An August 6 review of the Penthouse Club in Detroit says that the dancers now start out in evening gowns. The Flight Club made this change some months ago, so Alan, the owner of both, must like the look. What do you guys think? Does a long evening gown add some class or style to a strip club?
I'm really not a fan of it... some clubs go so far as make the girl start out wearing an evening gown and then remove it on every dance on stage. I think it's alright if it's done at the beginning of a shift or ocassionally. That being said, when a girl wears it and it's not required I find myself very intrigued by what's beneath it and quickly want to tip the girl to get her to take it off!
Yes, it does add an element of class. It's how dancers down at his other club , The Flight Club are wearing too. Back in the 90's here in Detroit, many clubs had their dancers wearing classy outfits. Like chimark, notes, I am intrigued by what is under it.
The dancers dislike it because they get charged $90 for them and have to buy new ones if the old ones get ruined. They do look good on some dancers but others have their tattoos covered so it is misleading
I have one fave who wears long gowns sometimes even though no one else in the club does. She is classy enough to pull it off and I like it on her, but don't think it's a good idea for every stripper.
I read the review, samsung1 and there always have been a few dancers from time to time there that claim they don't do extras. They usually don't last long, they either leave or learn to cater to their customers.
Since most dancers give boring stage dances, this is a new gimmick to get the customer to notice the dancer. Also, it helps with the illusion of upscale style as part of the fantasy. Hell, I'm thinking of wearing my tuxedo to a club and asking a dancer to put on her evening gown for our dinner date. Just a random thought.
I am ok with evening gowns but I think that they are rather silly in the raunchy atmosphere of the SC. I would also think that most dancers have no life experience with evening gowns. Trailer trash dancers in evening gowns are still trailer trash dancers. Let the girls wear what they are comfortable with and what we customers have come to expect.
In a fit of idiocy I once wore my tux (and all the rigging) to a SC in Toronto after attending an industry gala. I was swarmed by the girls and I left the club with a ruined tux covered with pussy glitter. Ever since I wear only disposable clothes to SCs and I expect nothing more than that from the dancers.
My original ATF always wore an evening gown at the club and she was by far the most popular dancer to ever work there. So on her it worked. But it isn't for every one.
yup, fuck the evening gowns! they cover up things like cellulite and other imperfections. i want em naked so that i can avoid the ones that don't meet my physical qualifications.
I don't like evening gowns or any other element of fake upper class club. I like classy dancers not some one or some club pretending to be. Maybe I've just had bad expeiences with fake ass corporate clubs pretending to be upper class.
I've only really seen this once and that was in Orlando. They have to use any gimmick they can to entice customers. I like it to some extent, but perhaps that was just because it was different. Like it has been said, it is intriguing to wonder what is under the gown. But on the flip side, there can be nasty surprises under it, since so many imperfections can be hidden.
Bottom line, the individual dancer has the class or doesn't, no matter what she wears.
last commentIn a fit of idiocy I once wore my tux (and all the rigging) to a SC in Toronto after attending an industry gala. I was swarmed by the girls and I left the club with a ruined tux covered with pussy glitter. Ever since I wear only disposable clothes to SCs and I expect nothing more than that from the dancers.
One of the greatest sentences I have read on TUSCL! It just struck me as hilarious. I will carry that mental picture around all day.
Bottom line, the individual dancer has the class or doesn't, no matter what she wears.