avatar for dirt234
In many discussions and reviews people tend to use a lot of abbreviations. Many of them I have no idea what they mean. Can you please post some of the abbreviastions you use and tell me what they mean?



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avatar for rell
14 years ago
lol.. there used to be a glossry of these terms .. ROB.. i cant even remember..
otc= outside the club
itc=inside the club
ymmv= your mileage may vary
avatar for rell
14 years ago
my bad its at the bottom of the home page
avatar for creepshow
14 years ago
ROB is a rip off bitch.
avatar for ArtCollege
14 years ago
and if it's not in the Glossary on this site, look it up on That's where I learned about BLS.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
CIMNQNS Cum In Mouth, No Quit, No Spit
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
WTF means "What The Fuck"
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
gmd = georgmicrodong
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
I thought that gmd = Genuine Miller Draft.
avatar for wallanon
14 years ago
MGD. Miller's in front.
avatar for wallanon
14 years ago
Which was fresh in mind because I was trying to find something "domestic" I was willing to drink during the $3 happy hour at some random club today. MGD would have done it, but no luck. Got rail vodka in a gunned energy drink instead for $4. Wonder how much a Red Bull and vodka that didn't taste like sweetened piss would've run...
avatar for newmark
14 years ago
"Tits" means those wonderfully smooth and firm orbs of pleasure attached to the pectoral region of the adult human female, usually capped by highly sensitive and excitable tissue called "nipples"
avatar for Rod8432
14 years ago
dirt234 - FYI, if you want the MO for acronyms, head PDQ to:…. IMHO, it's the SC Q&A bible on the subject. 10-4
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

That is mgd. :)
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

AKA, chestal appendages. Just how many "names" are there for breasts? Just about anything you wish to call them, it seems. Not that it makes a bit of sense, but I could see a couple of guys walking down the street, and one say to the other, "Look at the lawnmowers on that babe!"
avatar for rh48hr
14 years ago
Here are George Carlin's list of names for breasts enjoy!

apples balcony
balloons bangers
bazongas bean bags
big brown eyes bon-bons
boobies boobs
bottles boulders
bullets busters
bumpers butterbags
cantelopes gazongas
glands globes
grapefruits guavas
handful hand-warmers
headers headlights
hills honkers
hooters howitizers
jaboos jibs
jugs jumbos
kazongas knobs
knockers lactoids
loaves loblollies
love bubbles love muffins
lulus lungs
mammets mams
mangoes meatballs
meat loaves melons
milk cans milkshop
mounds mount of lillies
mountains muffins
mulligans murphies
nancies nature's fonts
niblets ninnies
nippers nodules
noogies nubbies
nuts oranges
orbs ottomans
pair nuts oranges
orbs ottomans
pair palookas
papayas paps
peaches peaks
pears pects
peepers pillows
pips pokers
pontoons potatoes
pumpkins pumps
rib cushions roundies
sandbags scones
scoops set
shakers shimmies
skin sacks snuggle pups
spheres spuds
stacks stuffing
sweater meat sweet rools
swingers tamales
tetons tidbits
tits titters
titties tomatoes
tooters torpedoes
twangers twin peaks
twofers umlauts
upper deck waldos
warheads warts
watermelons whoppers
wobblers wongas
yabbos yams
avatar for 10inches
14 years ago
pussy = that furry little patch between her legs that is the object of all mens' desire !!!!
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
USA = Collection of huge individuals that still enjoy their freedom, albeit eroded.
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
Huge as in huge numbers. LOL
avatar for TABB
14 years ago
@rh48hr-WTF that is amazing list.
avatar for rh48hr
14 years ago
Its from Carlin's "Incomplete List of Impolite Words" saw him in concert when he read off the list and it is hilarious. Here is a link.…
avatar for dirt234
13 years ago
Didn't realize there was a glossary! Thanks!
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