
Hi I am Mindnight

Saturday, May 21, 2011 11:22 AM
Hi you guys my names is Midnight and i Work at shark lounge i am a 20 year old multi racial woman i have been working at shark since 18 and i just got a chance to read over the reviews yes we do have a different choice of woman and yes we do have a bad rep but we are still dancers who are ether had some rough times in our life and cant get a job but really half of us are not drug heads looking for the next fix working at sharks Ive seen alot of different woman at different parts of their lives come in shark but no they all weren't bad i love my job its fun to me thank you guys who gave me reviews good or bad. I love the girls and the people i would interact with. All the girls that work at shark do their job even tho some aren't as talented with the pole as i am. its not because they just dont want to do it its hard to do pole tricks guys yo do it then say it easy even the best girls hurt them selves on the pole or fall. I LOVE THE SHARK LOUNGE LIKE THEY SAY YOU CAN TAKE THE DANCER OUT THE CLUB BUT YOU CANT TAKE THE DANCER OUT THE CLUB.


  • Ironcat
    13 years ago
    I wonder what the last line in your post means. I hope your dances are better than your writing skills.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    so where are your pics?
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Welcome Midnightshark6 to TUSCL.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Always glad to hear from a dancer ever if she's semi-literate.
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    A steve229 welcome: But when I’m in doubt, I open my mouth And words come out, words come out, like baby, there’s a shark in the water... I caught them barking at the moon
  • GoVikings
    13 years ago
    Multi-racial? I like the sound of that.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Gots to luv are edukationel sistum!
  • Realist123
    13 years ago
    Do you got some big tittays?
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    hope to see some hot pics of you baby!!
  • gsv
    13 years ago
    > I LOVE THE SHARK LOUNGE LIKE THEY SAY YOU CAN TAKE THE DANCER OUT THE CLUB BUT YOU CANT TAKE THE DANCER OUT THE CLUB. Not sure what that means... Anyway, now that you are here, post up some pics!
  • mmdv26
    13 years ago
    Welcome MidDnightJshark6. I got your last sentence, it was secret code that maybe you aren't a dancer at all...
  • EarlTee
    13 years ago
    I believe the saying is "You can take the dancer out of the club if you want to put your club into the dancer."
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