
A good person to buy a lap dance for

Weiner admits he sent lewd picture; won't quit
By BETH FOUHY, Associated Press
NEW YORK – After days of denials, a choked-up Rep. Anthony Weiner confessed Monday that he tweeted a photo of his bulging underpants to a young woman, and he also admitted to "inappropriate" exchanges with six women before and after he got married. He apologized for lying but said he would not resign.
"This was me doing a dumb thing and doing it repeatedly and lying about it," the 46-year-old New York Democrat said after a week of double-entendre headlines and late-night wisecracks full of Weiner jokes.
House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi immediately called for an ethics committee investigation into whether Weiner broke House rules.
The congressman — who was widely expected to run for mayor of New York in 2013 — said at a half-hour news conference that he had never personally met any of the women he corresponded with online and sometimes via telephone over the past three years, and was not even sure of their ages. He also said he had never had sex outside of his marriage.
He said he did not feel the scandal affected his work as a lawmaker but would understand if his constituents decided not to re-elect him. "I'm going to work very hard to win back their trust," he said.
Weiner said he used his home computer and personal Blackberry, not government computers, in his exchanges with the women. But that may not protect him from House rules that say a member "shall conduct himself at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House."
On numerous occasions, the House ethics committee has cited that general rule in finding a representative violated standards of conduct.
Weiner said over and over that he had made "terrible mistakes" and done "a very dumb thing" for which he alone bore responsibility, and he apologized repeatedly to his wife, Huma Abedin.
"My wife is a remarkable woman. She's not responsible for any of this," he said. "I apologize to her very deeply."
Abedin did not attend his news conference, but Weiner said they would not be separating over the scandal.
The scandal unfolded more than a week ago when a conservative website reported that a photo of a man's crotch had been sent from Weiner's Twitter account to a college student in Seattle.
For days, Weiner claimed that he hadn't sent the photo and that he was the victim of a hacker. But he caused guffaws when he said that he couldn't say with "certitude" that the underwear shot was not a picture of him.
The scandal escalated Monday when the website, BigGovernment.com, run by conservative activist Andrew Breitbart, posted photos purportedly from a second woman who said she received shirtless shots of the congressman. The site said the pictures were in a cache of intimate online photographs, chats and email exchanges the woman claimed to have. The website did not identify the woman.
One photo showed Weiner on a couch with two cats nearby. The website said Weiner sent the photo using the anthonyweiner(at)aol.com account with the subject line "Me and the pussys."
Also, the celebrity website RadarOnline.com said a woman claimed to have 200 sexually explicit messages from Weiner through a Facebook account that Weiner no longer uses. It was not clear whether the woman who claimed to have the new photo was the person who claimed to have received the text messages.

At Monday's news conference, Weiner said he sent the underpants photo as a joke and called it a "hugely regrettable mistake."
"I haven't told the truth and have done things I deeply regret," he said. "I brought pain to people I care about."
ABC News said Monday it planned to air an interview with a Texas woman, Meagan Broussard, who claims to be one of the women who exchanged messages with Weiner. The 26-year-old single mother said she has dozens of emails, Facebook messages and cell phone logs that document more than a month of flirting that started on April 20.
In a strange turn before Weiner's planned news conference, Breitbart took to the podium, defending the accuracy of his posts and saying his reputation was being smeared by the congressman
The picture showing Weiner shirtless was reminiscent of a photo of former Rep. Chris Lee, a New York Republican who abruptly resigned from office earlier this year after a shirtless photo he sent a woman on Craigslist became public.
Weiner married Abedin, an aide to Hillary Rodham Clinton, last July, with former President Bill Clinton officiating. Before that, Weiner had been known as one of New York's most eligible bachelors.
Weiner began his career as a legislative assistant to then-Rep. Chuck Schumer, now a senator. He was elected to the New York City Council before winning Schumer's House seat in 1998, representing parts of Brooklyn and Queens.
Earlier Monday before Weiner's public admission, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg was asked whether the congressman could continue to effectively represent New Yorkers.
"It's always up to the constituents," Bloomberg said, adding that it was "time to get back and focus on the serious things."
Weiner gained a national profile during the debate over President Barack Obama's health care plan when he outspokenly professed support for a government-run "single-payer" program for everyone and later a "public option" to compete with private health insurance. He got the notice of liberals even though both proposals failed to make it into law


  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    He's served 12 years. He doesn't need anymore. He should get a real job.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    abused is probably more apt than served but yes send his dumb ass out to pasture.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    I always thought he was an idiot, but he didn't have to prove it so well!
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    Let him that has never texted his fav cast the first stone...
  • troop
    13 years ago
    i haven't so i'll cast another stone against a career politician who lies and abuses his power!
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Well, steve229, I can understand your point, but I've never sent pics of my erect "bulge" to anyone. We'll see how long he lasts in Washington, now.
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    If there's not already, there should be a PR playbook for public figures who get nailed doing this stuff. How many times must we witness these clumsy denials, dismissive attitudes, and convoluted stories? From Ted Haggard, to Bill Clinton, to John Edwards, and now to Weiner, the same pathetic script plays out every time. After much grimacing and protestations about how incredibly stupid they were (which I suspect only pertains in their mind to getting caught), they only further hurt any attempt to recover, unless they're garnering air time in order to make a comeback as a hack reporter/pundit (e.g., Eliot Spitzer).
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Weiner showed his wiener. Now his is a whiner.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    What's with today's politicians and sex scandals? These guys are the least sexy men around. Why don't they focus on taking bribes and and undermining the constitution like Nixon and Agnew?
  • Prim0
    13 years ago
    He's only been married about a year....why did he bother. If you want to play around, don't get married. Is that so hard? And if it is to hard...don't get caught!
  • brahma
    13 years ago
    It's a pattern. Who else has something to hide? After the Tiger woods scandal (Even though he's not a politician) I haven't be able to look any any high profile person as really clean. It's just about who has been caught. After all, every man has his vice and I feel like the body of congress all look at each other each day and wonder who will get caught next so they can stand up claim moral superiority while hiding their own dirt. And you can almost guess that if someone is not a thief or violent offender then chances are they cheated on their spouse because they feel like they are a good person not hurting anyone and deserve a little fun.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    It's getting worse, too. News reports today say the guy who released the intial Twitter info has some really funky (sexually explicit) messages that he has, that so far he isn't releasing, but will do so if necessary.
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    This headline made me chuckle:

    "Nancy Pelosi calls for House to probe Weiner"
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    sweet, steve229 !! LMAO
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    I saw a PDF transcript of a chat with some girl in Vegas. Starts innocent enough, but doesn't end that way.
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