

Tuesday, September 13, 2011 9:51 PM
Got a voicemail tonight from a dancer two days late. I'm a long ways away now and she did know the time would've been two days ago. The message was simple and courteous and tantamount to two people playing phone tag. Suggestions??? beyond sending her a photo of my genitalia (penis helmet for my favorite NFL team is on back order and I want to look my best for the pic!)


  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    What's the question?
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    Suggestion about what?
  • creepshow
    13 years ago
    Go Patriots? I've probably never been more confused by a post here, which says a lot.
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    Wait two more days, then send her a nice, hand written note of apology.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    What's wrong with "Sorry, I'm out of town now, maybe next time," and dropping it? It sounds lime you want a zinger to put her in her place, but is it worth spending more than 15 seconds and the apparent irritation you're feeling?
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    Just more SS. She thinks by offering up some lame, late voice message that you will be grateful nonetheless. No need to be. More clubs and more girls on the road ahead.
    13 years ago
    GMD, I'm likely just to let it go (ie not respond), as the time has passed. And no, I don't feel the need to zing her. Steve, I'd be inclined to write a lengthy note if I could fill it with poetry and pen it in cursive with a large feather one dips in ink. Larry, I believe you've got it. Nice pics Ms. S!
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    I am thinking that this has to do with your recent trip to Toronto. Only one answer - get your ass back to the Cannonball!!
    13 years ago
    Art, you're close. Came back thru Detroit. Met up with a pretty good-looking day shift dancer at a club. Options in the club were limited and so talk shifted to OTC. Turns out she owns an escort service ... She reached into her purse, ripped off a piece of paper and handwrote her info. I called as instructed but never connected with her. Last night, though, the 'CEO' got back to me (well, left a voicemail). I haven't replied and don't think I'm going to. One more wrinkle to the story: Her friend came in to apply for a dancer job at the club while I was watching the 'CEO' on stage. I was seated near both the stage and the door, fyi. The manager and bouncer interviewed the gal (a 7 in looks and about 22-25 in age) and at one point I saw her raise her arms and turn around to show off her figure (no, still fully clothed). They then hired her and gave her a start date for the following week. How do I know this? After they hired her she came and joined me at my table to watch her friend on stage. That's when she told me the info I've relayed. But then they chased her out, probably seeing she and I were getting friendly with each other as the reason, something which would deter my patronizing the other dancers on shift. My question, and no this really wasn't in my head at the time, is with the club being one where extras happen frequently and she having just been hired on as dancer talent, do you think that gal would've been 99% or better interested in OTC income???
  • bodaniels26
    13 years ago
    you forgot to pay her that is what was so important.
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