
Have you ever felt like you spent like a drunk sailor one night after watching y

I guess I think about how much I spent sometimes the next day or when I realize I spent almost all the cash in my wallet. I think my weakness is a lot of hot dancers giving me a lot of attention. I do remember times when the strip clubs were a lot busier and you wouldn't have as much attention. I guess things stay hot or cold for a while. Maybe very hot dancers make guys stop thinking rationally. I think I read that was true.


  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    I sometimes do the count of shame after leaving a club. I walk with a X-number of $20s in my wallet and walk out with X minus whatever I spent, and sometimes I'm thinking geez, that's a lot of money. Added up over the course of a year, and I'm pounding through thousands of dollars.

    Then a few nights go by and I'm thinking I need to hit the club again, and in I walk with my X-number of $, ready to do it all again.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    Sometimes it seems like you're a dancer vending machine. $8 dancer drink there, another one there, $10 table dance there, oh, you want another don't you?, ok. Then repeat for the next dancer. Your own drinks are about $4 a piece or more in some clubs just for a single beer. Then lap dances seem like a bargain at two for $30 in another club. It's not hard to see money go by fast. Then you wonder, what did I spend all that money on? $10 cover to get into one club, $5 for another, tips to dancers on stage, yep, it goes fast. You might think Ben Bernanke or someone was printing it or something, lol. Too bad they don't give it to us for free to boost the economy. All of us strip club fans could quickly distribute tons of cash into the economy.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    This might seem contrary to what some strip club managers think, but I always seem to spend more money in clubs where it seems like I'm getting more of a bargain. Lower the beer prices and I spend even more on beer than I would have at the higher price. Lower lap dance prices and I spend a lot more on lap dances than I would have at the old price. If every manager figured that out, I'd really be in trouble along with some other people. It's a lot easier to say no to something that seems like the price is way too high.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    That explains why I thought I wasn't going to spend much money one night at Platinum Plus in Columbia. I thought I read dancers were charging $30 a dance on Saturday night. Then I went and dancers immediately offered me bargains like two for $25 or two for $20. I was prepared to say no thanks all night and just watch the dancers on stage.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    When the dancers are hot, I always spend like a drunken sailor.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    I could NEVER spend money like a drunken sailor. I am able to spend money like a drunken oilman, however.

    That state of sobriety often seems to go hand-in-hand with my SC visits.
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