
so i decided to go

Tuesday, May 17, 2011 3:18 AM
about a week ago i asked you guys if you all thought it would be worth taking a 28 hour trip to go to tj and visit hong kong, adelitas ect... well i thought long and hard about it and decided that i have to go at least once in my life, i am going to take the bus so at least i won't have to drive and i am going to spend two nights over there next month. if you guys have any advice or pointers that you would like to provide please do, i feel like i am going to have lots of fun and it will be worth the trip what do you all think?


  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    I will agree that the rewards could be great, but from my single Mexican experience, don't do it. Now that was in a different part of Mexico, so things may be much better in TJ, just as they are in different cities in the US.
  • chris.s
    13 years ago
    which part of mexico did you go to clubber and when?
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Are you really going to spend the night in TJ, or are you going to come back to the US?
  • Clubber
    13 years ago

    It was "Boy's Town" in Nuevo Laredo. The date was, and I know it well, 6/13/2001. I visited the
    Tamyko and Marabu clubs. You can see the reviews on here. To be honest, I couldn't wait to get out of Mexico. The street scenes were very distressful to me. I don't know if what I saw is typical or not, but I would bet it is in the border towns.
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    Clubber - I read your reviews of Tamyko and Marabu. Couple questions:

    1) When you referred to the two "women," why did you use quotes - were they simply scary/ugly, or possibly TVs or transsexuals?

    2) When you said the "the street scenes were very distressful," are you referring to the poverty? If so, I was in Juarez a few years back and can concur. I couldn't wait to leave.
  • mmdv26
    13 years ago
    I visited Boy's Town in the early 70's. It was cold, rainy and the streets were muddy. Five of us squeezed in the front door of a small room to watch a "mother and daughter" dildo show on a bed. Then we all went to the bar, drank cerveza, bought drinks for girls, and got laid. TJ, 30 years later, was modern by comparison - same crappy buildings but paved streets.

    I don't think I would stay overnight in TJ especially on my first visit. The Motel Seis might not be what you are used to.
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    I can't speak to the clubs specifically, since I was with the wife when I visited TJ. But I will say this: there was a completely different vibe between daylight and dusk. We went on a Saturday. I was generally surprised by the relatively modern buildings in downtown. There were some dirt-poor people but they looked like Guatemalans selling handcrafts off of blankets on the ground. The shops didn't have ridiculously low prices like I expected. There was lots of electronics, cameras, wood-carvings, leather goods, and polished stone chess sets. There were plenty of street vendors selling roasted corn and stuff. I was surprised at how aggressively the barkers would be in trying to grab you and push you into their clubs and promise you that there were plenty of girls inside. But it was reasonably safe and warm and festive.

    As the sun started going down, however, most people quickly took off, all of the shops shut down, and pulled the metal grates over the doors and windows. Families disappeared and I sensed some desperation. Almost like in the Western when the townspeople skipped town because the bad guys were soon going to ride in. I told my wife that if someone had drug us into an alley and knifed us, no one would ever know. As everyone fled, we got out of there, too. Admittedly, much of the violence is gang-on-gang, so if you use your head you should be able to stay out of trouble. But I do think that going solo has risks, probably much like going into a seedier part of Brooklyn, Chicago, or Detroit at night.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Keep your passport on you at all times, even while sleeping.
  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    If you're staying in San Diego, make your hotel reservations long in advance.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago

    In order...

    1) When you referred to the two "women," why did you use quotes - were they simply scary/ugly, or possibly TVs or transsexuals? SCARY/UGLY!!!

    2) When you said the "the street scenes were very distressful," are you referring to the poverty? If so, I was in Juarez a few years back and can concur. I couldn't wait to leave. Yes. One particular scene was some young fellow, couldn't have been over 5-6 selling drugs. Pushing mostly Viagra.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago

    You need a passport now? I just needed a Birth Certificate.


    The only place I was offered a donkey show. Passed on that one!
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    "I just needed a Birth Certificate."

    Long form?
  • Clubber
    13 years ago

    I figured I'd get some comment on that, but it was just a certified copy with the embossed seal.

    Speaking of seals'''

  • wwpmi
    13 years ago
    don't know if I would spend the night in TJ but there is a site http://www.tjamigos.com where I would spend some time prior to heading accross the boarder. I have always used a passport and would expect long line at the boarder on your return to the US even if your walking. I have always felt saft but never leave the zona area. I take a cab as soon as I cross over and take a cab from the zona to the boarder. It's only $5 each way and a tip of $1 will be appriceated.Do your research prior and you should have a great experiance. I still have not done an overnight but have thought about it. Hong Kong has a website and you can reserve an overnight the rooms are small compared to US standards but recently renewed and would be ok for 24 to 36 hours.Good luck and report back. Also PM me for more details.
  • wwpmi
    13 years ago
    sorry "safe"
  • GoVikings
    13 years ago
    All you have to pay is $70-$80 at Adelita and the women are Latina? Seems too good to be true.

    chris.s, can I please go with you so I can find out?
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