How many of you have Dougster on ignore?

avatar for mikeya02
Yeah I'm pulling his chain, but I find his name calling and hissy fits both amusing and annoying. Just curious.


last comment
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
avatar for rell
washington dc
13 years ago
ive seen him on here.. i dont have him on ignore..hes kinda funny to me
I think Dougster keeps (or tries to) the white knights and pl's that fall in love with strippers on here honest and grounded. Don't ever change my man!
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Not me. He can say anything he wants. Doesn't mean we have to read it if we disagree.
avatar for uscue13
13 years ago
I don't but while I'm here, is there a Dougster and a Dudester? Or am I mis-remembering?
Yes. Dougster is in Seattle. Dudester in in Houston.

The only ones I have on ignore are the scammers.
I don't find any of the regular contributors to the discussions to be obnoxious or offensive. In fact, I'm surprised at how nice everyone is.

I belong to a discussion group devoted to serious literature, and many of the posters engage in vicious attacks on each other. It's comforting to find that strip club enthusiasts are more mature.
avatar for troop
13 years ago
this is the 2nd do you have doug on ignore thread i've seen here.
although i know a couple people do i don't have him on ignore, i have no problem with him.
i know he rubs some people the wrong way but no doubt i do too.
are there some here that i don't like? absolutely but i'm not putting them on ignore!
i won't speak for doug but in my case i try to get along with and respect everyone as long as they do the same towards me. the exceptions are the lurkers that come here and don't contribute anything but post looking for intel. my thoughts are that you should get involved and share something before you expect help like you're entitled to it. prove yourself before you start taking.
i do have 2 scamming/spammers from the past on ignore and i really should put the "big zero fart sniffing blkstripclub p.o.s. spammer" on ignore but i do delight in yanking his chain and every time he shows up i pm a headsup to founder who usually removes his self serving spam ads fairly quickly.
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
Jackslash- Serious literature enthusiasts and vicious attacks?

Alucard- I'm memorized by the penis in your profile pic.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"Alucard- I'm memorized by the penis in your profile pic"

Like it Stiletto? LOL
Stiletto, how do you know that penis remembers you? :)))
avatar for rell
washington dc
13 years ago
lol @ troop i knew you were going to mention him.. lol he hasnt shown up here in alittle while.... hes a character
Stiletto: "Jackslash- Serious literature enthusiasts and vicious attacks?"

Yeah. Someone will give an interpretation of a James Joyce story, and a person who disagrees will say the poster is an ignorant degenerate who lacks honesty and integrity. Then they will go back and forth for days.

At least in this discussion group, people seem to understand that they can have differences of opinion and taste without disliking each other.
avatar for LeeH
13 years ago
I've had him on iggy for so long, I had almost forgotten that waste of perfectly good carbon existed. Thanks a pantload for reminding me.
avatar for LeeH
13 years ago
@magicrat, by being so misogynistic that he makes Eminem look like Gloria Steinem?
it's a balance LeeH. How many "is it possible to love a stripper?" threads have we had here lately? Lot of people go overboard with their comments, mostly toward the mushy love toward strippers/aren't they great. I just think it's ok to have one dissenting opinion at the other extreme. Plus I'm sure nobody on this board knows what Dougster's real opinion of women is, or yours, or mine for that matter. Let's just all get along and look at some tits!
I love tits !!
avatar for troop
13 years ago
jackslash, you're an ignorant degenerate who lacks honesty and integrity.

just kidding ;-)
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Is Dougster the lying thieving whore?
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
It's actually "all strippers are stupid, lying, thieving whores"*

*© 2008 - Any use of this phrase without Dougster's express written consent is prohibited.
avatar for txtittyfan
13 years ago
Douchester is the result of stupid, lying, thieving whores reproducing.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
Ah, some real poor babies in this thread. So sad.
avatar for LeeH
13 years ago
@magicrat: "it's a balance LeeH."

In order for it to be anything near a balance, we'd have to have the testimonies of at least 1000 guys who paid $1,000,000 for the opportunity to lick the sole of a stripper's shoe after she had waded through 3 miles of sewage.

"nobody on this board knows what Dougster's real opinion of women is"

Beyond irrelevant. I'm not condemning the idiot. (OK, maybe some.) But I don't want to read his bullshit -- which is what he spreads -- what his real opinion is has no bearing on this board.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
I don't use the ignore. I can do that without help.
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
You betcha.
I've had Fagster on ignore for so long now that I'd hoped he/she/it was looooong gone from this board. But with ignore, it doesn't even matter. Bwahahahaha!

Thank you, founder, for the ignore feature. It's a godsend.
avatar for mikeya02
13 years ago
Oh, by the way Dougster, I never said I put you on ignore, get your facts straight! And you do have a shit fit when someone doesnt agree with you, a baby.
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
@GMD- They all do :)
Stiletto: Literally LOL! And since I'm at work, I can't even tell anyone why!
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"@GMD- They all do :)"

I Believe that! LOL
avatar for looneylarry
13 years ago
Stiletto, regarding Alucard's profile, did you mean "memorialized"? Or "mesmerized"? I'm impressed by your self-confidence. I'm also amazed at the girl's stamina in the profile.
avatar for LeeH
13 years ago
mikeya02: "And you [Dougster] do have a shit fit when someone doesnt agree with you"

Yet another reason to have Dougster on iggy
"In order for it to be anything near a balance, we'd have to have the testimonies of at least 1000 guys who paid $1,000,000 for the opportunity to lick the sole of a stripper's shoe after she had waded through 3 miles of sewage."

Good one got a laugh out of me on that one.
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
@looneylarry- I actually meant mesmerized. My auto correct on my smartphone has its own ideas.
avatar for Fenster
13 years ago
I just assumed that the Ignore function was created for just this one person.
The only people I have on ignore are the spammers and one other person who only posted political stuff, nothing about strip clubs at all.

This is gonna sound condescending or patronizing, but it's not intended that way. Reading some of Dougster's posts is like looking into a virtual mirror sometimes. A "there but for the grace of my wife, go I" sort of thing. Obviously, I don't know if he has the same issue as I did, but the symptoms are similar. He does serve as a reminder of why I turned away from that road, though.
avatar for rell
washington dc
13 years ago
36 comments on here.. wow doug your a popular dude
avatar for runrdude
13 years ago
25, you should check out Pretty funny stuff.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
@rell: actually, except for the known idiots and cry babies, I see quite a few positive comments here about me. Think the thread backfired on the OP. :-)
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
If I had someone on ignore, I might miss out on something that causes others to put someone on ignore. I may not read off-topic posts, but I am aware that they occurred.
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