Learning how to be a stripper

avatar for mjx01
This is mostly aimed at our dancer friends here: how did you learn how to do you job? And I don't mean how did you learn to spin around on a pole. I mean, how did you learn the art of the sale? How did you learn how to handle the inter-personal 'interactions'? Thanks!


last comment
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
I was trained in a extremely strict manner.
avatar for fetish_dancer
13 years ago
I watched. I listened. I made friends with the older, more experienced dancers who would have me sit with them and their customers. It took me a bit to learn, but I smoothed my approach out eventually. It`s a continual process, learning this trade
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Having a Mentor I believe helps. It is better than being thrown into the "deep end" & having to swim right away.
avatar for Shamrock211
13 years ago
I had way too much to say without clogging up your thread, so I posted it here:


Advice for new girls in the industry from a Bouncer/Host's point of view.
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
I agree with Alucard. My mentor was a man and he gave meaning to the phrase "If you ain't first, you're last". (Thanks Reece Bobby) I think not being thrown into the "deep end" helped tremendously.
avatar for Shamrock211
13 years ago
A lot of times, in my experience anyway, its sink or swim...
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
It ain't rocket science!
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
But sucking cock is an art form they should take classes
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
Thanks to all for the responses! at leat the serious ones anyway
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
Mjx01- when I get time, ill give you a more thorough response through pm. It would interest you
avatar for bodaniels26
13 years ago
the one thing that has helped me the most is great customer service skills and always being a sweet gentlewoman.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
You're welcome again Damn it I should charge for this great advice
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
@Stiletto: Tease.
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
@Stiletto: looking forward to it!
avatar for perryellis
13 years ago
@stiletto yea whats up with that, there is no secrets here. Would luv to see that msg as well.

Btw is that pic icon a picture of you? Either way, looks hot!
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