TUSCL Helping me choose the right dancer.

avatar for chukko
The other day, I went to the Harem in Dayton, OH. I went, because I wanted to confirm the rumors of 2-for-1 being offered during the daytime and the rumors are true. At night it does happen every once in awhile, but the whole 2 hours that I was their during the day, that's all I was offered which was great.

The first dancer I got dances was from a petite brunette who used to be a cheerleader and gymnast as a kid and it showed from her excellent shape and high flying acrobatics on stage. She also has niche for wearing fuzzy boots. I forgot her name, but if you've been here then you know the one. Her dances were decent, with mainly one way non frisky contact.

After then, I was approached by several girls for dances. When I go to clubs, I make sure to tip every girl on stage atleast once. It isn't much, but it gets me attention as a spender. Of the girls that approached me, they all said that they gave the best dances, and when asked to describe them they just said that you'll have to see. So I declined and waited patiently.

Eventually I was approached by a dancer who sat down and talked to me for a bit. She told me that she lives in columbus and commutes here for work. That got me interested. I asked about if it was worth the drive and why she would come out here. She said because she can give naughtier dances out here in dayton. She asked if I wanted some naughty dances.

In a normal situation, a SS flag would go off I would remain skeptical, but I recalled reading an article written here on TUSCL by samsung1 that gave a thorough description of all the Ohio strip club area descriptions http://www.tuscl.net/postread.… Also from reviews and personal experience, I know that laws are stricter in columbus and a little more lax (but not completely) in dayton so I took her story as high possiblity and worth checking out her dances.

I wasn't let down. Almost the whole time during the 4 dances I got, she groping me through the pants with her hand and mouth. For a dayton dance, that is a lot. Well the point of this story is to give light to how TUSCL can help make better judgement calls when clubbing. Feel free to comment or post your similar good decisions that have been influenced by TUSCL talk.


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avatar for dudeanonymous
14 years ago
Nice to hear that ss1's advice worked out for you, but perhaps you should work some of this into a review of the club?
avatar for chukko
14 years ago
Yah I plan to, just wanted to put it in a place to get commentary on and didn't want to wait for the approval process for the review. I might drop the dancers name or something.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
Unless the dancer agreed to the name dropping, I suggest you don't. She might not appreciated being outed as a "naughty" dancer.
avatar for johnbrwon001
14 years ago
I was in Indy and bored and checked out a few clubs which were holes-in-the-wall and a waste of time. Then I found tuscl and saw that Brad's Brass Flamingo was in the top ten which was weird to me since you can't get fully nude in Indiana but when I actually got there and had a dancer basically took my hands and molested herself with them I figured out why.

Also stopped by Hip Hugger in Kokomo due to tuscl.

Eventually I want to hit Adelita's. Have friends in the San Diego area whom I've visited but back then I didn't know about Adelita or Hong Kong so never made the border crossing. If I ever visit them again I know I'll be spending some time south of the border.
avatar for troop
14 years ago
like georg said, don't mention her name, unless she's a rob, then out her thieving lying ass, lol
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