't mean how did you learn to spin around on a pole. I mean, how did you learn the art of the sale? How did you learn how to handle the inter-personal 'interactions'? Thanks!
I watched. I listened. I made friends with the older, more experienced dancers who would have me sit with them and their customers. It took me a bit to learn, but I smoothed my approach out eventually. It`s a continual process, learning this trade
I agree with Alucard. My mentor was a man and he gave meaning to the phrase "If you ain't first, you're last". (Thanks Reece Bobby) I think not being thrown into the "deep end" helped tremendously.
last commenthttp://plightofthestripperherd…
Advice for new girls in the industry from a Bouncer/Host's point of view.
Btw is that pic icon a picture of you? Either way, looks hot!